June 20, 2014, - 9:00 am
EXCLUSIVE: Obama’s Homeland to Agents: “Recognize Gay Marriage of Illegal Aliens,” Give Them Citizenship
How long until the Obama Administration recognizes Muslim polygamist marriages and gives illegal alien multiple wives (or harem members) instant legal immigration status? Not long at all. It’s now Obama policy that illegal aliens involved in gay marriage will be given sanctuary and citizenship in the United States. Yesterday, a top Obama Homeland Security official sent out an e-mail directing management and agents who enforce immigration laws to make sure they recognize illegal aliens’ gay marriages. Can’t wait until Islamic terrorists fake the gay thing to take advantage and pretend to be “minyook.”

Check out the e-mail message below, from corrupt top Obama Homeland Security official Alejandro Mayorkas (who is under investigation for an immigration scam involving EB-5 visas). This was sent to top Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Citizenship and Immigration Services (CIS) management and agents:
From: Office of the Deputy Secretary
Sent: Thursday, June 19, 2014 12:36 PM Eastern Standard Time
Subject: Message from the Deputy Secretary: Windsor StatementJune 19, 2014
DHS Windsor Statement
Dear Colleagues,
It is the policy of the Department of Homeland Security to treat same-sex married couples in the same manner as opposite sex married couples. The Supreme Court’s decision in United States v. Windsor, holding that Section 3 of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) was unconstitutional, eliminated barriers faced by thousands of legally married same-sex couples when seeking important federal benefits, including immigration benefits.
Shortly after Windsor was decided, the Department made clear that references to “marriage” in the federal immigration laws are to be construed as encompassing same-sex marriages. Given the importance of this principle, I want to reaffirm our continuing commitment to treating same-sex married couples in the same manner as opposite sex married couples.
I direct that all components of the Department treat same-sex married couples in the same manner as opposite sex married couples, as has been done in the provision of immigration benefits, with the legal validity of a marriage generally determined by the law of the place where the marriage was celebrated.
Alejandro N. Mayorkas
Deputy Secretary
Click on the image to view it in its entirety . . .
Hmmm . . . too bad Yasser Arafat isn’t still alive. He and his boyfriends would love this policy.
Says one DHS source, “We are now giving illegal aliens the same rights as U.S. citizens? That’s a blatant violation of the constitution.”
Well, that’s the M.O. of this administration: lawless and deliberate . . . deliberately taking America down step by step (or in this case, staircase by staircase).
And, as I noted, if we are going to recognize foreign gay marriages (when gay marriage is not yet legal in all U.S. states), it’s a quick ride down the slippery slope to recognizing Muslim polygamist marriages and granting illegal alien wives or self-proclaimed harem members legal status in the U.S.
Pretty soon, the only people ICE agents will be able to arrest will be U.S. citizens. That’s mostly the case now.
Homeland Security? More like Homeland Swiss cheese.

Ooooooooooo!!! The WINDSOR Statement. Yeah, Mr. “President,” can I get some Caviar and Cristal champagne to go that super cool name you have for this new policy? Going to have to try and maintain composure, as your “administration” continues bringing the U.S. low and sandbagging Israel (read, the Jews), and what better way than with Caviar and Champagne?
Gotta drown your sorrows in something, right?
It’s not funny. And it’ll be even less funny when people are stabbing each other at the corner store for the last candy bar.
Thanks for nothing, Mr. “President.” Congratulations on that fundamental transformation.
Alfredo from Puerto Rico on June 20, 2014 at 9:14 am