October 1, 2013, - 3:10 pm
Unhinged Jew-Hatred E-Mails of the Day: Liberal Wishes Me to Get Raped by Syrian or Somalian, Calls Me “Kike”
I get these on a daily basis from assorted scumbags like this. However, I would be a fool if I did not realize that, sadly, this nutjob represents plenty of others who do not e-mail me with their, um, “thoughts.” Muslims, Obama, and others like them set the stage to make people like “Ryan Filter” (if that is actually his real name, and it probably isn’t). However, equally making anti-Semites feel comfy are creatures on the right, like Michelle Malkin, who mocked and ridiculed my complaints about anti-Semitism in one of her several jealousy-filled diatribes against me. I’m not sure what this guy, Filter, does for a living, but, apparently, I’m not allowed to get paid because I’m a Jew. First, he sent me this, below. And, then, when I did not respond, he sent even more Jew-hating stuff, also posted below.

From: Ryan Filter rfilter82 @gmail.com
Date: Thu, Sep 26, 2013 at 4:53 PM
Subject: And your a JEW ha ha
To: writedebbie@gmail.comNo wonder the first thing in the top left of your page is a sign that says I want money donate now you fucking piece of shit kike you are definitely right wing America…. your motto should be steal all the money keep it for yourself…greedy Jew cunt. I hope u get raped by a Syrian and a Somalian now……
More from Ryan Filter:
From: Ryan Filter rfilter82@gmail.com
Date: Mon, Sep 30, 2013 at 7:02 PM
Subject: Hi
To: writedebbie@gmail.comSo you’re such an uppity cunt that you can’t even reply
Oh, and I forgot this, Ryan Filter’s first e-mail to me:
From: Ryan rfilter82@gmail.com
Date: Fri, Sep 24, 2010 at 7:27 PM
Subject: Teaparty
To: writedebbie@gmail.comI take it your a cuntservative
You stay classy, Ryan. And say Hi (or, in your case, Sieg Heil!) to the guys at the SS officers’ reunion party.
Tags: anti-semitic e-mails, anti-Semitism, hate-mail, Jew-hatred, Jews, liberal anti-Semitism, liberals, Ryan Filter
I guess he’s one of those Far Leftists who thinks Rouhani is a cool kid!
He’s sick alright and there are many more like him out there. Anti-Semitism is not going to go away any time soon.
NormanF on October 1, 2013 at 3:19 pm