February 12, 2014, - 8:41 am
35 Years After the Iranian Revolution, Guess Who’s Winning? Hint: NOT US
Yesterday marked 35 years to the official date of the Iranian Revolution, which was really the Islamic Revolution (no border demarcations necessary). Iranians marked it by marching in the streets. But yesterday was really the 35th anniversary of the Shi’ite revival all over the world and the rise, once again, of Islam of all kinds against the West. This time, it seems to be victorious. And we seem to be at the mall. February 11, 1979 may mark the day of the beginning of the end of the West.

On February 11, 1979, the Khomeini’ist Shi’ite Iranian revolutionary terrorists took Iran, and later on November 4, 1979, the U.S. Embassy was mobbed by Khomeini and his henchmen, and 52 Americans were taken hostage for 444 days in Tehran. February 11, 1979 was just 10 days after Jimmy Carter and France allowed Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini to triumphantly return to Tehran from 15 years in exile in France. It was also not long after Jimmy Carter and the rest of the West pushed out the Shah of Iran. It’s laughable now that they moaned and whined about the Shah’s “repressive regime.” Look at who’s in power now.
The February 11, 1979 date is also the date on which Hezbollah was an apple in the eye of the Khomeini circle. The terrorist group went on to murder over 300 U.S. Marines and Embassy officials in 1983, torture to death Navy diver Robert Dean Stethem in the TWA 847 hijacking, kidnap and torture to death Col. William “Rich” Higgins and CIA attache William Buckley. And Hezbollah worked with Al-Qaeda to murder Americans in the Khobar Tower and to murder more Americans in bombs the group built for Al-Qaeda, which it used against our troops in Iraq. And don’t forget the Hezbollah bombing of the Jewish community center in Buenos Aires, the 20th anniversary of which happens later this year (and, later, Hezbollah and Iran perpetrated the bombing of the Israeli Embassy there).
And Hezbollah continues to spread its tentacles now all over America, all over Central and South America, and all over Africa. Its car and drug smuggling and fundraising operations extend from Dearbornistan and Lansing and New Jersey to Panama and Brazil to Guinea. Ever been to Sierra Leone? It’s like Little Bint Jbeil (the South Lebanese Hezbollah stronghold), controlled and owned in large part by Hezbollah operatives from South Lebanon who ultimately take direction and funding from Iran.
The February 11, 1979 Iranian revolution also marked the birth of the financial lifeline for HAMAS, which continues to get a great deal of its funding from the ayatollahs.
And 35 years later what are we doing? Well, we are in bed with Iran and the Iranians are having the last laugh. While we are watching mindless Olympic Games, we never beat an Iranian hockey team or an Al-Qaeda one. Yes, the 1980 Olympic victory over the Soviets in the semi-finals at Lake Placid were special. It was the last time American amateurs (not NHL spoiled wild childs) were on center stage and beat well-funded Communist, totalitarian pros. It marked the beginning of the Reagan Revolution and the beginning of the end of the Carter malaise days of double-digit inflation, a kick-me sign against America at the U.N. And so on.
But while we beat the repressive Soviets, they turned out not to be the everlasting real threat that Muslims are and will always be until one side dies. And right now, based on immigration and birth rates and pandering appeasement all over the West, Islam is the side that won’t die. We will. If you’ve ever played Othello, you know your green board is mostly covered with the your opponents’ color. And you’re gonna lose. Maybe not today or tomorrow. But in the long run.
Meanwhile, the Iranians laugh and smile and continue with their nuclear operations, while U.S. goods flow. Coca-Cola and underwire bras were always flowing after the Clinton Administration ended because George W. Bush deemed those emergency goods and lifted the strict $8 million in emergency goods under Clinton to nearly $150 million in U.S. products per year going to the Islamic Republic that still calls us the “Great Satan” and has never renounced the Holocaust cartoon contests under the previous less-PR-conscious Iranian Prez.
So, while dummies lament an overpaid airhead, named Sean White, and his failure to get a medal in a silly snowboarding half-pipe, we look the other way as Iranians mark the 35th anniversary of the beginning of our end.
Today, we have the Black Jimmy Carter and America, once again, is in Carter-esque economic shambles. We once again have that kick me sign on our back all over the world, from Cairo to Benghazi, as Obama–and Bush before him–ushered in Khomeini/Iran-style “democracy” throughout the Muslim world. He didn’t just usher out Hosni Mubarak, Shah-style. Far worse than after the Iranian revolution, we are not bringing home 52 American hostages. We are bringing to our soil hundreds of thousands of Iraqi Muslim “refugees” who say they must come here from the country Bush said was now “free and democratic.” (Islamic) “mission accomplished.” And Obama will bring at least 30,000–but likely more than 100,000–Syrian Shi’ite “refugees” here. If you like Dearbornistan and Dearbornistan Heights, you’ll love the American future. Amnesty or not, we’re doomed through this “legal” and absurd immigration. With amnesty it’s a matter of haphazardly puncturing the heart of a country already in cardiac arrest.
Since we brought our hostages home in 1981, the Shi’ites of Iran and their satellite minions in Lebanon have taken over at least two American cities, Dearbornistan and Dearbornistan Heights. Yes, while the tax-funded, failed remake of “Red Dawn” (read my review) was being filmed in nearby Detroit suburbs, the real-life movie version has already happened under our noses in other Detroit suburbs. And it’s spreading. Makers of the second “Red Dawn” changed the enemy from Chinese to North Korean to appease the Chi-Comms. But they wouldn’t even think of making the enemy anything close to what is actually taking over: Islam and Muslims branded by Iran, sent by Iran. Look at some of the names of Shi’ites around the city and you will see Rohollahs and Khomeinis in the mix. That is celebrated.
All while we do nothing and don’t even notice.
35 years after the Iranian Revolution, they are winning. We’ve already lost. The cancer metastasized in our midst. It’s just a matter of how long it will take for the disease to reach critical mass enough to kill us.
And we are almost there.
They are celebrating their first 35 years of a Sh’ite and Islamic Revolution that will be celebrating many more installments of 35 years. The way things are going, we don’t have that many more multiples of 35 to go.
Ayatollah Khomeini is having the last laugh.

Tags: Ayatollah Khomeini, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, Hezbollah, Iran, Iranian revolution, Iranian Revolution 35th anniversary, Khomeini, Shi'ite Revolution
I agree with you, it’s bad, but we must keep our emunah (faithfullness) to Hashem (G-d). This is all part of the plan and trends like this tend to reverse suddenly, so you never know when things can change. Fight the trend and be prepared, but don’t worry about it too much.
David on February 12, 2014 at 9:46 am