January 6, 2014, - 2:39 pm
Tiger Mom & Hubby: “8 Cultural, Ethnic, Religious Grps Are Superior” – Are You in One of Them?
The Chinese “Tiger Mom,” Amy Chua, and her Jewish husband, Jed Rubenfeld, argue in their new book, The Triple Package: How Three Unlikely Traits Explain the Rise and Fall of Cultural Groups in America, that eight cultural, ethnic, and religious groups are superior to the rest in America. They say that Jews, Chinese, Cuban exiles, (Asian) Indians, Iranians, Mormons, Nigerians, and Lebanese Americans are the superior ones, and everyone else is contributing to the downfall of America. And they are, predictably, already under fire. I’m sure they don’t mind because controversy sells books. And, unlike previous, far more substantive authors on the topic, they are liberals, so they’ll get away with it.

Certain ethnic groups have, indeed, shown they have higher IQs than others. That’s not new. Nor is it new that authors who bring this out will be attacked scurrilously. See Drs. Richard J. Herrnstein and Charles Murray and their groundbreaking book, “Bell Curve: Intelligence and Class Structure in American Life,” (which said that Asians and Ashkenazic Jews (Jews primarily from Europe) possessed the highest IQs), and Dr. Jason Richwine, who wrote his Harvard dissertation on the inferior IQs of non-European immigrants (particularly Hispanics) and was forced to resign from the Heritage Foundation, under fire from pro-illegal-alien-amnesty Washington Post faux-conservative Jennifer Rubin and FOX News Latino. But facts don’t lie, and no one has ever refuted the findings and data of either Herrnstein/Murray or Richwine.
Yes, there are exceptions–a lot of them. So people shouldn’t be offended by the findings of studies based on a large volume of data. And intelligence and IQ increase among ethnic groups in America (the “Flynn Effect”), while those of others lag. Some of the most sagacious and innovative Americans do not fall into any of these ethnic/religious groups designated by Chua and Rubenfeld. Drs. Thomas Sowell and Benjamin Carson, for instance, are Blacks who are not of Nigerian descent. And there are plenty of Whites–like Bill Gates–who are not in any of Chua’s and Rubenfeld’s chosen eight groups. The Founding Fathers were not in any of these groups, but they were brilliant and incredibly insightful.
I am an Ashkenazic Jew and have a very high IQ (I was a member of MENSA–the 98th percentile IQ society–until I stopped paying the exorbitant dues). And you cannot deny the contributions–inventions, medical advances, business acumen, and intellectual contributions–of Ashkenazic Jews who are less than 2.1% of the American population. While I see many smart and highly educated individuals when I enter my synagogue’s sanctuary, I can show you many dumb Ashkenazic Jews (a good percentage of whom voted for Obama–twice) and plenty of very smart Hispanics. There are many self-identified Hispanics who read this site, and I find their comments erudite. The ones I’ve been in contact with are brilliant.
But Chua and Rubenfeld identify three attributes about the eight groups they cite, which are kind of offensive. They say that the eight groups have three things in common: a superiority complex, insecurity, and impulse control. The superiority complex thing? Well, everyone has that today, in our society which is the most narcissistic and self-esteem-afflicted ever. People watch the Kardashian reality shows and think they are geniuses for the “effort.” The other two things, though–insecurity and impulse control–are useless without a good work ethic, good values, and some sort of common sense.
And while some of the groups Chua and Rubenfeld put in their chosen eight have been shown to have a higher IQ and/or stronger work ethic, as well as values, I can show you two whole American cities that disprove at least the “Lebanese American” claim.
Most of Dearbornistan and Dearbornistan Heights are Lebanese Shi’ite Muslim Hezbollah supporters, and a very high percentage of them are illegally on welfare, AFDC, Bridge Cards/food stamps, and other entitlements. Money laundering, welfare and food stamp fraud, and mortgage fraud are common practices by these “Lebanese Americans.” So are polygamous marriages and mutas–or Islamic legalized prostitution posing as temporary marriages. The cities are dominated by Lebanese American losers and leeches. Clearly, these aren’t the characteristics of “superior Americans.” What Chua and Rubenfeld didn’t have the guts to say is that the “Lebanese Americans” who tend to be productive are usually Christian Lebanese Americans who’ve long been assimilated and have been here a few generations.
Moreover, Helen Thomas a/k/a Helen tHAMAS was a (Christian) Lebanese American. Would you include her among superior Americans?
Only if you’re a dumbass. (She’s definitely squat in the middle of Superiorly Ugly Americans–on the inside and out–though.)
I haven’t read Chua and Rubenfeld’s book. They aren’t scientists, and their book relies not on studies and hard data but on anecdotal evidence and their conclusions regarding income, occupational status, test scores, and other similar socio-economic indicators to single out and elevate these eight groups.
I may read this “new” book, though I’m sure it won’t top the pioneering, much-unduly-pilloried, and superior work of Herrnstein (who, sadly, passed away before his book was published) and Murray on this. Or even come close. That’s whom you should be reading to get some real insight on this topic, not a trendy liberal couple who made a name for themselves through the “Tiger Mom” fad.
Get Yours . . .
Tags: Amy Chua, Amy Chua book, Ashkenazic Jews, Asians, Bell Curve, Bell Curve: Intelligence and Class Structure in American Life, Benjamin Carson, books, Charles Murray, Chinese, Chinese Americans, Cuban exiles, Cubans, FOX News Latino, Indians, Iranians, Jason Richwine, Jed Rubenfeld, Jennifer Rubin, Jews, Lebanese Americans, Mensa, Mormons, Nigerians, Richard J. Herrnstein, The Bell Curve, The Triple Package: How Three Unlikely Traits Explain the Rise and Fall of Cultural Groups in America, Thomas Sowell, Tiger Mom, Triple Package, Triple Package book
These two people (Rubenfeld and Chua)are two self-important twits.
First, her list left out Koreans, Vietnamese, and Filipinos. Many are scientists, economists, physicians etc. To place the Chinese above other Asians is arrogant, to say the least (Note: I am married to a Filipina Jewish woman who keeps me on my toes!)
I do note that certain cultures, particularly the Jewish and Asian cultures, emphasize education more than many other groups. However, look at any third or fourth generation American, and you will see that no matter what “group” they are from, most have become intellectually lazy.
I would rather judge a person for what they have accomplished, than what “group” they are from.
Putting it succinctly, I believe that Rubenfeld and Chua are a couple of arrogant twits. Neither are scientists. Neither have changed the world, invented any device that changes the course of mankind, and neither have made any positive change in the world of any notable kind.
JEG: Amen, Bruthah!–to most of what you said. However, having lived and worked in Wisconsin and having worked in community service among the Hmong (Vietnamese) immigrants, you cannot generalize that many Vietnamese are successful. Some are, some are not. Though they are Asian and Vietnamese, many among the Hmong are very poor and do not rise above it. It all depends. But, like you said, I do not judge based on what group you are from, but what you do. DS
Jonathan E. Grant on January 6, 2014 at 2:53 pm