August 9, 2012, - 5:28 pm
VIDEO: After Years of Pimping Us on Mitt Romney, Ann Coulter Now Wakes Up, Pissed @ Romney
I used to label posts of mine about Mitt Romney as “Mitt Happens.” But now I gotta have a new label: “Shameless Pimps of Mitt Happen.” And so it goes for many of the conservatives, particularly Ann Coulter, who have loudly pimped us non-stop on Mitt Romney. It’s hardly news that Mitt Happens was the creator of RomneyCare and that ObamaCare was not only modeled on it, but that Romney sent his healthcare advisers to the Obama White House to help them create ObamaCare, the same ObamaCare he now claims he’s absolutely against. So, when a Romney spokeschick, Andrea Saul, screwed up by reminding us of that great feat–RomneyCare–conservatives are going ballistic. And I ask them, huh? What did you expect? The dude’s a liberal. The Etchy-Sketchy Man for a New Generation. Watch this video below of Coulter and a number of other Romney Pimps now getting all upset over the real Romney and the real Romney team (which will be his staff in the White House). Welcome to America. Now, the Daily Kos folks are eating this up, because conservatives embrace morons and frauds like Erick “My Parents Couldn’t Think of Another First Name” Erickson who embrace crappy candidates like Flip Flopneycare. Ignore everything that overrated, lying schmuck says and writes. I don’t like Lawrence O’Donnell or MSNBC, but they have the video compilation of all of these dumbass conservatives suddenly having a moment of lucidity on Romney, far too late.

As I always say to every conservative who tells me this is “the most important election in U.S. history” (which they say as often and as casually as the host of “The Bachelor” says, “the most important rose ceremony ever!”): then, why the heck did you give us the weakest candidate possible? Did you really forget that Romney did dream up RomneyCare? Do you really want to stick your head in the sand and pretend otherwise? If mention of it makes you go ballistic, then maybe you should have gone ballistic about the idea of Romney as your candidate. It’s hilarious that you want people to evade who this guy really is and what he really did the last time he was at the reins of government.
Watch the video . . .
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Gee, Ann, thanks for waking up (sort of) on Mitt Romney AFTER he’s the GOP nominee (which you cheered every step of the way).

Tags: Andrea Saul, Ann Coulter, Erick Erickson, Mitt Happens, Mitt Romney, MSNBC, obamacare, RomneyCare, video
It looks like some people on this board are Obama’s operatives. They can take message to their boss that he is vacating WH coming this fall. May be he should apply for UN general secretary job. Seems like appropriate place for him. Or may be Egypt parliament will spare him a seat.
gabem on August 12, 2012 at 7:38 pm