June 17, 2014, - 3:46 pm
EXCLUSIVE: Homeland Security Headquarters Cafeteria Closed bc of Rodents & Filth
Is it just me . . . or is it kind of ironic that the Department of Homeland Security can’t even keep its cafeteria safe from rats? Maybe they should change the name to the Department of No Rat Security. Well, they can’t catch illegal aliens either, so at least they are consistent.

DebbieSchlussel.com has exclusively learned that the DHS sent out an e-mail warning employees and contractors to stay away from the eating place. Conveniently, they don’t note that the location is Homeland Security headquarters, preferring instead to camouflage this fact with the euphemism, “Nebraska Avenue Complex.” Below is the text of the e-mail, which Homeland Security employees are sending around with appropriate snickers (but not Snickers, since those are trapped in the room with the rats):
Nebraska Avenue Complex Cafeteria Closure
The cafeteria at the NAC is closed effective immediately.
This closure is necessary to resolve serious rodent and cleanliness issues that the General Services Administration, who operates the Nebraska Avenue Complex, is solely responsible for and has failed to promptly address. DHS facilities staff are attempting to work with GSA officials on clean-up efforts and to provide alternative food providers on campus while the required work is completed.
On Monday there will likely not be food available on campus. We advise either bringing lunch with you or taking a shuttle to Tenley where there are a number of restaurants.
We will keep you informed of the schedule to resolve this issue. Further, we are pursuing options for temporary food trucks to come to the NAC and will inform you if that can be arranged.
Once a detailed inspection was conducted on Friday, it become clear that professional cleaning and systemic infrastructure resolutions are necessary before food service operations can be resumed.
The health and safety of DHS employees is of paramount importance. Immediate action was taken as soon as the results of the inspection–conducted by GSA at our request–were shared. We continue to demand GSA officials provide quality of services and oversight necessary for this facility.
Please accept our apologies for the inconvenience this causes.
Hmmm . . . strange they aren’t transporting the rat “youths” into the American interior and letting them go to procreate and live forever off the fat of the land.

Debbie: I must criticize you on your lack of reporting skills. You did not make it clear: Two legged or four legged rodents, Debbie? 🙂
Occam's Tool on June 17, 2014 at 3:56 pm