February 27, 2007, - 3:03 pm

Feel Old?: Hanson Brothers Turn 30

If you are a hockey fan (the kind that used to have the fighting), as I am, you know that the second greatest hockey movie is “Slap Shot.” Sorry, Canadians, but the best hockey movie is “” (about the 1980 U.S. Olympic Hockey Team).
And if you are a “Slap Shot” fan, you might feel old to reckon with the fact that “Slap Shot” turned 30 over the weekend. 30 years ago, in 1977, Reggie “Reg” Dunlop (Paul Newman), the Charlestown Chiefs, and the brawling Hanson brothers–actors Jeff and Steve Carlson and David Hanson–made their debut.
Though minor league hockey has changed a lot in those 30 years, as the NHL has expanded, the movie stands the test of time as one of the great sports comedies on the silver screen.

Of Interest:
* The Hanson Brothers Official Website
* Detroit Newsistan sports columnist John Niyo’s piece, today, “‘Slap Shot’: Now This is Hockey.”

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7 Responses

tin foil, slot cars, its all right there!!
this team was modelled after the johnstown chiefs in PA and old timey hockey everywhere. I once lived out in grand haven michigan and didnt make any friends until I started playing drop in on thursday nights with all the cops and firefighters.
the wife and kids were all in the bed and the boys could slip out for 2 hours for ten bucks and play with all the local jukebox heroes. the same cop that just busted them for speeding could be on their team and it was a great leveler.
after that wherever i went there was someone that I had run into on the ice.
how much better than a world of subarus and suttle aggression for no reason..

playertwo on February 27, 2007 at 3:27 pm

It is much too bad that our dear old “Bushy” tailed commander-in-chief does not know how to play WAR HOCKEY. You might send him DVDs of “Slap Shot” and “Miracle” to wake him up. Put a note- From your old pals, “Shock and Awe.”

Happiness Pursuer on February 27, 2007 at 3:32 pm

slap shot rates as the funniest sports movie out there. for baseball its the bad news bears and bull durham, football its noth dallas forty and basketball its that movie from the 80’s with gabe kaplan in it, must we not forget the greatest sports movie of all time Artie Lange Beer league the greatsest sports flic ever this movie also has comeback actor of the year Ralph Macchino in it

PNAMARBLE on February 27, 2007 at 5:43 pm

ìSorry, Canadians, but the best hockey movie is “Miracle” (about the 1980 U.S. Olympic Hockey Team).î
Here we go.
EVERYBODY in Canada knows, ìThe Rocketî about Maurice Richard and produced by Alliance Atlantis two years ago is, hands down, the best hockey movie ever.
Yves Beaupre labeled it, ìthe best sports drama since Raging Bull!î
Remember THE ROCKET is about a legend in hockeyÖnot a one-hit wonder ~

The Canadien on February 27, 2007 at 6:01 pm

So where does The Mighty Ducks 3 fall into the great hockey movie line up ?

Joeybats on February 28, 2007 at 12:25 pm

Sorry Canadian, I love the sport (Best Ever Invented) and I love my Northern neighbors for inventing it, but for sheer greatness, you have to go with “Miracle”. Yes, “The Rocket” was great, far better than Gretzky in my opinion. But when you think what a bunch of amateur kids did to what was inarguably the best hockey team in the world, there is no comparrison. I remember sitting with my three year old son on my lap watching the semi final game against the Russian team (The real one, not the movie), yelling my brains out at the television with tears streaming down my cheeks. I also enjoyed “Slap Shot” because it reminded me of the pick up pond games we played as kids and the organized games my three sons played growing up. I remember being incredibly proud of my son Brendan while watching him play one night at 1:30 AM (Thats the only time they could get the ice). He had taken a stick accross the chin and was bleeding all accross the front of his sweater, but refused to leave the game because there were still 5 minutes to go and they were tied. Hockey is the greatest sport for building character.

Architect on February 28, 2007 at 12:38 pm

Very funny movie!

Gorgar on March 1, 2007 at 7:25 am

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