January 27, 2015, - 4:30 pm
Liberal Democrat Tom Brady’s U.S. Senate Campaign Slogans – More Deflated Balls
Don’t forget that New England Patriots Quarterback, crybaby, and serial babydaddy Tom Brady is an avowed liberal Democrat and previously announced future plans to run for office. The deflated balls guy and Superbowler wants to perhaps run as a Democrat for the U.S. Senate from California, where he and supermodel wife/shrew Gisele Bundchen have a gazillion-dollar mega-mega-mega-mansion.
As I noted last week on this site, the only deflated balls that are important in America are those of our current President and the collective “balls” of this country. We have none. But given Tom Brady’s ball-deflater status and political ambitions, I came up with some appropriate campaign slogans and asked our friend, Jedi Master of Photoshop David Lunde, to produce some campaign posters. Here they are. He also made one for physicist scholar Bill Belichick.

Looks like Brady and his serial-cheater coach Bill Belichick got away with deflating balls . . . for now. With Belichick blaming the deflated footballs on “climate change” (which strangely didn’t deflate the opposing team’s footballs) and Brady posing like a deer in the headlights, it’s kind of amazing they got away with it. But they did. And no matter what your parents taught you as a kid, cheaters do prosper. Otherwise, how is Barack Obama President?
More Tom Brady Campaign Posters . . .

In any event, his future political opponent should revisit YouTube in a few years and use some of the clips from over the weekend for campaign commercials. “I don’t want anybody to touch the balls. I don’t want anyone to rub the balls.” Tom Brady for U.S. Senate.
The NFL is keeping quite a lid on this thing by pretending some locker room attendant or ball boy is behind Deflategate. Don’t believe it. The League is not going to pull the Patriots from the Superbowl, so they must continue in their efforts to pretend that this a non-story (which it is other than in pop culture and mainstream media idiocy).
But more important, don’t vote for liberal Dem Tom Brady in the future. He’s Hillary Clinton in a skirt. Except that she doesn’t cry.

Physicist Laureate Bill Belichick: Climate Change Deflates Your Balls . . .

Tags: Deflated Balls, Deflategate, NFL, Super Bowl, Superbowl, Tom Brady
…cheaters do prosper. Otherwise, how is Barack Obama President?
Sadly true and truly sad.
DS_ROCKS! on January 27, 2015 at 4:59 pm