August 12, 2013, - 5:07 pm
*UPDATED* OUTRAGE: ICE Won’t Deport Illegal Aliens But Seizes US Soldiers’ War Souvenirs, Gives ‘Em Back to Muslims Who Hate Us
**** SCROLL DOWN FOR UPDATE – ICE’s Top Cop Responds to Schlussel ****
Hmmm . . . I guess since Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), the largest agency in Homeland Security, won’t arrest and deport illegal aliens in our midst, it needs something to do to keep busy. So, ICE agents are taking war souvenirs from American soldiers who risked their lives and limbs in the Middle East and handing ’em back to Muslims who hate us.

ICE: We Keep You Safe From Saddam Hussein’s Sword, But NOT Illegal Aliens (ICE Director of Investigations Jim Dinkins Poses w/ Iraqi Ambassador to US & Saddam Hussein’s Sword)
Today, I was talking to a friend who sells military equipment and memorabilia. He told me that his grandfather has a Hitler Nazi youth sword, which he brought home from Germany as a souvenir of his experience fighting there in the U.S. Army against the Nazis. I told my friend that those days are over. That’s because, these days, if you find anything–if you take any spoil of victory, any souvenir–our government, specifically the arm that is supposed to be enforcing immigration laws but isn’t, will make sure it goes after you, takes your souvenirs, probably prosecutes you, and then does a photo op with some smiling Muslim official taking it back. It used to be that souvenirs were the tiny perk of risking your life for America. No more.
Imagine, you are a soldier sent to risk your life and limb to hand over a Muslim country from one sect of Muslims who hate us (Sunnis) to another sect of Muslims who hate us (Shi’ites). And while you’re there, you happen upon Saddam Hussein’s sword. But you don’t just take it, because you might get in trouble. So, instead, you make sure you’ve secured permission from your commanding officers and the American authorities, who give you the okay. But, once back in the States, ICE agents–not allowed to enforce immigration laws and with little aim or mission for their agency–are busy scouring auction house listings looking for souvenirs they can repossess for Muslim and Communist governments who are the enemy (whether we admit it or not). The ICE agents order the auction house to cancel the auction for the sword, and they phone the Iraqi Embassy, asking to schedule a photo op for a top Homeland Security official to smile for cameras and show a country full of America-hating Hajjis that we are bending over for them . . . yet again.
This isn’t the first time this has happened. ICE agents, under the Bush Administration took some poor diver’s coins that he found far off the Saudi coast and gave them “back” to the Saudi government, particularly to a Saudi Prince close with Bin Laden. No matter that the coin was minted centuries ago before there were any Saudis or Saudi Arabia or House of Saud to speak of. Then ICE chieftess, Julie Myers a/k/a “The ICE Princess” posed with Prince Turki Al-Faisal, the Bin Laden enabler, smiling with the coins they stole from an American diver who took the risks and found the loot.
Now, it’s ICE’s Director of Investigations (or as it’s now been branded, HSI–Homeland Security Investigations), James Dinkins, posing smilingly with Saddam Hussein’s sword and the Iraqi Ambassador to the U.S. Longtime readers know that I am friendly with and like Detroit-area native Jim Dinkins, who is a mensch and a good guy. And I know that Jim doesn’t set ICE policy (or lack thereof). It’s above his paygrade. But the picture he’s in, above, is silly. And it’s more than that. It’s a disgrace.
American soldiers who go to a war zone and risk their lives should get to keep the souvenirs they find. They paid for it in blood. And they saw some of their friends come home in body bags. Does any Muslim country have its law enforcement busying itself with returning American property? Just ask those scumbags who nationalized the American oil wells in Saudi Arabia. Or all those countries who won’t even return America’s kids who are kidnapped by Muslim parents. It’s not a two-way street. It’s a one-way dead end of Islamopandering.
ICE calls the sword, “cultural property,” though anyone with any intellectual honesty would be hard-pressed to call a swarm of savages, a “culture.” This “culture” isn’t busy listening to Chopin or Brahms and sipping chablis (or even watching the Kardashians). It’s making IEDs and continuing to blow up its people.
If we’re not going to enforce immigration and customs laws, then there is no point in even having an ICE. Our government should not be wasting it’s time “keeping America safe” from Saddam Hussein’s sword or some Arabian Peninsula coins long buried beneath the sea.
Taking these items from Americans who risked everything to get them is not something to be proud of. It’s a sign of weakness. And it’s embarrassing. And it’s a waste of your money.
The Muslim world is laughing at us every time we do something like this.
ICE’s official press release:
A ceremonial sword, looted in 2003 from Saddam Hussein’s personal office in Baghdad, was returned to the Republic of Iraq Monday by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) Homeland Security Investigations (HSI).
The sword, which had been smuggled into the United States by U.S. military personnel, was repatriated at a private ceremony held at Iraqi Ambassador Lukman Faily’s residence in Washington.
“Cultural property – such as the sword being returned today to the people of Iraq – represents part of a country’s history that should have never been stolen or auctioned,” said HSI Associate Director James Dinkins. “We will continue conducting these types of investigations to ensure that current and future generations aren’t robbed of their nation’s history.” . . .
The sword is a 43-inch embellished blade and sheath with gold inlaid Arabic writing along the edge of the blade that declares it to be a gift to Saddam Hussein. It was sold in October 2011 to the Amoskeag Auction Company (AAC) in Manchester, N.H., and advertised in their Jan. 7, 2012, auction catalogue as having been removed from Hussein’s personal office in the Iraqi military command complex in Baghdad by the U.S. Army 126th Military History Detachment after the regime fell in 2003. The catalog also said that the consignor was attached to the unit as a combat historian, that the sword was not claimed by the U.S. government and that the consignor was granted permission to keep the sword as a souvenir.
In January 2012, HSI special agents in Manchester learned that it was being auctioned and initiated an investigation.
Although the sword was sold at auction for $15,000 by AAC Jan. 7, 2012, the sale had not been consummated by an exchange of money and the object had not yet been shipped to the purchaser by AAC. On Jan. 9, 2012, HSI special agents seized the sword as a possible Iraqi cultural artifact.
HSI special agents coordinated with the U.S. Department of State and the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) regarding the validity of the sword’s importation into the United States and the regulations surrounding the importation of war trophies from Iraq. It was determined that this ornate ceremonial sword cannot be considered a modern battlefield weapon and is therefore not eligible to be exported as a war trophy.
Additionally, the import of this historic sword was prohibited by DOD’s Office of Foreign Assets Control pursuant to an executive order which prohibits trade or transfer of Iraqi cultural property.
On April 30, 2012, the sword was administratively forfeited. In 2008, 2010 and 2011, ICE repatriated to the government of Iraq a collection of cultural objects including Saddam Hussein-era paintings, AK-47 rifles, ancient tablets, clay statues, ancient gold earrings, coins, a Western Asiatic necklace and terra cotta cones, all illegally imported into the United States from Iraq.
Homeland Security . . . we keep you safe from the ghost of Saddam Hussein’s sword. Interlopers and invaders on U.S. soil? Fuggedaboutit.
**** UPDATE, 08/13/13: ICE’s Director of Homeland Security Investigations, Jim Dinkins, responded and gave me permission to post his response:
From: Dinkins, James A
Date: Tue, Aug 13, 2013 at 1:14 AM
Subject: RE: JIMMY D, Pls Tell Me U Hated Posing for This . . .
To: Debbie SchlusselDebbie:
Well that’s not very nice. Fine to make fun of me and the photo, as a public official it comes with the position. But the men and women of HSI have set a record number of criminal arrests every year since I have had the pleasure of serving as their Director. In the past two years alone they have had an increase of 25% in criminal arrests, and since FY09 have had a 300% increase in currency and monetary instrument seizures. So to say they are not enforcing immigration and customs laws is just wrong. They are dedicated professionals often risking their lives to protect our communities and nation. I do like the “mensch” reference.
Jim D
James A. Dinkins
Executive Associate Director
Homeland Security Investigations
ICE, Department of Homeland Security
Tags: cultural property, DHS, Homeland Security, ICE, Immigration, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Iraq, James Dinkins, Jim Dinkins, Saddam Hussein's Sword
The headline alone just jacked my blood pressure up. I’m not reading this for a little while. The greatest generation has got to be just disgusted.
samurai on August 12, 2013 at 5:13 pm