April 22, 2015, - 5:38 pm
Meet America’s Most Influential & Dangerous Teen; You Already Know Her Scary Family

She’s America’s most influential and dangerous teen, and she’s getting American girls to endanger their health. You already know most of her scary, dysfunctional family. They are emblematic of the fast crash of American values and the ever-escalating elevation of trash, depravity, and all out warped “culture.”
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I’ve been away sick for much of this and last week, though I think I’m finally getting better (thanks to everyone who sent well wishes and messages of concern – I’m lucky and humbled that you care). And while I’ve been sick from the flu/cold, migraine headaches, and nausea (when it rains, it pours!), I’ve had a lot of empty calories TV on. That means celebrity/tabloid shows. All of them are chock full of Kylie Jenner, whose lies about her lip injections have inspired the dangerous “Kylie Jenner Challenge.” What’s that?
Well, since most American girls blindly worship this plastic surgerified teen from the dysfunctional Karadashian-Jenner(ette) family, but can’t afford expensive lip injections themselves, they’ve found an alternative. Girls all across America are sucking the air out of shot glasses and inserting their lips to make the lips look inflated a la Kylie Jenner. The thing is, doing that has resulted in the breaking of capillaries and other vessels. Some girls have had permanent damage. Others look black and blue, like they’ve been punched in the mouth repeatedly. And others doing this Darwin Award worthy “challenge” have found the vacuum they create, has broken the shot glass–into their face. Hello, scars. A number of these girls have been rushed to the hospital. Yeah, that’s sexy.
But girls are doing this because they think it makes them look sexy and desirable sexually to men. They, too, want to have underaged sex with an older, adult rap star and get photographed and ogled for it. The feminists are still fighting off Barbie dolls, while the culture they spawned encourages formerly playing-with-Barbie-girls to damage their own faces to attract sex partners. Yay, feminism! The Kardashians and Jenners–yes, that’s feminism. You’ve come a long way, baby.
And,sadly, the Kardashians and Jenners now comprise the most influential blended “family” (or is that pimp and ho posse?) in America. What they do, goes. What they do is hip. What they are is what far too many American girls badly wanna be. Make a porn tape a la Kim Kardashian and you, too, can become famous. Inject your butt and breasts to inflated levels, a la Kim and Kylie, and you could make millions. That’s the thinking of fame-obsessed kids in America. Instead of wanting to become doctors and cure cancer, they want to become Kardashians and Jenners. I mean, so what if Kylie Jenner as a minor under California law is flaunting her illegal statutory-rape relationship with a rapper? That’s cool in today’s America. Because there are no parents anymore. There are sperm and womb donors and, if you’re “lucky” like the children of Bruce and Kris and the late O.J. lawyer (and some say co-conspirator) Robert, there are “Momagers” and sex change artists.
Yup, I didn’t forget that as Kylie Jenner is inspiring girls to disfigure their faces for “BJ [oral sex] lips” this week, she isn’t the only Jenner to own the week. Well, we know why her “father” Bruce wasn’t much of a parent. All along, he was a “woman inside a man’s body” . . . or something. When Kylie and supermodel it-girl sister Kendall were kids just a few years ago, they were twirling on stripper poles in the Jenner-Kardashian household and everyone thought this was soooooo cute. What kind of a father thinks this is okay? A lowlife father. A piece of trash. Or a wimp with zero balls or testosterone to be a man and a parent. In this case, we now know Bruce Jenner was all three of these things. And while today he was photographed in a dress, on Friday he’ll tell Diane Sawyer all about it in an ABC News two-hour special normally reserved for an actual major news story, not a celebration of American dysmorphic disorder–the deformation and devolution of this country on display. When the husband in a family has had even more plastic surgery than the wax figure otherwise known as Kris Jenner, maybe it’s a hint.
And maybe it’s also a hint that neither parent has much in the way of parenting skills. No, that’s not a maybe. That’s the understatement of the year.
The Kim Kardashians, the Kanye Wests, the Kylie Jenners, the Bruce–or is that, Brooke?–Jenners of the world are, unfortunately, the most influential Americans. And you wonder why this country has sunk so low, why it’s basically, irreparably imploding and self-destructing politically, socially, and in every other way.
I mean, kids making porn tapes to become famous, having sex with lowlife rap stars (a redundant phrase), injecting silicone or whatever foreign poison into their butts, boobs, lips, and everywhere else and then pretending it’s “natural,” and their fathers surgically becoming chicks–what’s not to love? Why not glamorize it?
“Idiocracy” isn’t a movie. It’s America.
Who needs ISIS or Al-Qaeda to destroy this country? We have the Jenners and the Kardashians.
For the record, I really wish girls who did this had permanent black and blue mouths, as a sort of “I Am Stupid” tattoo for the rest of us to see. Sadly, that won’t happen for most, and so the Kylie Jenner challenge doesn’t serve as a form of natural selection. (You know these girls doing this stupid “challenge” aren’t gonna grow up to be the kind of Americans we need more of.)
In any event, the fame and fortune of the Jenners and Kardashians is a national IQ test. America failed. Miserably.
Tags: Bruce Jenner, Jenners, Kardashian, Kardashians, Kris Jenner, Kylie Jenner, Kylie Jenner Challenge, Momagers
‘Well, we know why her “father” Bruce wasn’t much of a parent. All along, he was a “woman inside a man’s body” ‘
DS_ROCKS! on April 22, 2015 at 5:45 pm