October 6, 2013, - 9:55 pm
40 Years Ago Today: The Yom Kippur War & Its Lessons
I can’t let the day go by without noting that today is the 40th anniversary of the beginning of the Yom Kippur War, Israel’s victorious war against its Arab Muslim neighbors. On October 6, 1973, the Yom Kippur War began and concluded on October 25th. Israel won the war, despite being surrounded by a coalition of Muslim Arab nations bent on its destruction and led by Anwar Sadat, eager to fill the shoes of his predecessor (the leader of Arab nationalism, Gamal Abdel Nasser of Egypt), with his friend Hafez El-Assad following close behind.

While we are constantly told that we must respect Muslim traditions, holidays, and religious observances, the Yom Kippur War was yet another example of Muslims’ lack of respect for ours, yours, and mine. They attacked on what is one of the two holiest holidays in Judaism, Yom Kippur (the other is Rosh HaShanah). And the attack also occurred during Ramadan, because Islam is always a warring religion, no matter what day it is. They want us to respect their religious observances, but they do not respect ours OR their own.
The attack is billed as a “surprise” attack (the CIA was clueless about it), but there were signs that it was going to happen. Golda Meir knew about Arab plans of impending attack because of the excellent intelligence of the Mossad. But she chose not to launch a pre-emptive attack, a mistake that cost more lives of Israel soldiers than would have been lost had she gone ahead with pre-emptive action.
And Israel defended itself and was victorious, despite the opposition of self-hating Jew, Henry Kissinger (who, today, continues to have Israel’s enemies, including Saudi Arabia, as his high-paying clients). Kissinger did not want President Richard Nixon to help the Jewish State (he always opposed Israel while in positions of power). Although Kissinger is credited by some sources with allegedly wanting to aid Israel in the war, it’s not exactly the case. It was Nixon’s Chief of Staff, General Alexander Haig, and the President, himself, who were on Israel’s side. They initially chose not to cut off aid and arms to Israel and helped it prevent Egypt and the Soviets from blocking and controlling the Suez Canal.
Eventually, however, Kissinger cut off the supply of arms to Israel and blamed it on others in the Nixon Administration, even though he made that decision. In his writings and statements, he said that he wanted Israel to “get a bloody nose,” and that he did not want to embarrass the Arabs. Fortunately, Israel refused to listen to Kissinger’s baseless demands that it stop fighting, and it continued in battle until it surrounded the major divisions of the Egyptian Army. Despite Kissinger’s cut off of weapons from Israel, Israel still miraculously won the war, like the Jewish Maccabees who beat the Assyrian-Greeks. And even though, today, this anniversary of the Yom Kippur War is a national holiday in Egypt, that is yet more Muslim and Arab nationalist propaganda because Israel did, in fact, win the war, and Egypt lost. Big time.
The big mistake here was that Kissinger, in concentrating on his pan-Arabist pandering, failed to see what was going on here. Egypt was getting all of its support and weaponry from the Soviets, and this was a proxy War between Communism and the West (Israel) in the Middle East. No surprise, though, since Kissinger always did the wrong thing while occupying power (and later while out of power and accepting Saudi petro-dollars for his lobbying efforts). Kissinger, always a legend in his own mind, believed that, while serving as a negotiator between the sides after the war, he helped lessen Soviet influence in Egypt, and, therefore, the Arab Muslim Mid-East. Not so, because as we know, the Soviets long had their hands deep into the Mid-East and its many deleterious hydra–Syria, the PLO, Libya, Yemen, and so on.
Despite Israel winning the war–and with it the territorial and other spoils of victory–the country was constantly forced to self-amputate and “give back” what was hers. That is a demand never made on any other country, Western or otherwise. Israel has since given up the Sinai Peninsula to Egypt, and is under constant pressure to give the Golan Heights up to Syria. This is despite the fact that Israel won these lands in 1967’s Six Day War (another war initiated by the Egyptians and Syrians) and the fact that Egypt and Syria started the Yom Kippur War to reconquer those lands, which they failed to do. It is a sign of weakness and mush to give up these lands despite winning several wars over them. A sign of Western weakness vis-a-vis Islam, Muslims, and their never-ending jihad.
Reader Tov Klein has more insight in comparing the Israeli War of Atonement, as the war is also known, with today, and how the Jews haven’t learned:
As October approaches and it will soon be the 40th anniversary of the Yom Kippur war, I must make a statement.
From what I read, the troops were thinned at both the Sinai and Golan. The Mossad warned of imminent attacks. Our good Jewish Secretary of State [Kissinger], said that Israel should get a bloody nose. I believe that the cabal of scum–Kissinger and [Israeli General Moshe] Dayan–agreed with this strategy.
My father believes it was a miracle. 2,600+ soldiers died in the initial attack. It was easier to mobilize the troops due to the holiday, which I believe was known. That is why it was agreed upon. Israel was peace starved, which is a shame, because they now had defensible boarders. The US was pressuring them, just as now, and they took the gamble.
What happens in the future? They surrender Sinai, and later Gaza, all to better the “American interests” in the Middle East. To put it bluntly, America pimped Israel, which is a shame for all the Israelis and all of us North Americans!
Do we have no choice?
Sadly, he is right. And, unfortunately, we have no choice in the matter. Israel’s borders are now less defensible than ever, and if it is pressured to give up more land in the waning days of Obama in yet another misguided “peace” deal, it will be a disaster.
Those were the days–after Israel’s victory in the Six Day War of 1967, the Yom Kippur War of 1973, and it’s successful raid on Entebbe in 1976–when Israel and the Jews were respected worldwide. Now, as Israel appeases and speaks loudly but carries a toothpick, anti-Semitism is at its highest levels in decades. Israel and the Jewish people are seen as weak and appeasers.
The lessons of the Yom Kippur War–40 year later–still haven’t been learned by those in power.
Tags: 40th Anniversary of Yom Kippur war, Alexander Haig, Anwar Sadat, Arab Muslims, Arabism, Egypt, Gama Abdel Nasser, Golda Meir, Hafez El-Assad, Islam, Israel, Jews, Jihad, Kissinger, Richard Nixon, Soviet Union, Soviets, War of Atonement, Yom Kippur, Yom Kippur War, Yom Kippur War 40th anniversary
“the country was constantly forced to self-amputate and “give back” what was hers. That is a demand never made on any other country, Western or otherwise:
How true and nauseatingly hypocritical. Like when we helped filthy GB defend the “Falklands.”
DSR: Great minds think alike, as I was thinking of the Falklands, but that is not even a good comparison, since Israel has always been Jewish land and Jews have lived there for thousands of years. The Falklands is hardly British land by any stretch, and its “connection” to the Brits is tangential at best. DS
DS_ROCKS! on October 6, 2013 at 10:01 pm