March 19, 2013, - 11:06 am
Iraq Invasion Ten Years Ago Today Achieved What?
Ten years ago today, on March 19, 2003, the United States invaded Iraq. And what did we achieve? An Iranian-backed Shi’ite dictatorship is in power and the Shi’ite crescent on the map was completed. We handed a stable region from a Sunni dictator who was at war with Shi’ite Iran and blocked Iran from much of its aspirations. And we–via President Bush’s insistence on “democratically-elected” governments for barbarians–inspired barbaric savages to get elected throughout the Middle East, destabilizing the region forever. And in the course of all that, thousands of American men and women dead, tens of thousands more maimed, disfigured, and otherwise permanently injured and scarred, all in the name of handing Sunni-ruled Iraq to the even more dangerous Shi’ites. That’s not to mention the gazillions of dollars spent and wasted . . . for nothing.
They Died . . .
To Hand Iraq Over to Them . . .

As anyone familiar with my work knows, I’m not anti-war. I’m not an isolationist. Exactly the opposite. I’m all for America asserting its power in the world when it’s in America’s interests. I initially supported the war in Iraq. But that’s because I thought we’d go in, replace an anti-American nutty dictator with a pro-American Shah-like dictator, and quickly get the hell out. That’s how it should have been done. That’s how you prosecute a war and win.
Instead, we insisted on letting the masses of followers of the ayatollahs who dominate Iraq elect supporters of the ayatollahs. And that’s what’s there now. Chaldeans–Catholic Iraqis–who lived in Iraq for thousands of years, even before there was Christianity, have been persecuted and disenfranchised, kidnapped and murdered, and otherwise driven out by those we installed into power in Iraq. They’ve fled mostly to the U.S., where we’ve had to take them in by the hundreds of thousands and provide government entitlements and job-training for them in an economy where eight out of every 100 Americans are already unemployed. Most have come to Michigan, where the unemployment rate is even higher. (If things were so good, so successful in Iraq after we went in, why did President Bush immediately begin admitting tens of thousands of Christian refugees for asylum in the U.S.?) The Kurds are also in a similarly precarious position, as are Sunni Muslims.
And I supported America going to war, not American soldiers risking their lives to pass out candy and build roads for those who hate us. Not American soldiers being forced to give up Playboy Magazine to appease Muslims and being told they must abide by Muslim etiquette. That’s not a war. It’s a damned losing effort before it even starts. And that’s always what it was. For that, you cannot blame Obama in the least. This was not his war. This rests squarely on the shoulders of George W. Bush, who acted tough but was a paper tiger more bent on pandering to the religion that murdered 3,000 Americans on U.S. soil on his watch. He pretended to fight “those who did it” overseas, but then allowed those who did it to continue to pour into our borders, and he bent over backward to appease their backward ways.
So the war in Iraq wasn’t just a waste of time, money, and–far more valuable–American lives. It was an irreparable destabilization of the world’s most dangerous region run by the world’s most dangerous religion. And Bush gave that religion a taste of blood for gaining power via democratic elections, something that he continues to support despite the consequences in Gaza, Lebanon, Tunisia, Egypt, and Libya and the possible or likely consequences in Syria, Bahrain, Jordan, and elsewhere in the region.
But we’d be better off today–as bad as they were–with Saddam Hussein and his evil spawn, Uday and Qusay, still in power. Yes, the devil we knew was much better than the replacement devil we installed with American blood. Instead, we have Shi’ites equally as bad or worse in power. They take their orders from Iran and they hate their liberator, America. Remember, these are the people whose revered ayatollahs tell Muslims they must marry off their daughters before their first period. They are the ones who, immediately upon taking power in Iraq, immediately restored the legality of the mut’a (Shi’ite pretextual “temporary marriages” for the purpose of Islamic-sanctioned rape and prostitution), long outlawed by Saddam Hussein. They are the founders of Hezbollah, which murdered hundreds of Americans an worked with Al-Qaeda to murder hundreds more.
So what did we gain from it? Not much. But we lost a whole lot. Before there were two enemies of ours who hated each other equally as much as they hated us. That kept ’em busy and created a stable bulwark against unrest. Now, we’ve handed control of contiguous countries to one enemy, Shi’ism and it’s revolution, giving it a green light to spread the Shi’ite Revolution around the region. Good luck with that. Some people say that Obama’s pull-out is the problem. Um, no, “liberated, democratic” savagely barbaric Muslims are the problem.
Ten years ago today, we began the creation of a satellite state for Iran and Hezbollah through the sacrifice of thousands of American blood and limbs.
Was it worth it?
Nope. Not even close.
Somewhere in hell, Saddam Hussein is having the last laugh. And Ayatollah Khomeini is in the same place, laughing along with him. They may be in hell. But we created a new hell for ourselves on earth.
And we not only paid through the nose for it, we’ll be paying for a long time to come.
Tags: 10th anniversary of Iraq war, ayatollahs, Hezbollah, Invasion of Iraq, Iran, Iraq, Iraq war, Islam, Jihad, President Bush, Shi'ism, Shi'ites, War in Iraq, War On Iraq
[Debbie – But we’d be better off today–as bad as they were–with Saddam Hussein and his evil spawn, Uday and Qusay, still in power. Yes, the devil we knew was much better than the replacement devil we installed with American blood. Instead, we have Shi’ites equally as bad or worse in power.]
Everything Debbie says is correct. However that is all in the past and without a time machine nothing can be done about it now.
The real tragedy is that we haven’t learned and we will continue to make the same mistakes.
I_AM_ME on March 19, 2013 at 11:43 am