December 18, 2014, - 2:45 pm
Sony Wimps Emblematic of Obamerica; Hollywood Gave in to Muslim Terrorists Many Times w/Out Uproar
Last week, Obama told military veterans not to be open about their military service online. And now a movie studio is afraid to show a movie because of threats. Welcome to the United Wimpy States of Obamerica. A nation of sheep told to be cowards instead of the proud Americans we once were and still should be. This is supposed to be America. But tell it to Sony and Barack, since they seem not to know.

Tonight at 8:00 p.m. was supposed to be the Detroit film critics screening of “The Interview.” (I’ve been largely off-line because I’ve been working hard on a number of cases, but I’m back now.) I was really looking forward to it because it’s been a long year, I’m a little burnt out, and I wanted to laugh at what would have been the last critics’ screening of the year. But, as you know, Sony gave in to terrorists. Sony caved. It sickened me that Sony would do this, but Hollywood has done this many times before without any hoopla, outrage, or commotion.
And that’s because Hollywood studios caved to Muslims and Islamic terrorists, and when the studios give in to Muslims, nobody cares (and everybody in the entertainment biz and the media approves of it). As I’ve noted on this site many, many times before, various studios have canceled movies and TV shows because of Muslim whining, threats, and other grievances, usually coming from HAMAS terrorist group CAIR. Publishers have canceled books because of it. And none of those morally outraged today get equally exercised when that happens.
I’ve written about how Comedy Central parent Viacom and the producers of “South Park” won’t ever again show the episode mocking Mohammed. They’re afraid of threatened violence from Muslims. Or so they claim. And several studios eliminated scenes or changed the identities of terrorists and criminals in response to Islamic terrorists.
Steven Spielberg changed the tone of the movie “Munich”–the self-hating movie he made condemning Israel and the Mossad for pursuing the Munich Olympic Massacre terrorists–after threats from Islamic terrorists. Filmmakers who made a movie of Tom Clancy’s “The Sum of All Fears” changed the story’s villains from Islamic terrorists to neo-Nazis. “Angels and Demons”–the second Dan Brown book and the sequel to “The Da Vinci Code”–changed a Muslim assassin into a blonde Scandinavian when it became a movie. Under pressure from Muslims, The Weinstein Companies studio changed the movie, “Crossing Over,” eliminating a scene in which a Muslim ICE agent and his brother honor-kill their sister for dating a non-Muslim. And after Muslims whined and threatened, producers changed the villains in Arnold Schwarzenegger’s “Collateral Damage” from Islamic terrorists to Hispanic narco-terrorists. ABC Family canceled “Alice in Arabia” before it ever aired, after demands from HAMAS CAIR.
We in America have an interesting sense of “justice.” We reward those who mass murder 3,000 Americans with censorship of any reference to them as terrorists in the movies. And now we reward North Korean cyber-terrorists similarly. They all win. We lose. Freedom loses.
But you never hear any criticism over Hollywood’s regular Islamo-pandering censorship from Rob Lowe or any of the many Hollywood celebs now upset over Sony’s cave to allegedly North Korean terrorists with regard to “The Interview.” That’s because some “censorship” is more noteworthy to them than others. Movie critic Richard Roeper whined to CBS News that this is “the first time” a Hollywood studio has canceled a movie because of threats. But it isn’t the first time it’s censored one. Like I said, Hollywood does this all the time . . . for Muslims and Islam.
I’m upset that Sony would give in to terrorist threats and cancel the release of “The Interview.” But I’ve been upset for years that it and its sister studios give in to Islamic terrorists all of the time and nobody notices.
And I’m not surprised that we’ve become such a wimpy, cowardly country that merely gives in and throws in the towel in the face of threats. Had “The Interview” remained on the Christmas movie schedule, I was going to go see it. I won’t appease terrorists, and their threats made me want to go see the movie even more (even though those who’ve seen it gave it lackluster reviews). This is America. We aren’t supposed to cower like that.
But we do. And it’s because terrorists see that we are weak and cowardly under the “leadership” (or whatever you call what he’s doing) of Barack Obama. It angered me, after the beheading of an American journalist in Yemen by Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, that the Obama Administration warned current American servicemen and military vets to keep quiet about their military service and not advertise it on social media. Huh? What the hell kind of country have we become that American military men cannot say to the world (or even to fellow Americans), “I proudly served”? A dying country, that’s what kind.
This is America. Or used to be. We used to not change movies to appease Muslims and pretend that terrorists are ABMs (Anything But Muslims). We used to be proud to show controversial movies and exercise our freedoms through speech via the arts. (Apparently, you can only do that now if you are attacking Christianity and displaying crosses in urine.) We used to be proud of those who served and happy when they told us they did.
Now, we are something else: the Obama States of Wimpitude and Cowardice.
As V.I. Lenin once told his minions, dig with bayonets and if if you find steel, retreat. But if you find mush, keep digging.
In Barack Obama’s America, Muslims and North Koreans are having a non-stop digging party. The only end in sight is the end of this country. And that sight may be in the rear view mirror.
Tags: censorship, Movie Reviews, North Korea, Sony, The Interview
Nothing to say about how wrong you were about that commie Alan Gross? And his love of muzzies and obama?
R: I wasn’t wrong about him. But I have plenty to say about that. It’s coming next. Do you think he deserved to be imprisoned by the Cubans for 5 years for no legit reason? DS
Rambo on December 18, 2014 at 3:31 pm