October 24, 2012, - 6:23 pm
Jew-Beating MVP & Wife-Beating Triple Crown Winner: Why I Won’t Root for Tigers in World Series
Tonight, Game One of the World Series will commence. And I won’t be rooting for the Detroit Tigers. That’s because its two biggest stars are Jew-hater Delmon Young–who beat up Jews in New York for wearing yarmulkes and yelled, “F–king Jews! F–king Jews!” at them, and wife beater Miguel Cabrera, a drunk who drinks and drives and beats his wife. Yup, a real crew of Nobel Peace Price winners. (I’m not kidding. As we know, Jew-hatred and similar activities qualifies one for that award.)

On top of that, Young received the MVP award in the ALCS (American League Championship Series) from sports writers, despite his anti-Semitic episode, and he was cited for his “outstanding character” when he was given the award. Even he looked surprised when he heard this. “Character” is one of the categories the baseball writers are supposed to consider when voting on the MVP award, and yet beating up Jews is apparently not bad character. These are the same baseball writers, mind you, who won’t vote Pete Rose–one of baseball’s greatest–into Baseball’s Hall of Fame because he gambled on teams other than his own. So, they prefer Jew-hatred to gambling. Thanks for the tip. I think I get it now: Jew-hatred–not a character flaw. Gambling–that’s Nazi behavior. (Pete Rose SHOULD be in the Hall of Fame, as I’ve repeatedly argued on this site.)
Young is still facing charges for his anti-Semitic hate crime and is trying to work a plea deal. Meanwhile, starstruck, jock-sniffing Tigers fan Rabbi Joshua Bennett has agreed to play capo and give Young the kosher seal of approval for his disgusting behavior (even though Bennett’s own practices aren’t kosher–they serve shrimp at weddings at his Temple). This is Delmon Young’s character. It can’t–it won’t–be changed by meeting with a watered down Reform “rabbi” who knows very little about Judaism himself and whose joke of a Michigan temple resembles a church more than a synagogue (and is populated by ignoramuses). It wouldn’t be changed if Young met with a real rabbi–an Orthodox one who knows his stuff. Delmon Young didn’t become a Jew-hater yesterday or even in April, when he beat up Jews. He became a Jew-hater because he learned it from his Black parents (or, more likely, single “parent”/babymama) and community. Heck, he probably has Jewish lawyers and agents and accountants. Makes no difference. That’s who he is.
Reader Richard:
If his victim had been Black and Young White, every race hustler in the US would have been screaming for his head.
You know that’s right.
Reader Fred:
It’s disgraceful that Delmon Young got the MVP award. I ind it so offensive that his arrest is being treated by the mainstream media as if it was just boys being boys. Can’t find anyone who has spoken out about it. I can only imagine the morons who voted for Young. Can’t understand how Pete rose doesn’t make the Hall of fame for gambling, but no problem with this guy–an anti-Semite–voted as an MVP . . . in the same year that he commits this hate crime.
From the Baseball Writers Association of America site, here is the criteria for the MVP award. Notice item number three:
There is no clear-cut definition of what Most Valuable means. It is up to the individual voter to decide who was the Most Valuable Player in each league to his team. The MVP need not come from a division winner or other playoff qualifier.
The rules of the voting remain the same as they were written on the first ballot in 1931:
1. Actual value of a player to his team, that is, strength of offense and defense.
2. Number of games played.
3. General character, disposition, loyalty and effort.
And then, there’s Cabrera. He has a record of recent drunken incidents in Michigan AND Florida (where he was stopped for drunk driving around the time of Major League Baseball’s All-Star Game in 2011 and asked police to shoot him). In 2009, he allegedly got into a physical argument with his wife (some say he beat her and he had defensive scratches on his face) on the same night, he was escorted from a restaurant by police after drunkenly threatening diners at the swanky Birmingham, Michigan Townsend Hotel, threatening them that he had a gun. Yup, a real winner. But, sadly, Cabrera won the first Major League Baseball Triple Crown title in 46 years. At least his title isn’t based on character but actual talent. Doesn’t mean I gotta cheer for this oafish brute of a multi-millionaire.
Would you cheer for your hometown team if these two cretins were among its biggest stars? I like pitcher Justin Verlander. But at least two of his teammates are utter pieces of crap.
Tags: anti-Semitic athletes, baseball, Delmon Young anti-Semitic, Delmon Young Jew-hater, Delmon Young Jews, Delmon Young MVP, Delmong Young anti-semitism, Detroit Tigers, director of policy planning to Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, Jew-hatred, Jews, Major, Major League Baseball, Miguel Cabrera, Miguel Cabrera drunk driving, Miguel Cabrera wife beater, MVP, pro baseball, Rabbi Joshua Bennett, Temple Israel, World Series
I’m rooting for former Astro via Philly, Hunter Pence and the Giants, although I haven’t watch a single bb game in years.
WilliamMunny on October 24, 2012 at 6:33 pm