May 9, 2012, - 1:23 pm
Samantha Lewthwaite: Another Dumb White Chick Married Islamic Terrorist, Helped Him Bomb Trains
Samantha Lewthwaite is the kind of moronette I’ve written about many times over the years–a stupid, zaftig White chick desperate for a man, who converted to Islam and helped her British Islamic terrorist husband, while he plotted to blow up British subway trains. Sadly, there are plenty more where she came from, and we have more than our fair share on U.S. soil. As I’ve noted before, their attitude is to put their vagina first, before national security, what’s good for the country, and what’s ultimately good for themselves. She urged in her diaries that wives be “devoted” to their Islamic terrorist hubbies. And, while she publicly “condemned” her husband’s actions, Lewthwaite really believed the exact opposite and was part of the terrorist cell–more taqiyya-style deception by Muslims.

Officers in Kenya found notes they believe were written by Samantha Lewthwaite, who is wanted in connection with a suspected terrorist plot. Alongside shopping lists and diet tips were details of how to live with a “mujihadeen”.
Miss Lewthwaite, the former wife of Germaine Lindsay, who detonated the Russell Street Tube bomb that killed 26 innocent people, gave interviews after the London attacks in which she said the actions of her ex-husband and father of two of her children were “abhorrent”.
Yet in the diary, she wrote that the “devoted” wife of a “mujihadeen” must realise that her “life in the hereafter promised to be sweeter” because of her husband’s “sacrifice”, said a police officer. The entry, written in a tatty A5 exercise book, added that such a wife must be “discrete” (sic), “obedient” and must understand that her husband’s “calling” meant that both he and his wife would be cut off from their families.
The officer said he believed the exercise book was in the possession of Scotland Yard officers helping Kenyan police investigate a terrorist cell believed to include Lewthwaite and at least two other British jihadists. A woman whose picture in a fake South African passport closely resembles Lewthwaite is wanted by police over her alleged connections to a group planning attacks against Westerners in Kenya.
One alleged cell member, Jermaine Grant, from Newham, east London, has been charged with possessing materials with the intent to create a bomb.
During a raid on his flat in a rundown suburb of Mombasa, on Kenya’s coast, police discovered chemicals similar to those used by the July 7 bombers.
There were strong links between Grant and Lewthwaite, it emerged on Monday, as police said that a house in an upmarket area of Mombasa was rented by Grant on behalf of Lewthwaite. His co-accused, Fouad Abubakr Manswab, was a close associate of a woman known to police only as Nassim, who was a friend to Lewthwaite and in whose house the diary was found. Nassim is the widow of Musa Hussein Abdi, an al-Qaeda agent killed in Mogadishu last year.
The day after Kenyan police arrested Grant and Manswab, they questioned Lewthwaite at Nassim’s house and took copies of her passport, a fake in the name of Natalie Faye Webb. They did not arrest her because they believed she was an innocent tourist. When they returned the next day to ask to see her laptop, she had fled. Police then found the diary.
Lewthwaite is the ideal terrorist. She’s neither Arab nor Asian and is female. She would easily get by security looking to profile just based on ethnicity. And that’s why anyone who dismisses profiling doesn’t understand what it is. It doesn’t just involve how someone looks. It involves their behavior, what they believe, etc. The Israelis are very skilled in detecting this, just by asking a few questions.
If Lewthwaite–or someone like her–wanted to do harm to America, she’d be able to, very easily.
Tags: al-Qaeda, diary, dumb white chicks who convert to Islam, dumb white chicks who marry Muslims, East London, Fouad Abubakr Manswab, Germaine Lindsay, Islam, Islamic Terrorism, Jermaine Grant, Jihad, Kenya, Mogadishu, Mombasa, mujahideen, Musa Hussein Abdi, Nassim, Natalie Faye Webb, Newham, Russell Street Tube bomb, Samantha Lewthwaite, Scotland Yard
Yup. She’d be able to sail past security because she is a Muslim.
Since she has no criminal record and isn’t on any one’s no-fly list, she could do what her hubby couldn’t. If you like the Pre-Check program, Samantha Lewthwaite’s your perfect companion… I mean the kind of companion you shouldn’t want in the airplane seat next to yours.
Al Qaeda and other Islamic terrorists don’t need swarthy, dark looking males to blow up planes.
They have plenty of European and American confederates willing and able to help them.
And we haven’t got a clue on how to stop them.
NormanF on May 9, 2012 at 1:53 pm