September 10, 2014, - 10:13 am
Tired of the Ray Rice Condemnation Monsoon? He & FOX News’ Shep Smith Have Much in Common
Is it just me . . . or are you also tired of hearing the avalanche of whining all over the mainstream media (including FOX News) about (former?) NFL player Ray Rice and how he should be tortured and then beheaded, Muslim ISIS-style, over one incident on a videotape?

Yes, I know, an NFL player beating a woman–shocking! Never ever happened before right? While nobody should excuse domestic violence, I wonder what people would say if a man spit on and then slapped another man, NFL player or not. Would the spitee (or is that spatee?) and slapee be unjustified in responding? Or is there a double standard for women–you know, the group that insists on “equality,” but actually means special treatment? I watched the video of Rice–actually it’s been forced upon me repeatedly in every single newscast I’ve seen . . . over and over and over again–and I saw a woman who spit on and slapped a man. Not that the man is justified in his over-exuberant response, but once a physical fight is started, that’s what usually happens. Does it make a difference if the instigator is a woman who has exchanged bodily fluids with the man she attacked? What if Michael Sam’s gay mafia prince boytoy had spit on and slapped him in an elevator? Would we even be having this absurd “national discussion”? The ISIS terrorists are laughing at us.
Yesterday at the gym, I punished myself and watched a bunch of annoying, whiny FOX News know-it-allettes including MTV refugee Kennedy (who was liberal when she was at MTV, but, hey, she can be whatever, so long as she’s on TV). This insipid show, “Outnumbered,” is “The View-opause” for brainless Republicans and retired, old White people just like ABC’s “The View-opause” is for brainless Democrats, Mr. Moms, and aging Black welfare queens. These pretentious, shrieking women were bitching about Rice and Goodell and calling for their heads. Harris Faulkner, a moron who is there because she is Black and looks good in Diahann Carroll’s stolen wig (circa 1966), was the loudest on this along with Kennedy. I wondered: where are these hypocritette women with regard to their FOX News colleague Shepard Smith (real name: David Shepard Smith), who deliberately drove a car into Maureen Walsh, whose parking spot he wanted in 2000 during the Gore v. Bush recount in Florida?
By day’s end, Walsh was released from Tallahassee Memorial Hospital with bruises on her knees and legs, police said. Smith, 36, was charged with aggravated battery with a motor vehicle, a felony, and was released on $10,000 bail from the Leon County Jail.
Police gave this account: About 2 p.m., Walsh was standing on Monroe Street across from the Capitol, in a rare empty space in a parking lot crowded with television satellite trucks. She told police she was saving the space for co-workers. Smith drove up in a white Mazda Millenia and yelled at her to move. “He shouted some profanities at her and basically just struck her, striking her at the knees, which threw her up on the car,” said Sgt. Edwin Maxwell. Walsh told police that Smith got out of his car, shut the door and walked past her.
Well, he didn’t drag her out of an Atlantic City elevator on video, so I guess he’s a fabulous human being and nothing much happened to him. FOX News didn’t take his job or suspend him for six months. Does it make a difference that the woman standing in the parking space was a total stranger and not someone Smith was sleeping with (he prefers men)? Does it make a difference that he was perfectly sober (Ray Rice and his then-fiancee/now-wife were both probably inebriated) when he chose to violently ram a woman with a two-ton vehicle? Does it make a difference that Shep Smith is a gay, liberal White man who works for FOX News (and compared Israel to Cuba) and Ray Rice is a non-political Black straight man who–in an NFL rarity–actually married a Black woman? I don’t think race matters here, but there’s really no difference between Rice and Smith, except that what Smith did was far worse. And his FOX News colleagues have always been silent on the attack he perpetrated. They know on which side their bread (and their hypocrisy) is buttered.
And does Rice deserve to lose his entire career over one incident? I don’t think so, even though for more than two decades, I’ve been a critic of the NFL and its response to the violent, criminal behavior of many of its players. It started when I was in grad school at the University of Wisconsin and a tutor for the school’s athletic department, where most of my tutorees were on the football team. I wrote an op-ed piece in the Wisconsin State Journal about this. And, then, a whole bunch of athletes–including several football players (and some future WNBA female athletes)–threatened to beat me up. Yes, violence deserves to be punished, but the NFL went overboard here. And it’s still not enough for the sheep following the grandstanding sheepdogs.
I think it’s funny that people are calling for NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell’s head when, in fact, he’s been the toughest NFL Commissioner ever. Paul Tagliabue, his predecessor, never did anything, no matter how criminal, how violent the behavior of NFL players was. Tagliabue did nothing to multi-murderer Ray Lewis, nothing to NFL teams that drafted documented violent men, including serial rapist Christian Peter and near-murderer, Ryan Tucker. Tagliabue didn’t make a scene when then St. Louis Rams’ coach Dick Vermeil drafted Tucker, who beat a total stranger in a bar so badly that the victim had his last rites read to him at the hospital. He pulled out of it but has permanent brain damage. Vermeil complimented Tucker as a guy who can “finish a fight.” In contrast, Goodell has been quite tough, and has now handed NFL wives/girlfriends/groupies “done wrong” and bent on revenge a sudden death tool. All they have to do is cry foul, and the guy may be suspended for six months. Cry foul a second time, and the guy’s career may be over . . . all without the legal protections he’d get in a court of law. Does that happen with most other employers? Nope.
I look at all the NFL players who’ve gotten away with murder and wonder where the outcry was for them. Ray Rice never killed anyone. But Donte Stallworth did. He got a mere 30 days in prison for that . . . and he got to play NFL football even while under house arrest for two years. Would you get to go to your job if you drunk drove and snuffed out someone’s life? Nope. But I didn’t hear the FOX News chicks cackling in disapproval about him. And, funny, I haven’t heard them or anyone else say a word about Ray Lewis, who murdered two people. He played in several Superbowls since and is now a high-paid sports commentator. He also fathered at least six kids with four different women–and those fatherless kids will be more harmful to America than Ray Rice’s physical fight with his wife. But nobody’s calling for his head, even though he took the lives of two men, Jacinth Baker and Richard Lollar. In fact, ESPN–which has led much of the manufactured outrage over Ray Rice–employs Mr. Lewis and pays him a pretty penny. Where is ESPN’s Jemele Hill–the attention whore harpy who’s trying to make the Ray Rice episode her career stepping stone–when it comes to her employer’s contract with two-time murderer Lewis?
When I was a kid, my dad and mom always taught me that whenever a tidal wave of groupthink is headed toward the beach, run like hell the other way. They taught me to question the popular, conventional wisdom.
And the case of Ray Rice is Exhibit A of that dangerous tidal wave.
Again, I have a question for the annoying female whiners on FOX News: why are your lips sealed on Shepard Smith and the woman he deliberately drove into with a car?
Doesn’t he–and Ray Lewis and Donte Stallworth . . . and a whole bunch of others–deserve the Ray Rice treatment?
Domestic violence is like child molestation. For too many years, the American public looked the other way. And, so, to make up for it, we are now overexuberant, super-ridiculous-hyperbolically “vigilant” against it to the point of absurdity. If you don’t immediately take the side of the allegedly battered or molested, you are worse than the Islamic terrorists on 9/11.
We are now so absurdly taken with these causes that anyone who doesn’t hang the alleged perps by high noon is a softy and must be fired. To the point that devious children and women know they can manipulate the system against men, who are almost always the accused.
I saw in the TMZ elevator video, two people who fought . . . and a woman who instigated it. If anything, they should both be punished. Or–perish the thought–we should ignore it and get on with our lives as this couple has and mind our own business, like they want us to, especially since Rice has no previous record of any sort of violence like this.
But that’s not what the NOW-infested crowd–including the hypocritical, politically correct hacks who now dominate FOX News–wants you or me to think and say.
ISIS is on the march and already in our midst, our country overrun with illegal aliens. And we are worrying about whether the NFL is tough enough on one guy who was in a drunken, violent fight in a casino hotel elevator.
What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. But what happens in an Atlantic City elevator doesn’t.
And what happens with TV’s legion of talking morons spreads even faster than ISIS.
Tags: Janay Palmer, NFL, Ray Rice
Roethlisberger was sued by two women, a loonie-tune and a party-girl’s friend, and the suits were subsequently dropped, one for being crazy and the other for recanting and Ben got a FOUR GAME SUSPENSION and thrown under the bus by Tomlin, the Rooney’s and Goodell. Ray Rice KNOCKS OUT and drags his unconscious gf out of an elevator on video and Goodell gives him TWO GAME SUSPENSION.
DS_ROCKS! on September 10, 2014 at 10:32 am