June 24, 2014, - 5:28 pm
Muslim Illegal Aliens, Terrorists @ Southern Border Getting “Hispanic Name” Driver’s Licenses
Federal and state law enforcement are warning about Muslim illegal aliens and terrorists getting driver’s licenses with Hispanic fake names on a regular basis. It’s disturbing but shouldn’t be news to longtime readers.

Over the years, I’ve repeatedly written on this site about Muslim illegal aliens–many of them terrorists or tied to terrorism–getting fake driver’s licenses, often with Hispanic names on them, and often those driver’s licenses are from Michigan. Mehdi Ghezali, the former Gitmo detainee and Hezbollah homicide bomber who blew up a bus filled with Israeli tourists in Bulgaria in 2012, had a fake Michigan driver’s license bearing a Spanish middle name.
And a Michigan federal case I followed, USA v. Yasser Abdul Rahman Abdallah a/k/a Luis-Agel Figueroa Torres, involved a Palestinian Muslim illegal alien living in the City of Detroit, who attempted to get a U.S. passport with the Figueroa Torres alias. He presented a fake Michigan driver’s license with the Hispanic name and a fake Puerto Rican birth certificate. Arab Muslims, usually with dark hair, know they can pass for Hispanic, and they take advantage of it. Abdallah had already been deported in 2008 but snuck in again in 2011 via Laredo, Texas, returning to the Muslim community in Detroit to live here illegally. Many Muslims live amidst Hispanic fellow illegal aliens in Southwest Detroit’s Mexicantown. (In fact, as I’ve noted, their State Representative is a Palestinian Muslim biotchlet who supports HAMAS.)
Now Texas law enforcement officials are finally open about the problem:
PoliceOne warns officers that people of middle eastern ethnicity are changing their names or presenting themselves as hispanics in order to disguise their ethnicity and better blend into their communities. While this has been common practice among immigrants in the past, it presents a technique that possible terrorists or members of sleeper cells could use to escape notice.
The Texas Department of Public Safety informed the San Antonio Division Joint Terrorism Task Force that individuals of Middle Eastern descent are obtaining new Texas driver’s licenses with Hispanic surnames. Approximately 20 individuals of Middle Eastern origin are utilizing the Travis County (Austin, Texas) District Court each week to change their names and driver’s licenses from Middle Eastern to Hispanic surnames.
The process involves submitting a form and fingerprints to the District Court. The Austin JTTF is investigating the applicants and application process with the Texas Department of Safety and investigators from the Travis County District Attorney’s office. At this time it is unknown as to how widespread these driver’s license changers are.
San Antonio has multiple concerns about these driver license changes. Foremost is the change in identity and ability to mingle in the predominantly Hispanic community without arousing suspicion, because of their darker skin tone, resembling local Hispanics.
Second is the lack of security afforded the fingerprint cards, allowing the possibility of substitution by individuals of concern by individuals who would not arouse suspicion. These driver license changes may not be limited to Hispanic surnames but might involve common names or other ethnicities.
Considering the current threat reporting and the frequent presence of President Bush within the State of Texas, San Antonio would like to determine how widespread this practice of driver’s license change is in border states and nationwide. San Antonio Division will focus on determining the true identity, background and reason for those individuals of Middle Eastern descent who have changed their identity to Hispanic.
If you have any questions regarding the information in this report, please call El Paso I.C.A.T., 915-872-5775. Source: Tucson Intelligence Unit; Texas Dept. of Public Safety; Austin, Tex. JTTF
They want to determine “how widespread this problem is”? Here’s a tip: VERY widespread. Remember Katherine Smith, the woman who worked at a Memphis DMV office and gave the 9/11 hijackers fake Tennesse driver’s licenses (for a “fee”)? She was murdered and her murder was never solved.
Gee, I wonder who killed her. Was his name, Mohammed . . . or “Juan”?
Oh, and remember Khalif Abdullah Ali, the devout Muslim Pennsylvania DMV employee who also made fake driver’s licenses for those who paid a fee.
There are plenty more like them who are still giving “Juan,” “Jorge,” and “Jesus” a/k/a Ali, Mahmoud, and Mohammed driver’s licenses.
“Oh, and remember Khalif Abdullah Ali, the devout Muslim Pennsylvania DMV employee who also made fake driver’s licenses for those who paid a fee.
There are plenty more like them who are still giving “Juan,” “Jorge,” and “Jesus” a/k/a Ali, Mahmoud, and Mohammed driver’s licenses.”
What a disgusting cancer islam is.
DS_ROCKS! on June 24, 2014 at 5:38 pm