September 20, 2013, - 2:00 pm
Weekend Box Office: Thanks For Sharing
Because of the myriad Jewish holidays, I did not see most of the new movies debuting in theaters today. (I did not see “Prisoners” or “Battle of the Year,” but I will try to see the former later this weekend and post my review afterward.) In fact, I only saw one, “Thanks For Sharing,” and I wish I hadn’t. It’s more like, “No Thanks For Sharing. TMI [Too Much Information].”

Is America hurting from some shortage of sex addiction/masturbation movies? Seems like the pervs in Hollywood must think so, because I’ve seen more than one movie recently involving those topics. This one and “Don Jon,” which will come out in theaters next week, and my review will be posted then.
I wasn’t sure what the point of this movie was . . . other than to provide paychecks for the equally loathsome Mark Ruffalo, Tim Robbins, and Josh Gad, and to give Gwyneth Paltrow the opportunity to strip and show off her flat-chested body in lingerie. Yes, we know–a trainer paid tens of thousands of dollars to spend several hours a day in a gym with Gwyneth works. Thanks for the tip. Paltrow, per usual, is more than just a little bit annoying. She’s mega-annoying.
The story: three men (Ruffalo, Robbins, and Gad) are in different stages of recovery from sex addiction. They were all ordered to attend twelve steps meetings through court orders. Ruffalo has been “over” his sex addiction for five years, Robbins for several (he gave his wife Hepatitis C), and Gad has just started. It follows them as they struggle to avoid sex addiction and build monogamous relationships (Ruffalo with Paltrow, and Gad with someone other than his five fingers). To add to the annoying part, the singer Pink a/k/a Alecia Moore also joins in as a sex addict. We are the world, we are the children, blah, blah, blah.
The movie is not only disgusting, stupid, and completely pointless, but it’s a total waste of ten-plus bucks and nearly two hours of your life you’ll never get back.
Avoid that mistake, and STAY. AWAY. Just awful.
Watch the trailer . . .
Tags: Alecia Moore, Gwyneth Paltrow, Josh Gad, Mark Ruffalo, movie, movie review, Movie Reviews, Pink, Thanks for Sharing, Thanks for Sharing movie, Thanks for Sharing movie review, Thanks for Sharing review, Tim Robbins
There is no such thing as “sex addiction”. It’s called bad character of a sex-pervert. Victimization sells.
I never heard of Josh Gad. What a weird name!
Gwyneth Paltrow, one of the most annoying and talentless benefactors of nepotism, also admitted that after those strenuous training session she makes her assistant go into the shower at the gym and wipe down all the water because she doesn’t wanna touch “other people’s water”. Can you get more Gwyneth Paltrow than that even if you tried??
Last month when there was a charitable cook-book author tour and the REAL cook book authors got annoyed because heaps of people came to have that pompous fraud sign her ghost-written books while other tables had tumbleweeds drifting by them. One, right next to hers, made sure she had a heaping plate of stinky meat at the edge of her table so the aroma could waft up Paltrow’s stuck-up, patrician, macrobiotic nose. Loved that!
I think it was a vegan book and she’s not even vegan anymore (like that fraud-pervert Bill Clinton!). Keep pounding your vegan chest even thou’ you can’t be one anymore. THAT’s why people make fun of fraud vegans!!
I used to think it was just me who saw her correctly & I am pleased that people think she’s just as I always imagined her. Must be correct if so many feel that way and not just some outlier.
Skunky on September 20, 2013 at 4:52 pm