May 6, 2013, - 9:01 pm
You Can’t Make This Up!: Detroit Stripper Crime of the Day
I just can’t believe a stripper would resort to this. After all, everyone knows that strippers are just working girls who are only trying to save up until they put themselves through college and become the first rocket scientists to cure cancer and the STDs they contracted in the “Champagne Room.” Yeah, that’s the ticket.

This is technically not in the City of Detroit, but it’s just across the street on the other side of Eight Mile Road (yes, Eminem’s Eight Mile) in Farmington Hills, Michigan, a suburb of Detroit. So close enough. I can’t find this online, so I had to scan it and post. Sounds like a ridiculous “Saturday Night Live” skit, but you just can’t make this stuff up. And in our Keeping Up With the Kardashians world, surely this Darwin-Award-winning stripper deserves a reality show, book deal, and millions of dollars for undergoing this ordeal of store credit for stripper boots.
Tags: Angry Stripper wreaks havoc after being offered store credit, Angry strippers, Cirilla's, Cyrilla's, Detroit, Eight Mile, Eight Mile Road, Farmington Hills, Michigan, Stripper crime, strippers
Debbie I’m going to need pictures of the alleged stripper to make any judgements here. If she looks like you then I’m on her side. If she looks like Fake Rabbi Alpert I recommend water boarding.
A1 on May 6, 2013 at 9:11 pm