November 2, 2012, - 11:04 am
Chris Brown’s Jihadist Halloween Costume: Sick Admiration of Islamic Mass Murderers
Pop/R&B singer Chris Brown is best known for beating up his girlfriend, pop singer Rihanna. And while he claims he’s reformed from his violent ways, his choice of Halloween costumes for himself and his posse of hangers-on says otherwise. It’s a sick display of admiration for jihadist Muslims (redundant phrase) who murdered thousands of Americans and continue to plot and attempt our destruction.

Sadly, as I’ve repeatedly noted on this site, there is a longtime, strong, one-sided love affair in Black America–especially in the hip-hop community–for Islam and jihad, despite the fact that Muslims murdered millions of Black Christians and animists in Sudan and continue to enslave and treat Blacks as subhuman (referring to them as abed (singular) or abeed (plural), which means “slave” or “slaves” and is the Arabic version of the N-word). It’s a form of Black self-hatred. And Chris Brown is one of the self-haters who has an affinity for Islam and Arabia (see his Arabic baseball hat, above).
We all know that there are many rappers who moronically converted to Islam and tolerate these jihadists who murder American soldiers and civilians all over the world. See the lyrics of Busta Rhymes’ “Arab Money.” And, now, add Chris Brown, girlfriend-beater, to the heap. Well, he’s got the traditional Islamic behavior towards women down pat.
Tags: Chris Brown, Chris Brown Halloween costume, Halloween, Halloween costumes, Islam, Islamic Jihad, Jihad, Muslim, Muslm modesty, Rihanna, Taliban, Taliban Chris Brown
Are you surprised from this Hollyweird jet-set thugs? Typical N!
Ajax on November 2, 2012 at 11:10 am