May 21, 2009, - 6:53 pm
Your Day in Sean Vannity Ignorance & Cluelessness: Claims Waterboarding KSM By Bush Foiled Millenium Bomber in 1999
By Debbie Schlussel
As longtime readers know, I try not to listen to Sean the Plagiarist Hannity’s radio show (more on Vannity’s plagiarism here). I already know what I wrote, and it’s not fun hearing a proud high school grad read it aloud and pass it off as his own thoughts. And then there’s the fact that I already heard “The Rush Limbaugh Show” earlier in the day. Who needs to hear a substandard rip-off of it? And then, there’s the guy’s obsession with pandering to and promoting far-lefty Ted Koppel and the Goebbels of Our Time, Pat Buchanan.
But, today, as I was doing a chore, I turned on the radio at around 4:00 p.m. Eastern, and it was tuned to the inadequate, giant egomaniac’s show. A caller named Ruby called in to cheerlead and gush over her idol, Vannity. And she was useful, if only to show off her and Sean’s own special brand of ignorance and stupidity.

Ruby was calling in to tell Sean how her eight-year-old daughter is in love with him (in ten years when she’s legal, I’m sure he’ll give her a shout and make her one of his female only “producers” or get a guy in Bakersfield fired from his radio show, so that this woman’s daughter can have the job–Vannity has done both). Ruby wanted Sean to make sure he knew that Dick Cheney and the waterboarding of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed during the Bush administration saved her life and made it possible for her to give birth to the eight-year-old with whom she was pregnant. Ruby said she was at the LAX airport on the Millenium and that waterboarding Mohammed saved her from dying at the hands of the Millenium bomber because KSM talked and the plot was uncovered.
And as she went on and on and on (not to mention, gushed on and on and on), fellow ignoramus Sean Vannity agreed with her on and on and on, never disagreeing even for a fleeting second.
Except there’s one problem. The Millenium was in 2000, and the President was Bill Clinton. And Khalid Sheikh Mohammed was not in our custody, nor did we waterboard him. That was many years later. In fact, Ahmed Ressam, the Millenium Bomber was caught in 1999 when he tried to cross the U.S. Border and smart U.S. Customs Service inspectors and agents stopped him and eventually looked in the trunk of his car, where a good deal of the explosives were contained. Waterboarding KSM had absolutely nothing to do with discovering and foiling the Millenium Bomber.
For the record, I’m all for waterboarding terrorists, and I agree with Dick Cheney on how to treat terrorists. But that doesn’t mean I’m going to make up a fake, alternative timeline of history to back it up. Sadly, for ignoramuses like proud high school grad Vannity and his fellow empty vessel, caller Ruby, they simply haven’t a clue.
And that’s your day in Sean Vannity disinformation.
As a good conservative friend notes, listening to that show is like meeting a time bandit. Hours of your life are stolen and eaten up by vapid nothing.
And you get fed disinformation like that repeated over and over in the Vannity-Ruby phone sex call.
Oh, and by the way, Vannity’s FOX News Channel show isn’t any less incorrect on the facts than his radio show. In fact, it’s probably more so. (He regularly has on fake “terrorism expert” Hanan Tudor, who goes by the stripper name, “Brigitte Gabriel,” and the woman regularly spreads clueless, false information like this.)
You’re a great ignorant American, Sean.
I loathe Vannity too. He is super fake. Would rather listen to Combs even though I did not agree with him, at least he seemed an honest straight up guy. Vannity gives Conservatives a bad name. But in reading this I got a bit hurt…I am just a high school grad too. In my family gals did not go to college…if I went I was going to have to pay for it. I did not have the money. To this day, 25 years later I still regret it every day.
It is the reason I work my butt off to make sure I can pay for my daughter and sons to go.
Rivka on May 21, 2009 at 7:41 pm