April 3, 2012, - 5:58 pm
Marco Rubio’s (& Romney’s) “Mini-“DREAM Act Gives Amnesty To Illegal Alien Muslim Extremists
Eager to woo Hispanic voters (and perhaps solidify a Vice Presidential nomination), Florida’s U.S. Senator, Marco Rubio, as planning to introduce what he calls “a scaled-back version of the DREAM Act,” the Democrat bill which gives college scholarships, in-state tuition, and de facto amnesty to millions of thousands of illegal aliens. Don’t believe the hype. Rubio’s version is just as bad. And it has the Romney campaign fingerprints all over it.

Rubio’s plan will give legal status to illegal aliens brought here as children, if they enroll in college or the military. But that would give plenty of illegal aliens permission to remain here. Plenty of dangerous illegal aliens, including the illegal alien children of Muslims who come here. Plenty of them go to college. It doesn’t mean they hate America or love jihad any less than they already do. We don’t need to give them “legal status” or in-state tuition or anything else. We need to deport them. And note that you haven’t heard Mitt Romney–who claims he’ll be tough on illegal aliens and whom Rubio endorsed–saying he’s against the Rubio pipe DREAM Act. And that’s because Romney is behind this nod and wink toward illegal aliens. Rubio is doing Etchy-Sketchy (with emphasis on the Sketchy part) Romney’s Hispanic outreach with this.
Congressional Republicans and Mitt Romney’s presidential campaign are working to fashion proposals that could make up ground with Hispanic voters, concerned rhetoric on immigration from many in the party is turning away the increasingly powerful constituency.
Sen. Marco Rubio (R., Fla.) is developing a scaled-back version of the Dream Act, which would allow people brought to the U.S. as children to gain legal status, but not citizenship, if they enroll in college or the military. Several Senate Republicans have signed on to bipartisan legislation aimed at broadening access to the legal immigrant visa system.
The Romney campaign is looking for new proposals that would show he backs legal immigration, trying to pivot from a primary campaign in which he has taken a tough line on assistance to those here illegally. . . .
The Democratic version of the Dream Act, proposed in 2001, would offer citizenship; Mr. Rubio’s expected plan would grant legal status short of citizenship. He said he doesn’t want to offer citizenship because that would allow those affected to sponsor others for future visas. Without citizenship, they couldn’t vote or hold certain jobs.
Um, they can still live here, take many jobs, and definitely live off of public benefits and entitlements. Same difference. And, as you know, this is just the first step on the slippery slope. Ultimately, they would all seek and get citizenship. Thanks, Marco. If you think you can trust Rubio, remember that the Florida Republican Party could not, since he worked the system with all kinds of sleazy scams regarding his car and house using legislative and party credit cards, etc. If you think he’ll be different with illegal aliens and change his spots, I have some land in the Arizona desert to sell you. Or the python-infested Florida Everglades.
And I can name several Islamic terrorism suspects and convicts who would have gotten “legal status” in the U.S. under this BS Rubio amnesty plan.
Mr. Rubio said his interest in a modified version of the Dream Act came from learning the story of a Miami teenager who came to the U.S. from Colombia at age 4 and is now her high school’s valedictorian. Set for college, she received a deportation notice. Under the Democrats’ version of the Dream Act, she could earn citizenship by completing at least two years of college.
So sad, too bad. Guess what? There are teenagers who came to the U.S. from Lebanon at age 4 and younger. Some of them even get great grades and test scores. And they support Hezbollah and hate America, too. At least one of them is named Ihab Maslamani, and he murdered innocent pizza deliveryman Matt Landry. Should people like that get “legal status”? Nope. They should be deported (if they are not behind bars, as Muslimani now is).
The fact is that there is barely any difference between Rubio’s bad DREAM Act and the Dems’ nightmarish DREAM Act.
Rubio’s plan merely puts perfume on a rotting corpse. But both of ’em stink.
And so does Mitt Romney, who’s been pretending to be tough on immigration, but will be just like Obama once he gets elected. ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) will continue to be on ice.
Tags: amnesty, DREAM Act, Illegal Aliens, Immigration, Marco Rubio, Mitt Happens, Mitt Romney
As far as I know, there is no Republican governor, senator, and except for a handful, any Republican representative who has a tough line on illegal immigration. The Republican party establishment, and the talk show pundits are all behind Rubio. It was disgusting listening to Medved in the car today. This party clearly favors expediency over principle. Romneycare, open borders, vagueness on foreign policy, but the putrid Republican establishment as ‘advisors’ — don’t support Walker too much in Wisconsin because it might antagonize unionists in swing states such as Ohio?
Oh, but I forgot, The conservative justices passed a victory allowing unlimited financial contributions to help them get reelected. What a victory. It helps them, but how do these contributions help us? Do they close the borders or rid us of affirmative action, challenge gay marriage, present a better foreign policy?
I stayed at home in 2008, and see no reason not to do so again.
Little Al on April 3, 2012 at 6:18 pm