June 21, 2013, - 11:36 am
HUH? Chelsea Clinton Said What?! Kim Kartrashian Did What?! Dearbornistan Shi’ite Muslim Said What?! Paula Deen Did What?!
Hmmm . . . some bizarre stories in the news in the last couple of days, and here are my reactions via tweets on Twitter (follow me on Twitter). Also, check out my response, below, to a typically disgusting Shi’ite Muslim from Dearbornistan. They all seem to have these weird, forced sexual fantasies about me.
* Chelsea Clinton said she is upset her great-grandmother didn’t have access to Planned Parenthood (and that her granny’s birth was “an unintended pregnancy”). Huh? Here’s my response.

Actually, make that, “We’re upset all four of your great-grandmas didn’t have access to Planned Parenthood, Chelsea.”

* Skanky porn star Kim Kardashian and racist Black Panther son/Muslim Kanye West named their new daughter the absurd name, “North West.” Not kidding.

Lowlifes with a lotta fame and money are still just lowlifes. Or is that . . . “lowlives”? Either way, these two are Exhibit A of the genre, and their bastardette, cruelly-named kid is sure to follow in their STD-ridden footsteps.
Revisiting the Chelsea Clinton baloney, I’m sad that these two didn’t have access to Planned Parenthood.

* Paula Deen, the celebrity chef, is in hot water for testifying in depositions that she used the “N-word” and hired Black waiters to dress as slaves in a Civil War-era themed wedding she catered. Yes, it’s abhorrent. But who would admit to doing that? Hey, at least she’s honest. Most people would lie about this, even under oath in depositions or otherwise, and deny it. When there is as much uproar about Black racism against White people, then I’ll know that America has finally woken up and equality has truly been achieved. In other news, there is a new, “interesting” flavor of Oreo cookie.

* Dearbornistan Shi’ite Muslim Hussein Saad has some sick fantasy about me having sex with him and in typical depraved “Islamic modesty” fashion is not afraid to let me–and the rest of the world–know about it in as crude a fashion as possible. Fortunately, as I responded, I don’t have the proper “aides” necessary for such an undesirable experience. Note his racist response, typical of how Muslims feel about the Americans amongst whom they live.

My response:

His limp (pun intended), racist response (Arab Muslims think they are a separate, supreme race from White people and have let the U.S. Census Bureau know this):

* Michael Jackson’s daughter, Paris, tried to kill herself recently, but I bit my tweet tongue for a couple of weeks or so.

Remember, you can Follow Me on Twitter Here.
Tags: Chelsea Clinton, Chelsea Clinton abortion, Chelsea Clinton Planned Parenthood, Dearbornistan, Debbie Schlussel on Twitter, Debbie Schlussel Twitter, Hussein Saad, Hussein Saad tiny penis, Islam, islamic "modesty", Kanye West, Kanye West North West, Kim and Kanye, Kim Kardashian, Kim Kardashian Kanye West North West, Kim Kardashian North West, North West, Paris Jackson, Paris Jackson Obama, Paris Jackson suicide, Paula Deen, Paula Deen N-word, Paula Deen racism, Planned Parenthood, Shi'ite Muslim, Shia Islam, Twitter, Watermelon Oreo
Translation of Plato, “If the decent are not willing to rule, they are punished by being ruled by worse men.”
Panhandle on June 21, 2013 at 11:55 am