September 28, 2012, - 2:38 pm
EXCLUSIVE: ObamaPhone Photo of the Day
The following photo was taken yesterday in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania by a friend of David Lanza, a reader and friend of The actual photographer wishes to remain anonymous, likely out of fear of becoming a target of Obamobs. You’ve no doubt seen the video, yesterday, of the shrieking Obama-supporter going on and on about the “Obamaphones” and how Obama should be re-elected for this. (Does anyone really think these tax-funded phones will end during a Romney administration?) Now, here’s the picture, complete with the sharia contingent seeking Al-Obamaphones.

Tags: HARRISBURG, Islam, Obama, Obama Phone, ObamaPhone, Pennsylvania, photo, sharia contingent
Is there more information about this program? Is it like a regular lifeline phone service, which limits the outgoing calls to a local area? Also, even with a landline with you do have to to pay a nominal monthly charge for the service. Getting the whole setup for free would be a big change.
Worry01 on September 28, 2012 at 3:01 pm