July 15, 2014, - 8:59 am
Kristallnacht 2014: Jews Attacked in Paris, Germany, Los Angeles & By NBA’s Dwight Howard
I first wrote about the impending Muslim takeover of France and the looming disaster for Jews there before most anyone, back in 1999–yes, 15 years ago and well before 9/11 (and here is one of my articles on the topic from a little later, in 2002). I warned that the rest of Europe was next and America was no different. But people–including those that have since jumped on the bandwagon–dismissed me. Sadly, I was right. And, with pogroms over the last few days in Paris, Germany, and Los Angeles, we are seeing what happens when Muslims–not just this fictional group, “Islamists”–come to critical mass. It means Judenrein on JetBlue planes and physical violence against Jews all over the world.
That Was Then . . .
This Is Now . . .
When Israel was vanquishing its terrorist neighbors in 1967 and 1973, Jews didn’t need to be worried about pogroms against them anywhere. All over the world, Jew-haters feared the Jews because they saw how tough Israel was – that it wouldn’t take sh-t from anybody.
But times have changed because Israel refused to vanquish its enemy HAMAS time and again and that enemy continues to grow and shoot its missiles ever farther, because Jews all over Israel are running back and forth in and out of bomb shelters. Now Israel is weak, and so the world translates that into: the Jews are weak. And we are seeing severe, worldwide Jew-hatred of the kind not seen since the eve of the Holocaust.
Over the weekend, Jews praying at a Paris synagogue had good reason to fear for their lives. But for volunteer Jewish protective forces in Paris (the French police were inept), the Jews–trapped in their synagogue would be dead now. The bloodlust was obvious and chanted loudly in the mob of Muslim protesters–none of whom we could distinguish from the general Muslim population as “Islamists” (no, they are Muslims and Muslims, period, stupid).
And, as I’ve always said (before it became popular and lucrative for fake “movement leaders” to give scripted speeches about it), there is absolutely nothing about the Muslims in America that is different than the Muslims in France or the Muslims who also engaged in violence, in the last few days, in Germany. Nothing. You might say, well, the Muslims in France are on welfare. Um, have you ever been to Dearborn or Detroit or Flint? Many of the Muslims there are on welfare, too. And many other public entitlements. And the only difference is that, while they are collecting from Uncle Sam, they are operating lucrative cash businesses and driving around in Mercedes and Land Rovers and Beemers. Although, I’m told plenty of those similarly “moderate” and “Westernized” Muslims in France (who threaten synagogues during prayer) do the same.
Muslims in France and Germany have no distinguishing characteristics that make them different or any less “Westernized” than the Muslims here. None. In fact, they don’t believe in borders. They believe they are part of a larger Muslim Ummah [nation], which means not our nation. Not America. The koran is their border. That’s it.
And it is now so hip to bash Jews that dumbass proud high school grajuits are getting in on the act with Twitter tweets proclaiming “#FreePalestine” (which is funny, since the fake “country” of Palestine will never be free until it dumps HAMAS, which it elected in a George W. Bush “democracy” push; and it will never be free until it dumps the religion of subjugation and forced submission–Islam–as its state religion).
NBA Houston Rockets player, Dwight Howard, who allegedly graduated from a Christian high school in the South, tweeted #FreePalestine on his Twitter account, but then quickly deleted it and apologized (clearly because someone told him to, not because he doesn’t support the HAMAS movement and the Palestinian rocket-shelling side of things). He’d be best advised to learn a little something from his Jewish Israeli teammate, Omri Casspi, who gets it.
Houston Rockets player Dwight Howard waded into political hot water Saturday after he took to Twitter to comment on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The tweet, which read” #FreePalestine,” was posted late Saturday afternoon and was deleted 15 minutes later. Howard then tweeted that the message was a mistake and apologized for offending anyone.

Remember, THIS. IS. ISLAM:
Attacks against Jews by anti-Israel demonstrators around the globe since the start of Israel’s Gaza offensive on July 8 are excuses for those biased against Jews to “vent their anti-Semitic hatred,” the president of the European Jewish Congress said on Monday. . . . On Sunday a mob surrounded the Synagogue de la Roquette in Paris, trapping its occupants inside and fighting with security. Three members of the Paris Jewish community ended up in the hospital, according to a witness. “The attackers splintered off an anti-Israel demonstration and advanced toward the synagogue when it was full,” said Alain Azria, a French Jewish journalist who covered the event.
Azria said when the demonstrators arrived at the central Paris synagogue, the five police officers on guard blocked the entrance as the protesters chanted anti-Semitic slogans and hurled objects at the synagogue and the guards. He said nearly 200 congregants were inside. “They were determined to enter and the police did not have enough forces,” he said. Azria said the mob was kept away by men from the SPCJ Jewish community protection service, the Jewish Defense League, and Beitar, who engaged the attackers in what turned into a street brawl. “Thank God they were there because the protesters had murder on their minds and it took awhile before police reinforcements arrived,” he added.
In one attack in Belleville, north of the French capital, a firebomb was hurled at a synagogue, causing minor damage. In another attack, a man pepper- sprayed the face of a 17-yearold girl. “The fact that a synagogue full of worshipers was a chosen target demonstrates that the mob’s primary hatred is for Jews, and the Jewish state is an extension of that,” Kantor said. . . . Moshe Ohayon, a Moroccan rabbi, was “beaten up over Gaza” in Casablanca over the weekend, Al Arabiya reported, and several people described being assaulted during a protest in Boston on Friday.
Yup, that’s Islam. And their targets are not “Israel” or “Zionists.” They are Jews.
Oh, and THIS. IS. ISLAM, too–from protests in Los Angeles, attended by both pro-Israel and Pro-HAMAS protesters. Take a guess at who committed violence against whom:
A truck full of men allegedly assaulted the pro-Israel demonstrators. . . . [Palestinian men] got out of the truck and confronted the group, using the wooden sticks holding their flags to hit demonstrators, Valentine said. . . . The unidentified federal officer discharged his weapon as the suspects fled in their vehicle, said [Federal Protective Service] agency spokeswoman Jacqueline C. Yost. . . . Los Angeles police quickly caught up to the vehicle and arrested the men, identified as Mostadafa Gamaleldin Hafez, Hassan Mustapha Kreidieh, Mohammed Said Elkhatib and Fadi Ali Obeidallah. They were booked on suspicion of assault with a deadly weapon and released Monday morning after each posting $30,000 bail.
And THIS. IS. ISLAM, too–from the original home of the Nazis:
German police allowed an anti-Israel protester to climb inside a police car and shout slogans including “child murderer Israel” and “Allahu akbar!” — Arabic for “God is Great!” — through a police megaphone, a spokeswoman for Frankfurt’s police said Sunday. Police let the protester use the megaphone during a Free Gaza demonstration Saturday because he had offered to calm down a protest that had turned violent, spokeswoman Virginie Wegner told The Associated Press. “We as police had come up spontaneously with this unusual method and he abused it — we didn’t expect that,” Wegner said, adding that police were investigating the incident. “Police are neutral during protests.”
Yup, that sounds like neutrality to me. How ’bout you? Great way to “calm down” a protest. Isn’t it?
Instead of calming things down, the protester — whose identity was not revealed — shouted anti-Israel slogans in German and Arabic in downtown Frankfurt. A video that went viral shows a crowd following the police car, cheering and repeating the chants. More than 2,000 people participated in the Frankfurt protest, many waving Palestinian flags and wearing T-shirts calling for a boycott of Israeli products.
According to the Frankfurter Rundschau paper, about 2,500 protesters appeared in downtown Frankfurt, screaming “God is great,” and slogans such as “freedom for Palestine” and “children-murderer Israel.” Eight police officers were injured. One sign at the rally was titled, “You Jews are Beasts.” German media reported that after the protests, groups sought to locate Jewish institutions. The Frankfurt police said Jewish institutions would be protected. It is unclear if the goal was to attack said institutions.
Hmmm . . . I think the “goal” was quite clear.
And as you read all of these examples of Muslim Jew-hatred and violence against Jews all over the Western world, remind yourself that Jewish groups–like the American Jewish Committee and the Jewish Welfare Federations of Detroit and nationally (known as “United Jewish Campaign”)–are front and center in favor of more Muslim immigration to America. And their officials stood with HAMAS CAIR officials at press conferences attacking ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) agents for actually enforcing immigration laws after 9/11.
Yes, because we need more Muslim immigration and more Muslim violence against Jews in America, right?
Yeah, that’s the ticket.
Then, where will we go? Got money for a private island fortress?
Me neither.
Tags: anti-Semitic violence, anti-Semitism, Dwight Howard, Dwight Howard #freepalestine, Dwight Howard anti-Israel, Dwight Howard HAMAS, Dwight Howard Palestine, Hamas, Israel, Jews, Muslim anti-Semitism, Muslim immigration, Muslim violence, Omri Casspi, Palestinians
Europe – You made your bed, now lie in it. Unfortunately as Debbie has often said it has already crossed the Atlantic.
I_AM_ME on July 15, 2014 at 9:12 am