December 10, 2012, - 12:41 pm
Congressman Knew About Islamic Terrorist, Did Nothing, Now Grandstands After Terrorist Attack
Recently, I told you about Abdullatif Ali Aldosary, an Islamic terrorist and Iraqi immigrant who bombed an Arizona Social Security office. As I noted, agents who raided his home found all kinds of recipes for explosives and a cache of supplies and weapons hidden in Aldosary’s home. Well, now, it’s come to light that the man’s own Congressman was aware that Aldosary was an Islamic terrorist who was roaming the streets of his district and did nothing about it. Now that Congressman, Republican Paul Gosar, is using Aldosary’s terrorist attack–which he could have helped stop–to grandstand.

Congressman Paul Gosar (Left) Stood By as Islamic Terrorist Abdullatif Aldosary Roamed the Streets for Over a Year
Paul Gosar learned well over a year ago that Aldosary was an Islamic terrorist. Aldosary is one of his constituents and asked the Congressman to inquire from Homeland Security why Aldosary’s attempts to get a green card and legal permanent residence in the U.S. were denied. Homeland Security responded that Aldosary is an Islamic terrorist and, therefore, was denied the green card.
You’d think that upon learning that, a U.S. Congressman would raise hell and ask why an Islamic terrorist is roaming the streets of his district, why the person isn’t being deported or at least detained awaiting deportation. You’d think Congressman Gosar would have made a big deal about this. But you would be wrong. In fact, Gosar said nothing and did nothing. Crickets chirping from the Congressman and his office . . . until now. Until AFTER an explosion that could have killed countless people. Yup, now, after a year of sitting back and collecting his Congressional paycheck and benefits exceeding $200,000 per year, Republican Congressman Paul Gosar is suddenly “interested” in national security and the safety of his constituents. He sent out a grandstanding letter to the Department of Homeland Security–and sent a copy to all members of the press, asking why Aldosary wasn’t monitored and so on.
Those are, indeed, the proper questions to be asking both to Homeland Security . . . and to the man Paul Gosar sees in his mirror. Homeland Security should have deported this guy. They should have detained him. And at the very least, they should have monitored his activities, especially since he was already convicted of a violent crime, prior to his terrorist attack. But Paul Gosar should have insisted on it and held the fire to the agency’s feet. He did none of that. Instead, upon learning that one of his own constituents is an Islamic terrorist freely going about his business, Gosar put that information in his circular file. The explosion at the Casa Grande, Arizona Social Security office could have resulted in the murders of countless people. We’re lucky that wasn’t the result. But if it had been, Paul Gosar would have blood on his hands. He should be ashamed and apologize to his constituents, instead of sending out publicity-seeking press releases and letters over a year too late. It’s simply arrogant and phony, not to mention hypocritical.
An Arizona congressman is asking federal officials why the man suspected of detonating a bomb outside the Arizona Social Security Administration office in Casa Grande was allowed to live in Arizona despite being classified a person who had engaged in “terrorism-related activity.”
Rep. Paul Gosar, R-AZ, sent a letter to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services on Wednesday with specific questions about the status of 47-year-old Abdullatif Ali Aldosary. . . .
Aldosary had approached Gosar’s office with a request for a “green card” and in November 2011, Gosar forwarded that request to immigration officials.
Gosar said DHS responded by saying Aldosary was not eligible for a permanent change to citizenship “pursuant to the terrorism-related grounds of inadmissibility, and that “individuals who engage in terrorism-related activity … are barred from receiving various immigration benefits.”
DHS did not elaborate on what the activity was. Gosar wrote that to be barred from permanent status, under federal law the immigrant must have engaged in activity “indicating an intention to cause death or serious bodily injury, a terrorist activity; to prepare or plan a terrorist activity; to gather information on potential targets for terrorist activity” or belong to “a terrorist organization” among other actions.
When CBS5 reached out to DHS, Immigration and Customs Enforcement spokeswoman Amber Cargile responded, “Mr. Aldosary has an adjustment of status petition currently pending with U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services after a previous denial of legal permanent resident status due to his participation in an uprising against Iraqi government forces in Basra in March 1991, during the Gulf War.”
In light of the Casa Grande bombing, Gosar questioned why Aldosary was not detained and processed for deportation in November 2011, after it was determined he had engaged in terrorism-related activity.
Again, why didn’t Gosar ask this question in November 2011, when he first became aware of it?
Gosar also asked what efforts were made to track and monitor “a known terrorist.”
I repeat: why didn’t Gosar ask this question in November 2011, when he first became aware of it?
The Nov. 30 bombing happened about a block away from Gosar’s office.
“But for the grace of God, no one was injured in the bombing,” he wrote.
Again, tell it to your mirror, Paul.
Tags: Abdullatif Aldosary, Abullatif Ali Aldosary, Citizenship and Immigration Services, Congressman Paul Gosar, frauds, Green Card, Homeland Security, hypocrites, Hypocritical Republicans, Islamic Terrorism, Islamic terrorists, Paul Gosar, phonies, Rep. Paul Gosar
The problem is that is all Republican congressmen and Senators do for the most part…grandstand. They talk tough about the economy, the deficit, spending programs, terrorism, but when push comes to shove, they have the backbones of marshmellows. The Dems ideology is G-d awful, but at least they walk the walk. They support open borders and communism, and they vote that way. The Republicans say all of good things we want to here, but when push comes to shove, they support…open borders and communism (Who do you think supported most social programs? Yup, the so-called Republicans..Food Stamps, 8a Housing, increased welfare, immigration amnesty, prescription drug benefits all supported by Republicans).
There are No Trumans, Ikes, or Reagans anymore. Our country is in the grips of the laws of political entropy.
Jonathan E. Grant on December 10, 2012 at 12:54 pm