April 3, 2013, - 10:28 am
Is Anyone Surprised that AP Dropped “Illegal Immigrant” From Its Stylebook (Back in October)?
While I was away for the end of Passover, yesterday, I received a number of e-mails from friends and readers about Associated Press’ decision to drop the term, “illegal immigrant,” from its stylebook. But ask yourself, when was the last time you saw any AP story . . . or any story from any mainstream news media outlet, using the term, “illegal immigrant”?

I can’t remember seeing that term used in years. Even AP officially said, back in October, that it would rarely use the term. Most media outlets use the term “undocumented worker” (as if they are all workers contributing something to America, and that’s hardly the case), or some other politically-correct, bias-laden term. Heck, even the term, “illegal immigrant,” is politically correct. They aren’t immigrants and shouldn’t be. They are aliens, invaders, interlopers, infiltrators . . . all of whom should be deported.
And even the false hero of the right, FOX News Channel, supports illegal alien amnesty. That’s the official position of the Channel’s chief and owner, Rupert Murdoch, and he started a push for amnesty, as I’ve noted on this site. Plus his studios released “Machete,” a pro-illegal alien movie (and will release its sequel, too). But you didn’t and won’t hear a peep about any of that from Michelle Malkin and all the other paid FOX News faux-conservatives who claim to be against open borders and will whine about Associated Press’ move, which was just making official the political correctness in which AP’s been engaging for years. For them, it’s “no dolla, no holla,” and they know on which side their bread is buttered. Unlike these underhanded FOX Newsers, at least AP is open and honest about what it is doing.
By the way, you, too, can write in the deliberately ignorant, politically correct style of AP. The AP stylebook has an app.
By the way, Jay Leno has the best solution to this. In his monologue, last night, he said, “They will now use the term ‘undocumented Democrat.'”
Tags: AP, AP illegal immigrants, AP stylebook, Associated Press, Associated Press illegal aliens, Associated Press illegal immigrants, FOX News, Fox News Channel, Illegal Aliens, Illegal Immigrants, Immigration, Jay Leno, Undocumented Democrat
“No dolla no holla.” hehe
“Undocumented Democrats.” That’s what I’ve been using for awhile now. If the shoe fits…
Wild Jew man on April 3, 2013 at 10:42 am