June 18, 2013, - 4:28 pm
Jeb Bush’s “Fertile Immigrants”: Egyptian Muslim Raped Seattle 12-Year-Old For “Dressing Provocatively”; UPDATE: HAMAS CAIR-Washingon Bigwig
UPDATE: Child molester and rapist Omar Abdelbadie is on the HAMAS CAIR-Washington Team and Vice Prez of the U-W Interfaith Council. Hmmm . . . . “Interfaith” or Intercourse (with kiddies)? Looks like it was hard for him to tell the difference. ****
Meet yet another of Jeb Bush’s “more fertile” immigrants to America and one of Marco Boob-io’s sparkling candidates for a “path to citizenship,” Omar Abdelbadie.

Egyptian Immigrant Rapist Omar Abdelbadie: Jeb Bush Praises Him for Being “More Fertile”; Rubio Wants to Give Child Rapist Path to Citizenship to Get Him Out of the Shadows
The Egyptian Muslim immigrant is a Dean’s List student at the University of Washington, majoring in neurobiology and minoring in Japanese. He’s also a child molesting rapist, who got a 12-year-old girl high and raped her because, he said, she was “dressed provocatively.” Shouldn’t America make “pathway to citizenship for him,” so he no longer has to “hide in the shadows,” like Marco Rubio, Paul Ryan, Rand Paul, and Jeb Bush keep tellin’ us?
Why is this only second-degree child rape, and why did the judge give this child molester, who is a danger to society, bond? He’s out on bond now, and will probably flee the country.
A 22-year-old University of Washington senior is accused of raping a 12-year-old girl he met in Seattle’s University District. Court documents say Omar Abdelbadie, who is on the University’s dean’s list, saw the girl walking on “The Ave” Sunday and talked to her because she was dressed provocatively. According to CBS affiliate KIRO-TV, the victim told investigators that she disclosed her age to Abdelbadie.

They allegedly smoked marijuana and had sex at his apartment. The station reports that according to Washington State law, sexual intercourse between a 22-year-old and a 12-year-old is considered second-degree child rape. The girl was a runaway who had been reported missing by her guardian. Someone who saw them together called police Monday, and Abdelbadie was arrested.
KIRO reports he had a bail hearing Tuesday. His lawyer asked for him to be released because he has exams and other steps to complete to graduate. The judge set bail at $100,000 and referred to him as “a risk to the community,” according to KIRO.
According to the University of Washington’s website, Abdelbadie was born in Egypt, has been living in Bellevue, Wash. for the last 8 years, and is majoring in neurobiology and minoring in Japanese.
Currently free after posting bond, UW Senior Omar Abdelbadie is alleged to have plied the girl with marijuana, brought her back to his apartment and had sex with her hours after they met. . . .
According to the girl’s account, Abdelbadie approached and struck up a conversation with her, and then asked her to smoke marijuana with him. The girl said she told him her age several times before he brought her back to his apartment, where he had sex with her after claiming she had “seduced” him. The girl left Abdelbadie’s home the following day. Abdelbadie and a friend are alleged to have walked her home, and watched hiding behind a fence as she walked up to the house.
Abdelbadie’s friend – who met Abdelbadie when signing him up for a children’s charity — then called 911 after arguing with Abdelbadie about his conduct with a young girl. Officers responded to the area and arrested Abdelbadie.
According to charging papers, Abdelbadie told police he met the girl walking near University Avenue and claimed she was dressed “provocatively.” He is alleged to have admitted he “hooked up” with the girl, but would not say whether he knew her true age.
By the way, did I mention that Mr. Abdelbadie’s “research interests” include sleep? More like sleeping with kids. ‘Cuz, hey, if it’s okay in Egypt, why not here, too?
Tags: CAIR, CAIR-WA, CAIR-Washington, child molestation, child-rape, Egyptian immigrants, Egyptian Muslim, HAMAS' CAIR, Immigration, Islam, Islamic immigration, Jeb Bush, Marc Rubio, Marco Rubio, Muslim immigrants, Muslim immigration, Omar Abdelbadie, path to citizenship, Seattle, U-W Interfaith Council, University of Washington
From the article Debbie quoted: “KIRO reports he had a bail hearing Tuesday. His lawyer asked for him to be released because he has exams and other steps to complete to graduate. The judge set bail at $100,000 and referred to him as “a risk to the community,” according to KIRO.”
This whole bail thing makes no sense. Is the University actually going to not kick him out immediately? If they do kick him out, there is no bail argument. If they don’t kick him out, tell everyone to evacuate and then burn the University to the ground.
If he is a risk to the community then why did the judge let him out?
I_AM_ME on June 18, 2013 at 4:53 pm