February 13, 2012, - 11:35 pm
Sports Columnist Says Asians Have Small Penis – Did He Get to Keep His Job b/c He’s Black?
As most readers know, I’m no fan of political correctness and think there’s a lot of overreaction, such as when Roland Martin tweeted, last week, against men in pink suits (and got suspended by CNN). Please, people, get a sense of humor and take that protruding vertical thing out of your but. But there’s a second kind of political correctness I’m also not a fan of: the double standard applied to minorities who get to keep their jobs after making politically incorrect statements, while non-minorities are usually fired. And that’s the case with a tweet by FOX Sports columnist Jason Whitlock, who gets to keep his job at FOX Sports after tweeting the stereotype that Asian men have very small penises.

Whether or not there is some statistically factual basis to this claim, he was tweeting about Jeremy Lin, the New York Knicks player who is 6′ 3″ and not likely challenged in the “size” department, not that it matters. Whitlock wrote:
Some lucky lady in NYC is gonna feel a couple inches of pain tonight.
Is this really the first thing that came to his mind when Lin scored 38 points against the Lakers? Really? This isn’t about political correctness. It’s about Jason Whitlock being a twisted pervert (and I think I’ve located the real reason he made this comment: he has a thing for Asian strippers–see the photo–and is worried about competition). I’ve praised Whitlock on this site, before (and no, he’s not “my hero”–that was a headline), but this tweet was definitely low-class. And here’s a tip for Whitlock: the ethnic groups that have smaller penises statistically are also the ones that have, statistically, larger brains and vastly higher IQs. Read “Bell Curve: Intelligence and Class Structure in American Life,” honey. OOPS, did I just make a politically incorrect statement and generalize like Jason Whitlock did? But I’m White, so I don’t have the privilege of saying so, while he does.
Whitlock quickly apologized and got to keep his job. He wasn’t even suspended. On the other hand, ESPN fired Rush Limbaugh for raising a legitimate question about the media’s promotion of Black quarterbacks and fired Hank Williams, Jr. for mentioning Hitler when talking about a John Boehner golf outing with Barack Obama. And I wonder if an Asian guy sent a tweet about Black men’s penis size, would he still have a job? We know a White guy would have been fired, since Rush and Hank were sent packing for far less.
And Whitlock–who claims to be politically incorrect and hated by fellow Blacks who “think I’m a sellout” and Whites who “think I’m a racist”–isn’t so politically incorrect or truthful anymore. He even invoked his race in his apology, mentioning his mother and Richard Pryor, both Black . . . as if they had anything to do with his warped tweet.
I then gave in to another part of my personality – my immature, sophomoric, comedic nature. It’s been with me since birth, a gift from my mother and honed as a child listening to my godmother’s Richard Pryor albums.
So, do you agree with me that Jason Whitlock would be relegated to the Jimmy “The Greek” Snyder/Al Campanis dustbin of persona non grata, if he were White?
Also, there appears to be some sort of Black thing against Jeremy Lin. Boxer and girlfriend-beater Floyd Mayweather, Jr., newly released from beating his chick, also tweeted against Lin:
Jeremy Lin is a good player but all the hype is because he’s Asian. Black players do what he does every night and don’t get the same praise.
Really? Name more than a handful of Black NBA players who’ve scored 27, 28, and 38 points, night after night. Few NBA players can do that, Black or Benchwarmer.
And the reason Lin is a big story is that he’s the first Taiwanese-American in the NBA, is a Harvard grad, and didn’t get drafted. Find me an NBA player who scores tens of points each night who matches that description. There’s only one.
And both Jason Whitlock and Floyd Mayweather, Jr. wish they were in his shoes–and getting his paycheck–now.
Tags: Asian men, Asians, double standard, FOX Sports, Jason Whitlock, Jeremy Lin, penis size, political correctness, Politically Correct, Politically Incorrect, Richard Pryor, small penis, stereotype, Tweets, Twitter
Good points Lisa B. Please do not confuse this website with any advanced conservative thinking. You won’t find that here. I would recommend Lawrence Auster’s website VFR.om or Ilana Mercer’s website barelyablog.com. I think you’ll find like-minded folks there who are a little more advanced.
I find truth in what you’ve said. From an Ashkenazi Jew, I bid you good day.
wildjewman on February 15, 2012 at 3:48 pm