July 5, 2013, - 12:18 pm
FREE STUFF: Get Your Coupon for Free Orville Redenbacher Popcorn Treat @ Kroger
I love to tell you, my dear readers, about FREE STUFF. And here’s something free, but you can only get the coupon today, Friday, July 5, 2013 (the coupon is good through July 20, 2013 and only usable at Kroger). It’s for FREE Orville Redenbacher’s Pop Crunch. Go here to get the coupon. You may have to sign up for a Kroger card (or login if you already have one).

For the record, I have never tried this snack (so don’t blame me if you don’t like it) and probably won’t get the coupon. I don’t eat this kind of empty calorie food, but don’t let my eating habits make you feel guilty. (For my Jewish/kosher readers, my research indicates this product is kosher.)
Tags: coupons, free, free stuff, Kroger, Orville Redenbacher Pop Crunch, Orville Redenbacher's Pop Crunch, swag
The NFL Gets an Israeli Humus Makeover:
If you hate Israel, there’s no longer reason to watch Monday Night Football!
NF: I read that article in this morning’s Wall St. Journal, and it is no longer an Israeli company. It’s owned by Pepsi now. DS
NormanF on July 5, 2013 at 1:54 pm