June 13, 2013, - 4:16 pm
Told Ya: Marco Rubio is a Dirtbag – Pulls an Arafat on Amnesty; Rush Limbaugh, Other Conservatives Continue to Defend Him
Yesterday, Ann Coulter wrote a column saying that if the GOP pushes the amnesty bill, it deserves to die. But, perhaps, she deserves to die along with it, since she repeatedly pimped us on charlatan Marco Rubio . . . just like she pimped us on Mitt Romney and Chris ChrispieCreme, the HAMAS-lovin’ Governor of New Jersey and Halal Donutistan. She and Michelle Fraudkin and all the others gushed over this guy–clearly only because he’s Hispanic, the “great Hispanic hope”–even though Rubio had a history of fraud, lying, and–frankly–criminal activity (including billing $100K in personal and family expenses on his Florida Republican Party credit card, which, in the rest of America, we call “embezzlement”). They pimped him even though his rhetoric on immigration was the same as it is now: Amnesty! Amnesty!, and–oh, by the way–Amnesty!

When Marco Rubio first went on all the right-wing talk radio shows, a couple of months or so ago, to pimp his immigration amnesty bill, Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin, and others gushed over it. Rubio promised over and over again that he would insist on border security first before his “pathway to citizenship” baloney. And Limbaugh gushed over him, saying we should support this. It was BS then. It’s BS now. And, yet, while Limbaugh continues to call Lindsey Graham–Rubio’s fellow Senate Gangbang of Eight member–“Lindsey Grahamnesty,” there are no such monikers, no criticism of Rubio. Just excuse after excuse after excuse. Gushing after gushing after gushing. And the only distinction between the two is that Rubio is Hispanic, and, so, he gets a pass. This is bigotry, plain and simple. And it’s affirmative action, too. Rubio should be called to the carpet on all of his lying and fraud.
But, no. Over the weekend, Rubio gave an interview in Spanish to a Latino media outlet, in which he explicitly said he was for amnesty first and enforcement later. Then, on Tuesday, he went on FOX News, and said he didn’t say that, when it’s exactly what he said. Just like Yasser Arafat, who said one thing to the Western, English-speaking media, and the exact opposite to the Arab media. So did Rush Limbaugh get upset about this 180-ing lying sack?
Nope. Yesterday, on his nationally syndicated radio show, Limbaugh defended Rubio yet again. He said he spoke with Rubio, and Rubio reminded him that Rubio said on the Limbaugh show that it was necessary to start the “pathway to citizenship” first so that the problem of illegal aliens doesn’t get any bigger. HUUUUUUH?????? Um, how on earth does the problem “not get any bigger,” if you’re NOT enforcing the borders and more illegal aliens come in? This is just BS. And, yet, Limbaugh continues to pimp us on Rubio’s pimping because Rubio is the GOP’s “great Hispanic hope.” No other reason. And it gets worse.
Today, ALL EIGHT of the Senate Gangbang of Eight–including Rubio–voted down an amendment from Senator Charles Grassley that would require border enforcement for six months first and then start the “pathway to citizenship” amnesty. Limbaugh mentioned that on his show today, but conspicuously didn’t call out Rubio on this. It’s nauseating and revealing.
Republicans, conservatives, Tea Partiers, Ann Coulter, Michelle Fraudkin, and the like have embraced this charlatan, Rubio, as the savior of the GOP and America. They pimped him on us when he ran for the Senate. And, now, he’s pimping America’s future in return.
And, yet, they keep making excuses for him. Telling us to bend over again and take another from him.
No thanks. Marco Rubio is NO DIFFERENT than Lindsey Graham. NO DIFFERENT than John McCain. NO DIFFERENT. Except that the other two didn’t embezzle $100,000 and get away with it.
Now all three and the rest of the Establishment Republicans (and Rand Paul–who also supports this crap) are embezzling America’s future. And America won’t ever recover from that.
Tags: amnesty, amnesty bill, border security, Charles Grassley, Immigration, immigration amnesty, Lindsey Graham, Marco Rubio, Marco Rubio Amnesty, Marco Rubio lies, Rush Limbaugh, Rush Limbaugh amnesty, Rush Limbaugh immigration, Rush Limbaugh Marco Rubio, secure borders, Senate Gang of Eight, Yasser Arafat
The Republican party is desperate for minority “cred” because the progressive machine has been so successful at characterizing them as a bunch of old, white, male racists.
DS_ROCKS! on June 13, 2013 at 4:21 pm