August 16, 2013, - 5:57 pm

Wknd Box Office: Jobs, Lee Daniels’ The Butler, Kick-Ass 2, Paranoia

By Debbie Schlussel

Nothing too great debuting at movie theaters, today, but the choices are vastly better than last week’s selection.



* “Jobs“: I had mixed feelings about this movie. It was very long–much longer than its two-hours-two-minutes run time and seemed to go on forever, hitting apparently every turn and project in Steve Jobs’ career. Ashton Kutcher does a pretty good–if slightly stilted–job portraying Jobs, based on the articles and features I’ve seen on the Apple co-founder. But, then, he is naturally a semi-doppelganger for Jobs, and that helps tremendously.

If you’ve read a few articles about Steve Jobs, there’s probably nothing new in this for you. The movie shows Jobs to be at once a genius and a creep, which is supposed to be fairly accurate. The movie also shows the value of hard work (to go with G-d-given talent), which probably inspired Kutcher’s recent acclaimed speech at the “Kids’ Choice Awards” about the importance of hard work. The movie shows several of the kids who helped Jobs found Apple, along with Steve Wozniak (loathsome liberal and Mormon-hater Josh Gad), and how Jobs ripped them off and cut them out of any chance at Apple stock. At the end of the movie, stay through the credits, and it shows you how much the actors, who played the various cast of Apple innovators, looked like the real thing.

There’s nothing objectionable or wrong with this movie and it’s somewhat entertaining. I just thought it was a little dull, especially given the magic that Steve Jobs’ genius inspired.

Also, the movie does not go into Jobs’ later life, with the introduction of the iPod, transforming the music biz forever and the iPhone smart phone revolution. There’s nothing on Jobs’ last days, first turning to alternative healing instead of medicine to fight off pancreatic cancer and then succumbing to it. There is little about his adoption, except a mention at the very beginning, even though, in real life, Jobs used a private detective to find out who his birth parents–an academic and a Syrian Arab Muslim immigrant (who abandoned him)–were and choosing deliberately never to meet the birth father or identify with him whatsoever. Those things might have made the movie a little more interesting and less one-dimensional (with the dimension being the focus on his innovations in computers).

One annoying thing about the movie: it shows Kutcher as Jobs walking several times and walking with a very strange gait. I’m told that this was deliberate and that Jobs did walk that way. But it was distracting and unnecessary.

If anything, the movie garners more respect for Ashton Kutcher than Jobs (whose story has already been chronicled plenty of times). Until now, Kutcher played dopes in silly movies and was known for dumb hijinks on “Punked” and as the guy who cheated on, then was dumped by, and is now in an endless divorce with cougar Demi Moore. Now, he’s played someone more serious and accomplished, and with it, he will be seen as such himself.


Watch the trailer . . .

* “Lee Daniels’ The Butler“: Two-and-a-half extremely tedious hours of race merchant grievance theater, prefaced by a gazillion previews filled with race merchant grievance theater movie trailers (a Mandela movie, some Brad Pitt movie about a free Black man kidnapped and forced to be a slave, and so on–I thought I was gonna be beaten by the others in the entirely Black audience when a trailer popped up for the Tom Hanks movie in which he plays the captain of the ship hijacked by Somalian Islamic terrorists).

Yes, slavery and horrible treatment of Blacks happened. It’s a fact of American history, and there’s no denying it. But I felt I was being lectured to. I felt like this movie was a continuing campaign commercial for Barack Obama (and it is–he’s the only President treated with absolute respect and gushing in this movie, even though he’s not portrayed in any speaking roles or by any actors here). And I felt like here is yet another movie in which the N-word is used to bait modern-day Black Americans who see it to justify the anti-White racism that dominates that community and endless affirmative action, minority set-asides and other race-based government unfairness as “payback.”

If your mind isn’t filled with enough “visions” of Oprah scowling and pretending to talk Ebonics, then this is your movie. For everyone else, it’s waaaaaay toooooo loooooong and self-indulgent, and it tries to be at once a catalog of the civil rights movement AND the Black Forest Gump (in the sense that every important event in the civil rights movement and every President’s reaction to it either touches the butler who is the lead in this movie or his son).

Oh, and the narrative is that Blacks who work hard and try to make it in America–like the Black butler in the White House–are taking the wrong tack, and that Black militance and supremacy is better. And while the movies is supposed to be based on the true story of former White House butler, Eugene Allen, it’s mostly fiction. Among the few things the real life butler Allen and the one in this movie had in common: they both were White House butlers, both grew up on a plantation, and they were both Black. The rest is made up to rile emotions, not all of them positive.

The story: Cecil Gaines (Forest Whitaker) is treated like a slave, as are his parents (his mom is Mariah Carey). His father is shot dead by the White plantation owner’s son after the son rapes Gaines’ mother and Gaines asks his father to say something. Gaines is raised to be a “housen—er” by the plantation owner (the loathsome fan of Islamic terrorists, Vanessa Redgrave), and ultimately leaves the plantation, getting a job at a local hotel, where the Black head butler teachers him how to serve people. Then, he works at a Washington, DC hotel, where he is recommended and chosen for a job as a White House butler. He is married to Oprah Winfrey, an alcoholic whiner who is hit on by their neighbor. They have two sons. One serves in Vietnam and is killed there.

The other son is a Black militant and joins the Black Panthers. All his life, the militant son is involved in civil rights protests and marches and gets arrested and beaten. While the butler is distant from his son–because he disapproves of his son’s radicalism and believes in hard work and going along with the White men in the White House–he ultimately regrets that choice, quits working at the White House, and joins his son at a protest against apartheid at the South African Embassy.

Several actors play the various Presidents (Robin Williams is a convincing Harry Truman, Liev Schreiber is Lyndon Johnson, and so on), but the President most unfairly maligned is Ronald Reagan (played by Palestinian terrorist fan Alan Rickman, who looks and sounds NOTHING like Reagan). Although the movie shows that Reagan is the only President who finally got involved and made sure the Black White House servants were paid the same as their White counterparts and considered for promotions, it is an invitation by the Reagans to the butler and his wife that spurs the butler to hate the Reagans and his life at the White House, to do a 180 and quit his job, and to support his son’s militance. He says that he and his wife were only invited to the dinner so that they could be shown off as “Black Reagan friends” at a time that Reagan opposed sanctions against South Africa’s apartheid regime. But there is no evidence of that.

In real life, Eugene Allen’s son served in Vietnam, but came home alive. In reality, his wife was not an annoying drunk like Oprah (thankfully for him!). He did NOT have a militant Black Panther son, and was not spurred into protesting at the South African Embassy or quitting in disgust at the Reagans. That was all baloney. Just made up to bolster race merchant grievance theater a la Oprah. Slate has a great summary of what is and isn’t true in the life story of Allen versus what’s in this movie.

A few other things on Reagan. The movie shows Reagan telling the butler that he secretly sends money to people who write the White House telling of their financial troubles, and he asks the butler to help him continue the practice in secret after Reagan’s staff and Nancy (Hanoi Hilton Jane Fonda) want it stopped. That was nice. The movie also shows Nancy telling the staff that there are too many conservatives on foreign policy surrounding her husband and she wants more moderates surrounding him so that they can thaw the Cold War with the Soviets. But the real life Nancy Reagan was a staunch anti-Communist when she met Ronald Reagan and got him interested in her politics and politics in general. Yes, she was a liberal on social issues, but not the Cold War, so this simply isn’t accurate.

Also, when it comes to civil rights, I had a personal experience with President Reagan on this. I met the President several times, and when I first met him in 1986 (or ’87), I asked him a question about affirmative action, how unfair it was, and when he’d get rid of it in government and public universities. He responded with a non-answer, telling me how he deplored racism and anti-Semitism, and how he was fired (or quit) as a lifeguard after standing up for Blacks and Jews where he was lifeguarding.

In any event, aside from being complete fiction (which unfortunately people will believe is a true story of an actual Black White House butler), “The Butler” is just long, boring, tiresome, and way too damned didactic.

The best I can say about this movie is that the costuming/wardrobe is fabulous. For everything else, no thank you.


Watch the trailer . . .

* “Kick-Ass 2“: I enjoyed the first Kick Ass (read my review). This one, not so much. In fact, not at all. This could have and would have been a great movie, had it not been so graphically violent and bloody and so lewd in terms of language and so on. The first installment wasn’t that tame, but it was a choir boy’s movie compared to this sequel, which I cannot recommend. I’d be lying if I said this wasn’t entertaining–it’s entertaining–but the explicit violence and language overpower that.

The story: Dave a/k/a “Kick-Ass” (Aaron Taylor-Johnson), the high school kid who wears a superhero outfit and goes on the streets to fight crime, is back. But Mindy a/k/a “Hit Girl” (Chloe Grace Moretz), while training him and going on the streets with him, is caught by her adopted father, who tells her she is forbidden from living that life. So Kick-Ass finds others with superhero costumes and joins them to fight crime. Their leader is a former mob hitman turned vigilante (Jim Carrey). Meanwhile, Chris D’amico (Christopher Mintz-Plasse) wants to avenge his father’s death at the hands of Kick-Ass, Hit Girl, and Hit Girl’s deceased father. So he declares war on them and amasses a band of villains and criminals to kill them and everyone in their superhero group.

Yes, the good guys win in the end, but that doesn’t make this worth sitting through. Not even close. Extremely violent and graphic. NOT for kids, despite the superhero theme.


Watch the trailer . . .

* “Paranoia“: What originally seems like an interesting thriller turns out to be just another far-fetched anti-business liberal fantasy. The presence of bloated anti-Israel far lefty Richard Dreyfuss as the dumpy, liberal, working-class father who “knows best” should have been a hint for me. The ending of the movie and the plot end up being ridiculous.

The story: Chris Hemsworth gets caught cheating the CEO (Gary Oldman) of a large tech company out of thousands of dollars, so the CEO fires him and then blackmails him into getting a job with the competition, a company headed by Harrison Ford, so that Hemsworth can commit corporate espionage, while romancing a co-executive of his.

What could have been a good thriller turned out to be a little dull, slow-moving, and only very mildly entertaining. I am a big fan of Gary Oldman, but it’s obvious this movie was a paycheck for him. Not up to his usual standards.


Watch the trailer . . .

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32 Responses

Daily Beast report on lies in this Oprah suck movie..

bobby99 on August 16, 2013 at 6:29 pm

I have said it before. Boycott all movies. Maybe then Hollywood will “get it.”

Jonathan E. Grant on August 16, 2013 at 6:50 pm


    If Oprah’s in it, that’s good reason enough not to waste ten bucks and lose two hours of your life you’ll never get back.

    Debbie does us all a public service keeping us away from movies in the August Hollywood landfill like this one.

    There’s nothing Hollywood makes that has actually drawn me inside a theater for decades now.

    The stock plots, heroes and villains are all the same. Along with the subjects they won’t touch on the silver screen!

    NormanF on August 16, 2013 at 7:19 pm

    BOYCOTT all movies. Pure trash. Why pay to be offended or insulted?

    Fred on August 18, 2013 at 2:36 pm

    Gee, even the good ones? Or perhaps there aren’t any.

    By the way, I saw “The Butler” over the weekend. I can’t say it was my own story. I’m not black. But all art appreciation on some level is about grasping the frame of reference of the artist. I had to place myself in the perspective of the blacks, much as I dislike a great many of them, and accept the film for what it is: A well-done biopic from a black Leftist-pacifist (i.e., pro-MLK, anti-Black Panther) view, where the personal and the political meet. Certain aspects of it made me groan — and director Lee Daniels took some major dramatic license with facts — but overall it was highly watchable, especially with Forest Whitaker’s always-superb acting skills.

    Should I celebrate “The Butler?” No. But I’m certainly not gonna boycott it.

    Seek on August 19, 2013 at 11:07 am

That picture of Al Sharpton is hilarious.

Laura L on August 16, 2013 at 6:53 pm

I am tired of Hollywood and the media propping up black homosexuals like Lee Daniels (director of “The Butler”) and doing so at the expense of more talented and capable heterosexual black males. Another thing: the movie project was originally going to be actually about Eugene Allen based on his autobiography. But the moviemakers (allegedly) decided that Allen’s real story wouldn’t sell, so they instead redid the whole thing, writing a script to tell the story that THEY wanted to tell (the screenwriter was the same one behind the hatchet job on Sarah Palin for HBO) and got Lee Daniels to direct. The result is a story that has nothing to do with the real Eugene Allen who was a devout Christian, family man and VERY hard worker (he was even a volunteer kitchen worker for his church).

As I said in the “Django Unchained” review, I have difficulty imagining that there will ever be a movie that accurately depicts slavery, Jim Crow or racism that white conservatives will embrace. But fairy tales – and yes the pun is intended because I am calling the director Lee Daniels what he is with “fairy” plus the movie is dishonest, manipulative, agenda driven and exploitative instead of being a legitimate attempt to depict history, let alone tell a story making it a “tale” and not a good one – like this makes the job of opposing such films and the people who make and support them all too easy.

Give us a straight up, no-nonsense depiction of people who actually lived and events that actually happened – or failing that a fictional story with fictional characters that are grounded enough in reality to be plausible and compelling – or just leave well enough alone and give us “Monsters University” or “Pacific Rim” (which I enjoyed a lot more than Debbie did).

Gerald on August 16, 2013 at 6:55 pm

    Gerald, are you gonna go invisible like you have been lately when someone raises your points and kills your argument? I’m just sayin’ that to point out to you that has been your tactic of late. That said, the rebuttal to your initial post is always better even if you fail to respond.

    You may have been separating the Jim Crow and “Conservatives” and I hope you did. I would think you would know Jim Crow was a Southern Democrat shame…NOT “Conservative” at all. And IF you are separating them you are still wrong, wrong, wrong with how nasty and raaaaaacist you think Conservatives are.

    And you know what, I want someone who is the negative to your photo image to take you on regarding your hostility to gays. I mean I wanna gay YOU to take the achilles heel side you take when it comes to your race sensitivities (but for the gay slammin’ you do). I’d pay to see you debate your gay counterpart. Because perhaps if you viewed your raaaaaaaace sensitivities how you view your gay intolerance you could see how very wrong and foolish you are.

    I’m gonna sit back and see if anyone bites.

    Oh, and I’m not harshly judging your gay intolerance…we prolly agree more than disagree but it is indeed rich coming from a guy who has silly blinders on when it comes to Black issues but doesn’t afford the gay side the same leeway.

    Skunky on August 16, 2013 at 7:40 pm

I had hoped to go see “Jobs.” It looked fairly interesting. Don’t care much about the other movies. Thx DS.

Alisia S on August 16, 2013 at 6:57 pm

Sometimes, you can tell the tone of a certain movie by watching the trailer.

I tweeted about how much “The Butler” would annoy me because of Oprah. Debbie confirmed that. Plus, who would’ve thought that this flick would be dumping ground for all these lock-step moonbat asshats? I’ll pass on that, merci beaucoup.

I would’ve loved to see “Kick Ass II” to see Jim Carrey kick some ass. But since he eventually disowned the flick, I’m not too sure. Meh.

So this weekend… Netflix Binge Watching!

The Reverend Jacques on August 16, 2013 at 6:58 pm

Off topic –

A dhimmi federal judge has pandered to Islam, ruling that Oklahoma’s attempt to ban Sharia – the Islamic law – as state law, no surprise here… is unconstitutional!

“US District Judge Vicki Miles-LaGrange ruled on Thursday that the measure, contained in an amendment to the Oklahoma state constitution, violated the freedom of religion provisions of the US Constitution. Sharia law is based on Muslim principles.

“It is abundantly clear that the primary purpose of the amendment was to specifically target and outlaw Sharia law,” she wrote.”

And what’s wrong with targeting and outlawing a code that authorizes beheadings for murder, chopping off hands for theft and forcing women to wear the burqa and niqab?

More here:

Disgusting! I can just see Oprah Winfrey playing the execrable dhimmi US Judge Vicki Miles-LaGrange, who issued today’s abominable anti-freedom edict in the upcoming “Lifetime” movie. As if we haven’t pandered enough to Islam already!

Of course, all those OK voters who voted to ban Sharia in their state are just greasy hick Islamophobes! We’re heading in the direction of the UK: towards an unequal and oppressive legal system that favors Muslims! So much for equality and freedom in America.

Apparently, to Judge LeGrange, we haven’t tried Sharia enough yet to know its not good for us. Tell that to the Egyptians trying to keep the Muslim Brotherhood out of power and imposing Sharia on them!

NormanF on August 16, 2013 at 7:00 pm

Isn’t that Liam Hemsworth in that crappy film? I only point it out because I believe his brand (and being) is exceedingly sullied & marred by him banging the vapid and annoying Vylie Vyrus. I have no use for him for that association. I know he only touches the dog crap but to me it’s as he is actually the dog crap. Association can sully one that way and he is deeply infected. YUCK!!

I prefer the more handsome brother Chris. For every Ben Mendolsohn and Joel Edgerton there is a Nicole Kidman and Sam Worthington. Can’t escape the yin & the yang!

Gary Oldman is always worth watching thou’! 😀

Skunky on August 16, 2013 at 7:27 pm

Thank you for the movie reviews, Debbie. Of the movies reviewed here, the only one that I might see is “Jobs”. The rest–per Debbie’s reviews–are must-skips.

JeffE on August 16, 2013 at 7:55 pm

“This could have and would have been a great movie, had it not been so graphically violent and bloody and so lewd in terms of language and so on.”
So completely change everything about it so it’s no longer staying true to the comic, because some people can’t handle “violence?”

“Extremely violent and graphic. NOT for kids, despite the superhero theme.”
No shit!

I really wish you and others would realize that just because something has “comic” or “cartoon” in the title doesn’t mean it’s aromatically kid-friendly.
The rest of the world has realized this fact and use the medium freely to tell great stories. It’s the American’s that are once again still behind.

Dean on August 16, 2013 at 10:34 pm

    There are parents that are stupid not know this. Now about the rest of the world being ahead, fine, like who gives a f$ck what the world thinks.

    Mario on August 17, 2013 at 4:36 pm

Has that lazy fat bastard, Foul Sharpton, ever worked a day in his life?

AR on August 16, 2013 at 11:37 pm

Dear Debbie – if anyone has a race-bone to pick, it’d be you – the Jewish people. But I don’t see the children of Israel whining, moaning and playing victim as if that’s all you got going for you. No sir. I see a vibrant, talented, energetic people who shake off the bad of the Past and get on with it.

Oprah, take note. If you can get over yourself for ten minutes.

Jack on August 17, 2013 at 1:11 am

Yet ANOTHER racial movie chock-full of nonsense, fairy tales, and finger-wagging-guilt-tripping-on-YT? I am not shocked.

Black people live their entire existence first and foremost as black, anything else second.

It’s beyond absurd that this tripe still goes on and on and on and on. Selling more bulls**t lies and claptrap that blacks do everything, even workin’ harder, than the white man but it’s the terrible terrible legacy of tha slabery holding them down. /rolls eyes

What’s incredible is that these race-hustling, race-baiting pimps have no conscience whatsoever when ginning up lies to make their racial stories sound better. It tacitly admits and confirms that the reality is actually a lot closer to what the evil “raycissts” say than what these foolish incompetents would have us believe. That blacks and black history accomplish(ed) little to nothing.

PitandPen on August 17, 2013 at 1:46 am

I despise Ashton Kutcher since seeing him on “Two And A Half Men” – didn’t have much feeling either way because I never saw “70s Show” and watched only a part of a couple “Punk’d” epidodes- so I’m not sure if he’ll spoil the movie for me.

I thought that Noah Wiley dude did a good job in “Pirates Of Silicon Valley” and that’s who I’ll be comparing Kutcher to, so, yeah, I’ll probably loathe him some more.

Also, I was an avid Apple fanboy since the early daze of the Mac and did some minor programming in OpenDoc in the ’90s (have since become enamored with and focused mainly on Android, now) and I’m pretty sure that Jobs didn’t rip off The Woz of any Apple stock (yes, he did rip off Woz on programming work for Atari(?) that he subcontracted from Woz before Apple was even a gleam in Jobs’ eye.)

Woz voluntarily gave away most of his Apple stock to early employees who he felt did get ripped off or overlooked in the initial issuance of Apple stock.

“Those things might have made the movie a little more interesting and less one-dimensional (with the dimension being the focus on his innovations in computers).”

You’re most assuredly right, Debbie, as far as mainstream audiences go, but for geeks like me who like to read white papers for entertainment and lasciviously regard hi-res spyshots of new silicon as computer-nerd porn, we’ll be more interested in the computers than the human aspects of the story. lol.

DS_ROCKS! on August 17, 2013 at 2:20 am

I’m interested in ‘Jobs’. I do think it’s a pity that they didn’t cover his creation of the iPod, iPhone or iPad, which is what turned Apple around. But I’m a great fan of his NEXT computers, which is a part of what interests me in this.

The part about his birth parents – I was always under the impression that after his rise to fame, his Syrian Mohammedan sperm donor tried to ride on his coattails to fame, and that he then spurned him. I had no idea that he had privately found out who they were and then chose to ignore them: while he was on non-speaking terms w/ them, he did seem to be on good terms w/ his birth sister.

Anybody knows how close this movie is to Walter Isaacson’s bio of Jobs?

Infidel on August 17, 2013 at 2:23 am

    Infidel: “his creation of the iPod, iPhone or iPad, which is what turned Apple around”

    Kind of splitting hairs, but those came much later, although they certainly were the product core – with iTunes really changing the paradigm of Apple as a content provider as well as hardware company – that that sent Apple’s value through the roof.

    As far as turning the company around, I would argue that it was three instrumental things that Jobs did when he came back after the Scully era that turned Apple around:

    1. Ended licensing of the MacOS.

    2. Brought NeXt into the Apple fold which would later become the underpinnings of OSX.

    3. But the most important turning point for Apple that indelibly changed history – just like the Apple II and the Macintosh that preceded it – was the introduction of the iMac in 1998.

    DS_ROCKS! on August 17, 2013 at 6:00 pm

Thanks, Debbie. That’s all I needed to hear.

I will see “Kick-Ass 2” in the theater, alone if I have to, and I will pay full price just for the principle of it if for nothing else but to reward them for the spectacular ride that they gave us in the first “Kick-Ass.”

DS_ROCKS! on August 17, 2013 at 2:26 am

Haven’t seen any of these movies naturally, but I’m sure Debbie is right re how Kushton playing Jobs can only be good for Kushton’s career, before this he was considered lightweight. He comes across as a decent guy, basically good-hearted and unpretentious, with potential as an actor. So good for him. Loved the first Kick Ass, but disappointed to hear the sequel is so violent.

Larry in Tel Aviv on August 17, 2013 at 3:12 am

“The rest is made up to rile emotions, not all of them positive.”

“They have two sons. One serves in Vietnam and is killed there.
The other son is a Black militant and joins the Black Panthers. All his life, the militant son is involved in civil rights protests and marches and gets arrested and beaten”

So he didn’t have two sons?
And one wasn’t killed in ‘Nam
And the other wasn’t a civil rights protestor?

ebayer on August 17, 2013 at 3:35 am

Wait, you’re bashing Kick-Ass 2 because it has language and violence?

…so did the first one.

Your review of it seems to be extremely sparse and you barely say anything about the performances, the action, or the character arcs.

You do nothing but literally state the plot summary, complain about it having language and violence, and then call it a bad film without actually giving details as to why.

Dislike it for having violence and language if you want, but there are plenty of good films that have the same, if not more, so you could at least explain why.

Adam Sherman on August 17, 2013 at 3:45 am

    Adam, Debbie’s review of Kick-Ass 2 was absolutely perfect. This was an odd movie: absolutely entertaining (as Debbie clearly states), but also disgusting because it was so filthy and violent. It appealed to me and repelled me at the same time. These are all KIDS, not adults, playing hooky from school while blowing out people’s brains and using the filthiest language you’ve ever heard. The whole concept of Kick-Ass 1 was problematic because it starred a sweet-looking little girl who was killing, maiming and murdering. That should offend sensibilities of conservatives, even if she was giving “bad guys” a beating. However, the first film was at least pretty fun, even if driven by a problematic high concept (namely, the early adult-izing of a child). THIS film, though, double downs on the violence and language (and for political correctness, a gay “superhero” is added, I’ll mention).

    If you want to know how the characters and plot were, they both were–as Debbie suggests–cleverly written and entertaining. But Debbie was right not to recommend the film to conservatives, because it’s off-putting to see kids acting like gangsters.

    What I like about Debbie is that she sees the good (it’s entertaining), sees the bad (it’s repellant) and makes good, sound judgments about what it all means. She was absolutely correct about this movie.

    Burke on August 20, 2013 at 7:06 pm

Debbie: I really think they should have handed the screenplay over to you for a re-write before they shot ‘Jobs.’

Joe Guiney on August 17, 2013 at 8:52 pm

Blacks have been a subject of discrimination. For the last 50 years, they have received every benefit our country has to offer and have only deteriorated. If we say that 3% of our country is black males, these individuals account for 60 to 70% of all crime and violence. Most of my black friends (ages 20 to 55) have never, ever experienced discrimination (their own confession) and I live in the deep South. Now, on the other hand, most whites that I know have been subjected to discrimination from blacks in the area and have been victims of random violence (several have had loved ones killed by blacks simply for the fun of it). So do we have a problem with race? You bet. Is it white induced? NO.

david7134 on August 18, 2013 at 3:15 pm

too bad da butla didn’t have a paula deen cameo or i would’ve seen it…

jobs looks interesting.

kirche on August 19, 2013 at 3:02 pm

Dang, I really was looking forward to seeing Paranoid. Oh well, will see at a less expensive venue than the theater.

jake49 on August 19, 2013 at 4:45 pm

Thanks for the reviews, Deb. Will unquestionably save my $ on “The Butler,” which sounds like another H’oprah racial fiction (handbags in Switzerland, anyone? That one’s falling apart faster than a cardboard box in the rain). Does “I Ain’t Fonda Jane” actually play Nancy Reagan? Lord! The depths these Libtards will sink to, the calumnies they will heap . . .

jc15 on August 19, 2013 at 9:56 pm

You don’t like Jobs because his father is Arab. You find it difficult to accept that he has contributed far more to American life, culture and economy than your whole family put together. Get a life.

The Prophet Muhammad on August 21, 2013 at 5:45 pm

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