May 11, 2009, - 10:59 am
Purple Jihad E-Mail Exchange of the Day
By Debbie Schlussel
A clueless e-mail from a “classy” gay guy who thinks Muslims are his saviors, rather than what they really are: his future executioners. You keep telling yourself that, Alex.
From: alex fox
Date: Sun, May 10, 2009 at 11:27 PM
Subject: Terrorist Scarf
Debbie, I’ll wear whatever the fuck I want, whenever the fuck I want. No amount of spin is going to convince me that muslim culture and arabic paraphernalia is to be feared. As a gay man and a non violent person, I am disgusted with your behavior. Do something productive for the world that you ALSO live in and stop promoting fear and hate.

From: Debbie Schlussel
Date: Sun, May 10, 2009 at 11:39 PM
Subject: Re: Terrorist Scarf
To: alex fox
Are you really that ignorant of how that religion and culture treat gays? Perhaps when you experience it yourself, you’ll learn, but then it will be too late to fear the keffiyeh. Nick Berg learned the hard way. So did a ship full of gays off the coast of Egypt.
Had to redact most of his lengthy response, which was full of anti-Israel and anti-Semitic propaganda, which I won’t give a forum for here.
From: alex fox
Date: Mon, May 11, 2009 at 2:01 AM
Subject: RE: Terrorist Scarf
The best way to go is to understand how we can benefit from their [Muslims’] teaching. . . . It’s really important to understand that you will only succeed by promoting peace and understanding.
We are the world, we are the children . . . .
Arab culture is very rich and beautiful. . . . Rachel Ray wore a scarf. It was cool. I wear a rainbow sarong in the same fashion to school every day. . . . We are each a separate color. . . . Working together, we can become a rainbow and merge into a pure white light. Hopefully, my metaphor means something to you.
So typical, so idiotic. And sadly, so many misguided Americans–especially gays like him, who’d be murdered by these barbarians–are drinking the Kool-Aid, er . . . the “rainbow” Kool-Aid.
Yup, Rodney King has morphed into a gazillion clueless Americans.
WTF!? This guy would be stoned to death if they found out he was gay and saying all this stupid kindergarden crap!
Debbie, don’t even waste your time on this poser. He’s no muslim, he’s just pretending to be while using Islam as a shield to protect his whacked out views.
Squirrel3D on May 11, 2009 at 11:56 am