July 19, 2013, - 5:03 pm
DUMBASS: White Guilt “Artist” Makes Trayvon Portrait Out of Skittles; Asks for Skittles Donations
This has to be the dumbest story I’ve heard yet in the aftermath of the George Zimmerman acquittal. And I’m disappointed this idiot doesn’t make a mural out of iced tea, instead of just Skittles.
I guess I shouldn’t be amazed at the absurd beatification of violent, pot-smoking thug, Trayvon Martin, or at the level of baseless guilt on display by dumb, “sensitive,” White men. But Sean Murphy’s absurd mural and Skittles Trayvon “painting” are ridiculous. Watch this video (leave it to FOX News owned-and-operated Detroit affiliate–which is as far left as they come AND overseen by FOX News’ Roger Ailes to publicize this absolute dumbassity):

All of this reminds me of a similarly ridiculous mural of Malice Green, a coked-up, crack-addicted criminal who evaded Detroit Police. When they caught up with him, there was a struggle, and Green died of a heart attack. The two officers who arrested him, Larry Nevers and Walter Budzyn, were railroaded big-time and each did prison time after long battles in court. Federal Judge Lawrence Zatkoff was the only guy who saw through the charade, noted the prosecutorial misconduct (of prosecutor Kym Worthy) and gave these guys a fair chance and new trials. As I noted on this site back in 2008:
The “trial” show Worthy put on was so beyond the pale of a fair trial that Federal Judge Lawrence Zatkoff threw out the convictions and ordered new trials for the men. He wrote page after page in his decision about Worthy’s racially-motivated shenanigans against these two men. Officer Nevers wrote a book about the rotten deal he received, “Good Cops, Bad Verdict – How Racial Politics Convicted Us of Murder
In many ways, the Malice Green situation and the trials of Nevers–who got cancer while in prison and recently died–and Budzyn were very similar to the Zimmerman case, except that Zimmerman’s jury got the decision right. And Nevers and Budzyn were totally shafted because, hey, it’s Detroit.
An artist made a giant mural for this thug, Malice Green, as if he were some kind of hero instead of a crack-addicted criminal. Recently, it was demolished, and many Black Detroiters were up in arms about it. The artist who made it had also discussed either painting a new one or making a Trayvon Martin mural.
But I prefer the Skittles stupidity. That way a lot of rodents and insects will have a nice meal, real soon.
Exit Question: Could the skittles mural have been Barack Obama 35 years ago? Or was a coke mural more appropriate back then? Just askin’.
Tags: Detroit, George Zimmerman, Judge Lawrence Zatkoff, Kym Worthy, Larry Nevers, Lawrence Zatkoff, Malice Green, Sean Murphy, Skittles, Travyon Martin Skittles Mural, Trayvon Martin, Trayvon Martin mural, Trayvon Martin Skittles, video, Walter Budzyn, Zimmerman Trial
Malice Green. An apt name.
Little Al on July 19, 2013 at 6:54 pm