May 14, 2012, - 3:25 pm
EXCLUSIVE: Obama Immigration Chief Skips Murdered Agent’s Funeral to Troll for Jobs @ Mysterious Foundation Dinner
Why is Barack Obama’s immigration chief skipping the funeral of his recently murdered agent, in order to hobnob at the dinner of a mysterious foundation? That’s a question you’ll have to ask John “Moron” Morton, the Assistant Secretary of Homeland Security for Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). Aside from constantly seeking new luxury cars (more on that in a future post) and agents to chauffeur him and his girlfriend and posse around, Morton does little else, these days, but search for a post-Obama job . . . on your dime.

Obama’s ICE Chief Cares Only About What Govt Car is Driving Him & Schmoozing for Future Jobs; Dead Agents, Like Myron Chism, Not So Much
Tonight, instead of attending the funeral of Myron Chisem–the Black ICE agent who was shot and killed by his 14-year-old son– has learned that Morton will instead be attending the ICE Foundation dinner, where he’ll be seeking jobs from the many corporations that fund the foundation and have undue influence on Morton and his agency. Yup, the Obamaniks place an over-exuberant emphasis on minorities when it comes to going after private companies and employers, yet Morton doesn’t care about his dead agents, even if they are Black. But, hey, Morton needs a job, and I hear he plans to hit up the various vice presidents and general counsels of big companies, who will be attending tonight’s dinner, for his future employment. I’ve already told you how Morton has been using ICE travel, bodyguards, etc. for himself and his entire entourage, while he interviews for jobs at media giants, Viacom and NBC Universal, (and attends the Oscars and other Hollywood events trolling for jobs) on your tab.
What exactly is the ICE Foundation? That’s what many ICE agents would like to know, since many of the career ICE agents I talked to never heard of the organization, until now . . . because their boss is skipping the funeral of one of their own to attend its annual banquet. The ICE foundation has a fancy website and claims to help ICE agents and promote their work, but its tax forms are unavailable for public inspection and you cannot find them on Guidestar, the website best known for having all of the non-profits’ tax returns available for viewing. No one knows exactly where the money goes, to whom, or anything else about it, despite the foundation website’s lofty-sounding, but nebulous, BS-filled mission statement about helping ICE agents and promoting their work. If the foundation truly did that, ICE agents would’ve heard of it. What we do know, however, is disturbing.

The foundation’s anonymous donors are companies for whom ICE acts as the personal copyright enforcement police on your dime. As I’ve noted, millions in ICE money and manpower are wasted each year for ICE agents to hang out at major sporting events and harass vendors of innocent t-shirts, sweatshirts, and hats. There is only one ICE official on the board of the ICE Foundation, though agents say she is on the up-and-up. The rest are officials at companies that benefit greatly from ICE’s inappropriate personal copyright and trademark enforcement police work, such the Vice President and General Counsel of Calvin Klein, Inc.
It’s a major conflict of interest, frankly, for any of these people to be involved in giving any money to anyone associated with a government agency, even if it’s through the fiction of a mysterious and opaque non-profit. The ICE Foundation’s books should be completely open for viewing by the public. But they aren’t. We don’t know how many of these companies have had illegal aliens making their clothing or otherwise employed for them and how many got away with it because they gave to the ICE Foundation. It raises a lot of questions.
So does John Morton’s non-attendance at the funeral of an agent shot with his own service weapon. As recent readers know, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)–which is supposed to be the nation’s immigration enforcement agency, but does little immigration enforcement at all anymore–has been plagued by a recent series of agents shot and killed. Some were killed on the job by hostile criminals. Another was killed when he shot his boss, after his boss drove him mad. And, then, there was Chisem, shot by his teen son with his ICE weapon. ICE agents are shocked that not only will Morton not attend the funeral, as was expected, but he forbade other top ICE officials from going, insisting that they attend the ICE Foundation confab to be in his entourage and make him look important.
From some rightfully fed up agents:
Tonight is the “ICE Foundation” dinner and gala. $200 per ticket for John Morton to schmooze with the banking and intellectual property rights [IPR] industry. The “I” in the ICE Foundation is non-existent if you look at the Board of Directors other than Mary Loiselle of Enforcement and Removal Operations [ERO]. There are no private sector board members representing ICE’s immigration enforcement mission. [DS: Perhaps that’s a good thing, because they’d probably put La Raza or Casa De Maryland–both pro-illegal alien outfits–officials on the board.] Crazy how an organization like that can exist without the average ICE employee even knowing about it. You’d think they’d a least have a pitch during the Combined Federal Campaign to all the employees.
John Moron has elected to attend this gala instead of going to the agent’s funeral who was tragically killed by his 14-year-old son. One would think the head of the agency would be there. Moron goes to all the funerals where there will be big ass-kissing and media attention, but not this one because, hey, it’s just an agent.
Apparently, movie industry officials will be at the ICE gala, and he is intent on butt-snorkling his way in to a mucho-dollar job. Once again, he whores himself out to the movie industry and really shows who he is. Tragic shooting of one of his employees–who cares? Giving a Lewinsky to the movie industry is much more important. Morton forbade top officials from going to the funeral and mandated that he and a half a dozen Special Agents in Charge go to the dinner.
Homeland Security Investigations [HSI – ICE’s new nickname] is broke, and, yet, Moron calls a total BS “morale” meeting today to justify flying in, and paying hotel and other expenses for a bunch of Special Agents in Charge for this fake meeting. Then, he orders them to shell out $200 of their own money to attend tonight’s gala so he can look good. Utterly sickening.
Yup, that’s your Obama Immigration and Customs “Enforcement.” While I don’t expect ICE will do any better under Romney, anything would be an improvement. Even Bush’s Julie L. Myers a/k/a “The ICE Princess” wasn’t this egregious. Not even close.
And, yet, Morton wonders why the morale in his agency ranked nearly the lowest among 240 government agencies (and hosted phony town halls to try to “find out why”). Well, this might be a reason, Moron.
John Morton invented the title of “Director” for himself and insists on being called “Director” Morton. But his agents are wondering, “Director” . . . of what? The job search for his post-Obama future, apparently. And solely.
Illegal aliens and terrorists–the two groups not always mutually exclusive–are having the last laugh.
Tags: ICE, ICE Foundation, Immigration, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, John Moron, John Morton, Myron Chisem, Obama administration, Obama immigration chief
I would think that forcing employees to shell out money for such an event would be a violation of their union contract or at least of OPM regulartions. Are these potential violations being pursued?
Worry01 on May 14, 2012 at 3:40 pm