November 13, 2013, - 2:18 pm
Muslims Said What?!
I get these hate tweets from the so-called “Religion of Peace” on an almost daily, if not daily, basis. Tolerance is a one way street when it comes to Muslims. It only goes their way. Here are a couple of Muslim tweets from yesterday, wishing I jump off a bridge or leave the planet, which means I’m doing something right, and they can’t stand it. Cockroaches usually hate the sunlight and the disinfectant. (Follow me on Twitter.)

Imagine these schmucks on steroids with explosives and you know what Jews in Israel are expected to “make peace” with.
Or just imagine them with a critical mass level in our population, which is soon coming. Elections, law enforcement, pop culture, public education, healthcare. They are already beginning to impose their ways–and their hate–on all of these. Soon, they will have no trouble doing so. That’s basically here already.
Good luck with that.
Well, well, well all you little druggies from the non-infidel world who keep writing nasty notes to Debbie…
Here’s a little song you might like since we’re getting close to the season and since you guys do not participate with us infidels, so, please listen closely:
EVERYBODY – SING ALONG and send your best wishes to these mutants
who threaten those not of their world!!!
Dennis on November 13, 2013 at 2:40 pm