August 13, 2012, - 3:01 pm

Muslims Are World’s Biggest Condom Makers, Biggest Customer is US Govt; Condom IPO, Condom Consultant

By Debbie Schlussel

Remember when faux-conservative Boston Globe columnist Jeff Jacoby railed against sexually-enhanced interrogation techniques on Islamic terrorists at Guantanamo Bay, lecturing us on “Islamic modesty,” which he insisted was superior to modesty in Christianity and Judaism, not to mention the security of American lives? Well, now, we have yet another example of this “Islamic modesty.” The Muslim country of Malaysia is the world’s largest condom producing country and is also home to the biggest condom manufacturer. The company, Karex Industries, stands to make a lot of cash in an upcoming condom IPO. The company makes condoms, lubricants, and “probe covers.” Karex’s website lets you know it makes condoms “to complete your demands: fruity, spicy, aloe vera, sweet, cool, contoured, assorted colour, assorted flavour, baggy, super thin, strawberry, duo colour, X large, slim fit, 3 in 1, power shot, dotted, and rough & tough.” The thing is, you are the company’s biggest customer . . . by force. The USAID is Karex’s biggest condom buyer after Congress said condoms bought by U.S. agencies no longer had to be made in the U.S. And USAID buys in bulk from Karex to give these condoms out in the Middle East and Africa. Yup, we’re getting screwed by them so they can screw each other. And, yes, this is Malaysia, the same country that gave a hard time (no pun intended) to Lady Gaga and Beyonce because they wanted to have concerts there but weren’t “modest” enough. But, hey, selling condoms to infidels and making bank on that–that’s “modest.” (Malaysia’s also the country whose leader openly called for the mass murder of Jews and said he supported homicide bombers.)


Islamic Modesty: Karex Condoms of Malaysia

File under: Islamic Modesty #788,137 (and How To Tell Mom When You Become a “Condom Consultant”):

Investors are ever on the lookout for the makers of products that keep selling well in a recession, like food, toothpaste or pharmaceuticals. Here’s another possibility: condoms.

That’s what Malaysian condom manufacturer Karex Industries Sdn. Bhd. is hoping, at least. The biggest condom manufacturer in a country that makes more condoms than any other, Karex has disclosed plans in recent weeks for an initial public offering and to double capacity over the next several years.

Investors are especially keen to invest in Malaysia, after the country defied a weak global IPO market to conduct the world’s second- and third-largest offerings this year. . . . .

In some ways, Karex’s expansion plans run counter to industry trends, with rivals forecasting slower growth than Karex does, says Bill Howe, the president of Ohio-based latex company PolyTech Synergies LLC and a consultant to the condom industry for 25 years.

Can you imagine the conversation with that guy at a party? “And what do you do for a living, Bill?” “Me? Oh, I’m a consultant to the condom industry.” I think I’ll use that line the next time I’m sitting next to someone on a plane who won’t shut up. And there’s always, “Mom, I know you wanted me to be a doctor. But I aim high. I’m a condom industry consultant!” “And how exactly, Billy, do you condom consult?”

“I’m surprised at [Karex’s] ambitious plans.…I don’t see other firms making a similar kind of expansion,” he says.

Global condom consumption is set to grow between 5% and 8% annually, driven mainly by China, Mr. Howe says. Market-research firm Global Industry Analysts forecasts that the world-wide market will reach 27 billion condoms valued at $6 billion by 2015, from 20 billion units at $4.2 billion this year.

Karex’s main customer base includes countries like United Arab Emirates and Morocco. But also the U.S., through your tax money.

The Malaysian company, which markets condoms under the brand name Carex and makes condoms for other companies under contract, wants to double its capacity to six billion pieces, equivalent to 30% of the current global condom market. Karex, which has budgeted 70 million ringgit to 80 million ringgit, or roughly $20 million to $25 million, for the expansion, said revenue increased 15% last year. Exact figures weren’t available.

Other players in the industry include Reckitt Benckiser PLC of England, whose Durex condoms currently claim more than 30% of the global branded market, and New Jersey’s Church & Dwight Co., which sells Trojan condoms as well as other products, such as Arm & Hammer cleaners. Reckitt Benckiser and Church & Dwight didn’t respond to requests for comment.

The condom market is recession-proof and growing, says Karex Executive Director Goh Miah Kiat. The company plans to file IPO documents with Malaysia’s Securities Commission by year-end for a listing next year. Mr. Goh declines to say how much the company would seek to raise.

Production from rubber plants in Malaysia increased in the early 20th century when the commodity became commercially attractive as a raw material for American tires. After decades of shipping raw rubber, the country moved toward downstream processing in the early 1990s as a means to boost exports.

Mr. Goh’s family started planting rubber trees in the southern Malaysian state of Johor in the 1960s and eventually expanded to processing. The family switched its focus to condom manufacturing with the founding of Karex in 1988. . . .

The company scrutinizes all of its prophylactics for pinholes before they make their way to markets from China to the Middle East to Latin America, as well as to government agencies that distribute condoms free in places like Africa. At a facility in the southern Malaysian state of Johor—Karex has three plants in Malaysia and Thailand—a worker examines and stretches some 14,000 pieces of contraceptive sheath a day, Mr. Goh says. . . .

Karex’s condom exports surged over the past decade in response to the HIV/AIDS epidemic. But sales rose especially sharply in 2009 after the U.S. Congress no longer required that government agencies buy U.S.-made condoms exclusively.

Today, roughly half of Karex’s sales are to government agencies. The USAID alone budgeted more than $80 million to purchase condoms in 2009 to distribute free in developing countries, according to a July 2011 report from the agency.

Mr. Goh says the average government tender requires 100 million to 150 million condoms, more than many companies’ annual production. “We have the capacity that…competitors lack,” he says.

Karex intends to automate its condom-inspection procedure as the company expands capacity. Automated inspection “is the way forward to become more cost-effective and reduce margin for errors,” Mr. Goh says.

I already learned everything I need to know about Islamic modesty from Mohammed Atta and the Pink Pony strip club, not to mention the many strip clubs Muslims own all over Detroit.

Now, I learned more from Condom Kingdom a/k/a Malaysia.

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37 Responses

Debbie, I recently read that a Muslim terrorist Iman said it was ok for the terrorist to have anal sex with their fellow terrorists who where picked to carry explosives in their rectum. supposed to aid them in widening the passage. Malaysia is trying to corner a market share.

Bobby99 on August 13, 2012 at 3:16 pm

Take the riot!But do not you speaking ill of Muslims in a more.
Dealing with design utilizes Malik!!!!.One more to deal with Muslims!!

Rabia on August 13, 2012 at 3:31 pm

    Rabia, or is it Rabies: I have no idea what you are saying aside from do not speak ill of Muslims. Why should they not be spoken ill of, if it is entirely the truth? I do not consider Muslims to be gods, do you?

    Worry on August 13, 2012 at 10:35 pm

“…we’re getting screwed by them so they can screw each other.”

Beautifully put, Debbie.

DS_ROCKS! on August 13, 2012 at 3:37 pm

    The flip side of it being that while Muslims are prolific breeding machines they’d be happy if we didn’t have kids.

    Condom Jihad – it kinda fits.

    They’re sooo concerned about modesty but they don’t mind taking our money so infidel men can have pleasurable sex.

    NormanF on August 13, 2012 at 7:45 pm

Of course. You wouldn’t want them having unprotected sex with those Bacha Bazi Boys would you?

CornCoLeo on August 13, 2012 at 4:08 pm

Stupid Americans. A condom is a petri dish. I wouldn’t put my member in a Muslim condom. It easily could kill you.

COCOJO on August 13, 2012 at 4:25 pm

    Does this apply to U.S.-made Trojans?

    Seek on August 13, 2012 at 5:17 pm

An interesting Iranian observation about their Arab neighbors:
“All c**k and no brains.” So much for uber-repression, etc.

WhiskeyTangoFoxtrot on August 13, 2012 at 6:06 pm

Everything about Mooooooslims is warped and hypocritical.

Thanks for the info!

Skunky on August 13, 2012 at 6:11 pm

    Skunky, I think free spaying and neutering would be appropriate in such societies;)

    Worry on August 13, 2012 at 6:16 pm

Agreed, Worry! And even more so after reading WTF’s post!

Skunky on August 13, 2012 at 6:45 pm

    Skunky, this is the target market:

    Worry on August 13, 2012 at 9:09 pm

      LOL Worry! That is hysterical! I tweeted that earlier. And also in the Brit papers they reported some yobo yank was arrested for trying to rape his grandmama because he was frustrated he didn’t have a girlfriend and wanted to “get some”.

      What a world, huh? I mean, those two sicko pervs are horn-bags but with a ton of skankified females out there no wonder that bogan thought he could just reach out and touch a booty just ‘cuz it looked good.

      Funny and sad/scary at the same time!

      Skunky on August 13, 2012 at 9:27 pm

        You have to laugh in order to avoid crying.

        Worry on August 13, 2012 at 10:16 pm

United Arab Emirates? You can get alcohol and Western sin goods there.

Another example of famed “Muslim modesty”. Supposedly, its all for infidel consumption.

The two countries in which Muslims barely outnumber the rest are Malaysia and UAE. Thanks to illegal immigration, non-Muslims are probably in the majority.

Now you can guess why the condom business is in high demand.

NormanF on August 13, 2012 at 7:28 pm

I’ve not noticed the CareX brand selling in the US drug stores. The top manufacturers in the US still seem to be Durex, Lifestyles, and Trojan–and the origin of the manufacturing plants more often than not are India. And, in fact, for many years, the world’s largest manufacturer of condoms was HLL Lifecare Limited (formerly Hindustan Latex Limited), an Indian healthcare products company based in India.

With such large, quality, well-established, efficient, and effectively priced manufacturers with strong reputations such as these, there’s simply no reason whatsoever to buy CareX, even if Karex manufacturing should begin to try to market to USA customers. In fact there is NO business or consumer reason whatsoever to buy ANY Karex products, EXCEPT for the purpose of transfering money to a Malysian enterprise. Trust and confidence are important components in the purchase of condoms. Now, I ask you, would you TRUST a condom manufactured in Malysia?

Ralph Adamo on August 13, 2012 at 9:52 pm

Would you really? I think it was an ethnic Chinese who started up the company in Malaysia.

If you can name me ONE Muslim who has come up with a significant invention to benefit mankind, please post it here! Oil and Islamic terrorism don’t count.

NormanF on August 13, 2012 at 9:59 pm

    Norman, the mooselims have contributed greatly regarding this very subject. They invented the condom, comprised of sheep and goat intestines. However, it wasn’t until centuries later that the English improved the design by telling them to take them OUT of the animal first! They have never forgiven the English ever since, (stock prices for goat and camel escort services went in the toilet, and the goats smelled better than their wives anyway).

    Bruce B on June 21, 2017 at 6:19 pm

Hello Karex,
I’d like to to order an extra large mango “rough n tumble” with an order of strawberry glob jelly on the side…..LOL.

Not Ovenready on August 13, 2012 at 10:42 pm

So Malaysia makes condoms, big deal! “the same country that gave a hard time (no pun intended) to Lady Gaga and Beyonce because they wanted to have concerts there but weren’t “modest” enough.”
Are you really defending Lady Gaga and Beyonce?

Condoms are the best preventative weapon against AIDS in 3rd world countries. Thousands of children are being orphaned because of AIDS. I can think of a 100 bad expenditures that the US government does in terms of foreign aid. Buying and distributing condoms is not one of them!

Laurie J on August 14, 2012 at 7:02 am

    Laurie, Muslims make a big deal about modesty. They forced the Olympics to cover up beach volleyball players and allowed a judo wrestler to wear a hijab. Then in turn, Malaysia, a major Muslim country, allows this sort of industry to operate openly without complaint.

    You might actually try reading the article before commenting. This had nothing to do with condom distribution, and everything to do with Malaysia turning a blind eye to what would be considered an abominable practice in Islam. Lady Gaga and Beynce are stage performers. Condoms involve sexual activity. There are plenty of condom makers out there, so a shortage is not the issue. Have your male relative explain it to you before you leave the compound next time.

    Worry01 on August 14, 2012 at 8:52 am

    Laurie J. She feels oh-so informed on one issue (condoms and aids) while another issue wizzes by her oblivious head.

    Most brains can absorb TWO separate issues and then cogitate on them a bit more. She just illustrated how someone juggles with one ball.

    This site is for those who can handle multiple issues in the air.

    Skunky on August 14, 2012 at 10:21 am

I never knew that those smelly bastards ever used condoms with their love objects. After all, can camels get pregnant from human subspecies?

DJH on August 14, 2012 at 3:51 pm

This article fails to discuss some salient points:

1) Malaysia is the largest raw latex source. All the rubber plantations are there. It makes sense for the world’s largest condom manufacturer to be there because the raw material is there. In fact, the world’s largest medical gloves manufacturers hail from Malaysia. It has nothing to do with muslim modesty etc etc If that was the case, Saudi Arabia would be the largest manufacturer of condoms.

2) The condom manufacturer is ethnic chinese owned, run and managed not muslim owned. Same goes for medical gloves industry. Besides these businesses are individually owned not state owned. The government’s sometimes arcane domestic policies and politicians have nothing to do with these companies and their products (nor their successes).

3) Condoms, medical gloves and other latex products save lives everyday. Last I check there is no difference between a US, Europe, China, Indian or Malaysian made condom. They all have to adhere to international standards. They all function the same.

dcatdc on August 15, 2012 at 11:09 am

You have to laugh so you can cry later

Joe on August 15, 2012 at 5:21 pm

Norman and dcatdc are correct. The company is ethnic Chinese owned. Just because Malaysia is a Muslim country does not mean that there are no non-Muslim Malaysians living here. The writer’s ignorance (and that of the majority of commenters here) regarding Malaysia (and undoubtedly the rest of the world) is pitiful. I’m neither pro nor anti-Islam but if there’s one thing that riles me is the spread of ignorance.

a free-thinking Malaysian of Chinese-Indian parentage (whose parents are Roman Catholic and siblings are Muslim converts).

Tigrrr on August 24, 2012 at 1:22 pm

dcatdc and Tigrrr, thank you for introducing some common sense to this discussion. Look, if you choose to hate Muslims, that’s fine, after all bigotry and prejudice has no limits, I am sure there’s someone out there who hates you. What bothers me is a flawed logic and a pathetic attempt to replace common sense with ignorance.
1. Malaysia has a significant population of non Muslims such as Chinese and Indians, a common fact that the author should have known. The fact that the owners are Chinese, should imply (following logic in this article) that China is the country with loose morals. Hence, the argument that Muslims have
superior morals that Debbie is trying to dispute is still true. If the purpose of the article was to disprove that theory, then it failed miserably.
2. Moreover, the argument that if the country is a major producer of a product, then the country is a main user of the product is stupid. Allow me to demonstrate: a) China is a top producer of Iphones, hence Chinese are major users of Iphones. You see? Does not make sense because Chinese are poor.
Debbie, there are a lot of people who hate Muslims but not all of them are lunatics. All these people want is a logically sound arguments. So find somebody who can do basic Google searches and is capable of a simple logic reasoning. Run your articles by that person BEFORE you post them. I will guarantee you will get bigger following then.

Common sense on August 26, 2012 at 9:35 pm

This article fails to discuss some salient points:

1) Malaysia is the largest raw latex source. All the rubber plantations are there. It makes sense for the world’s largest condom manufacturer to be there because the raw material is there. In fact, the world’s largest medical gloves manufacturers hail from Malaysia. It has nothing to do with muslim modesty etc etc If that was the case, Saudi Arabia would be the largest manufacturer of condoms.

2) The condom manufacturer is ethnic chinese owned, run and managed not muslim owned. Same goes for medical gloves industry. Besides these businesses are individually owned not state owned. The government’s sometimes arcane domestic policies and politicians have nothing to do with these companies and their products (nor their successes).

3) Condoms, medical gloves and other latex products save lives everyday. Last I check there is no difference between a US, Europe, China, Indian or Malaysian made condom. They all have to adhere to international standards. They all function the same.
-agreed there
u freakin jew and christians just like to as we are the bad guys

THemalaysiaguy on November 4, 2012 at 7:03 am

Debbie, I recently read that a Muslim terrorist Iman said it was ok for the terrorist to have anal sex with their fellow terrorists who where picked to carry explosives in their rectum. supposed to aid them in widening the passage. Malaysia is trying to corner a market share.

Bobby99 on August 13, 2012 at 3:16 pm

wtf is that dude that aint The Islamic way! You should Do your homework on our religion if u wanna say like that ….
Btw muslims are suppose to get married before intercourse….
This page got lot of issues with islamophobia here-.-

THemalaysiaguy on November 4, 2012 at 7:07 am

You are an idiot. Malaysia isnt just a “Muslim” country — it is a diverse nation with large China and Indian minorities, as well as others. Muslim make up 60 percent of the people. Karex is owned by an ethnic CHINESE family. Chinese are not Muslim, and they dominate business activity in the country. Malaysia’s “Muslim” government — which is very progressive and moderate compared to in many other countries — does not tell Malaysian companies what they can or cant make. Do your homework before spouting such racist shit.

dude on February 21, 2013 at 11:58 pm

How do condoms contradict moralities? Even married couples used condoms if they dont want pregnancies.

Ergin on March 16, 2014 at 3:37 pm

    Condom manufacturers have avoided public problems of type 1 allergens which typically have 50 to 100 micrograms of allergens per gram. We have developed a process which reduces them to 0.08 micrograms at a cost of not more than 1/100 of one cent per unit. Would you pay that much to not have an allergy problem?

    Dr.Jack Trautman on May 11, 2015 at 12:41 pm

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