December 15, 2013, - 8:35 pm
Semi-Funny VIDEO: Obama on ObamaCare According to the Fake Sign Language Interpreter
This could have been a lot funnier . . . if “Saturday Night Live” libs like executive producer Lorne Michaels had the guts to really mock Obama the way they mock everyone else, especially conservatives and Republicans. But they don’t. And so the fake sign language interpreter in the skit doesn’t mock the fake President and his fake healthcare plan. And, thus, it’s only semi-funny. In any event, check it out . . .

Tags: Saturday Night Live, SNL, SNL fake sign language interpreter, SNL mocks fake sign language interpreter, SNL Obama Healthcare skit
The video clip is ONLY available for viewing in the USA & its Territories….
Didn’t know the USA also had some “Territories”…..
Simon on December 15, 2013 at 9:13 pm