January 15, 2013, - 3:59 pm
Lance Armstrong & Oprah: The Room Ain’t Big Enough for Even One of Those Egos – HOprah Alert
I don’t know about you, but I’m getting sick and tired of hearing about how Mr. Arrogant, Lance Armstrong, is giving his confession about steroids to HRHSBotU [Her Royal Highness Supreme Being of the Universe] Oprah, Ms. Arrogant. I was sick of the story the first time I heard it. Now, it’s really overkill. It is as if Oprah is some god or high priestess and only she can hear confessions from us lesser mortals–but only the lesser mortals that are celebs, not us little people–and that, she, and she alone, can confer the necessary forgiveness to make it all go away. And only she can deign who is worthy of forgiveness.

It elevates this calorically-gifted, New Age psychobabblist to godlike status. And it’s disgusting. But what else is new? This is what you get when two symbiotic hyper-narcissist frauds perpetrate something on America . . . the Kardashian-viewing segment of the country that actually cares about this crap (and voted for Obama).
There probably aren’t two more arrogant people in this world (except the Obamas) than Lance Armstrong and Oprah Winfrey. He is on his own Conceit and Deceit World Tour, and she is just on her Everlasting Lifelong Conceit World Tour (Sponsored by Upper Class Liberal White Housewives Who Want to Feel Unracist & So They Buy $500 Cashmere Q-Tips From Oprah’s Favorite Things). I was disgusted, back in the summer, when Rush Limbaugh–and his constant echo chamber copycat, Sean Hannity–repeatedly defended Armstrong after the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency and cycling’s governing body declared that Armstrong doped and that they were pulling all of his cycling wins, including several Tour De France titles. Why are they defending this jerk? They acted as if he was some huge victim and a conservative cause celebre. Not even close. He’s a dude who dumped his wife (and kids) who stuck with him while he had cancer and made his comeback, so that he could now be free to “date” (euphemism) a bevy of blonde heiresses and celebrity bimbos, living the life of a super jock (when he wasn’t really one) with multiple glamorous sperm receptacles.
I really couldn’t care less that Lance Armstrong was doping. I’ve written before on this site about how I don’t oppose the use of steroids and performance-enhancing drugs in professional sports, so long as they are made legal for adults and are out in the open. And, unlike in other pro sports, virtually the entire class of elite cyclists was doping when Armstrong was. But he’s a liar and a fraud (and a liberal who whined about counterterrorism spending after 9/11) who lucked out by appearing at the Bush White House and cycling with George W. Bush and getting out of being prosecuted by the Justice Department, which closed its investigation of him, despite going after doctors and others. He sued newspapers for defamation and went after fellow cyclists who admitted to doping and said Armstrong did, too. And it was all a fake-out.
And, so, who cares if Armstrong finally admits to what everyone already knows–that he cheated and then went after all of those who exposed him, while he pretended to be interested in charity and stopping cancer? And do we know if his doping might not have some causal connection with his testicular cancer in the first place?
Nobody in America needs Oprah’s forgiveness. Frankly, regardless of the fact that her influence is much lessened with her talk show gone from syndication and her cable channel drowning in debt and low ratings, she needs to ask America’s forgiveness. HOprah is the woman who for over a quarter century pimped her anything-goes “morality” and far-left progressivism on American families and homes. It’s not a stretch to say that she ruined lives, broke up families, and hurt people. After all, she preached selfishness and deviance to her millions of American viewers–most of them women–on a daily basis. And even with her on-air career in rigor mortis, Oprah continues to be backed by the Discovery Network execs . . . because she’s Black. If she were White, she’d be gone. Millions of airheaded American women with money to spend also still buy tickets to her narcissistically named “Change Your Life” seminars. There’s a word for them: suckers, the birthrate of which was vastly underrated in the proverbial one per minute. And only a super-egotist would call her interview show, “Master Class.” She ain’t a master of anything, other than BS (and she used to sell it by the truckload).
That Lance Armstrong has briefly, temporarily, brought this egomaniac Oprah back from the showbiz diva dead for an ephemeral moment is just more of the mutual conceit and fraud that people like both Winfrey and Armstrong feed on for a living. They need it to keep their public personae and celebrity going. They’ve built careers on pretending to have empathy for others, but it’s all a show.
Oprah now says she’s “mesmerized and riveted” by Armstrong’s hardly shocking confession. PUH-LEEZE. The only people mesmerized here are Oprah and Lance Armstrong with the images in their mirrors.
What is the difference between Armstrong/Oprah and G-d?
Among many other things, He doesn’t think He’s them.

Tags: cycling, doping, egomaniacs, frauds, HOprah, Lance Armstrong, narcissists, Oprah, Oprah Winfrey Network, OWN
They are both horrible human beings. I wish they would just sink into the septic filth from which they came.
Worry01 on January 15, 2013 at 4:10 pm