October 25, 2012, - 3:31 pm
Photo of the Day: Saudi Prince Plays Playstation While Sitting on Top of Black Servant
The photo below features Saudi Prince Prince Bader Bin Abdullah Bin Mohammed Al Farhan Al Saud, whose father is King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia. The picture, which I got from (and was able to find only on) The Angry Arab News Service, shows the prince sitting on top of the back of a Black servant, using him as a chair, while the prince plays Playstation video games. The picture could be a photoshop (b/c while we know they do these things, they are usually smart enough not to post them on Facebook or elsewhere), but it certainly looks real. What do you think? Is it real? This is typically how they treat Blacks in Saudi Arabia and elsewhere in the Muslim world, so I wouldn’t doubt that it’s real.
THIS. IS. ISLAM. . . .

A little background on His Royal Highness Prince Bader: he’s only 25 years old, and yet, he is on the board of a large energy conglomerate, Energy Holdings International, Inc., a publicly traded oil, gas, power, and water energy company with assets in the Middle East and the Americas, including in the U.S.
Oh, the things we must tolerate from these Saudi cretins who give a nod and a wink to Islamic terrorism, in order to keep the Bin Ladenites from seizing power in the Kingdom.
Tags: Islam, Islamic racism, King Abdullah's son, Muslim, Muslim racism, Playstation, Prince Bader Bin Abdullah, Saudi Arabia, Saudi Prince Prince Bader Bin Abdullah Bin Mohammed Al Farhan Al Saud, Saudi prince sits on servant to play playstation
Looks like your standard “Slave Ottoman” , in black and white, soon to be available at Sky Mall.
Panhandle on October 25, 2012 at 3:45 pm