April 23, 2015, - 12:13 pm
No Tears for Dead Al-Qaeda Hostage Warren Weinstein; Loved Muslims More Than Fellow Americans, Jews

This morning, in a live announcement, President Obama told us that American Al-Qaeda hostage Warren Weinstein was killed in an American operation to kill Al-Qaeda operative Adam Gadahn and other American-born terrorists. No tears from me. In fact, Weinstein and Gadahn have something in common other than their American Jewish roots. It’s the fact that both were “American” In Name Only.
Weinstein was killed in heretofore classified January CIA drone strikes on Al-Qaeda outposts in Pakistan and its region. Today, Barack Obama cited Weinstein’s Jewishness as something that Al-Qaeda mentioned in holding him hostage. But his Jewish background was, sadly, far more relevant to Al-Qaeda than it was to Weinstein. Ditto for his “American-ness.” Remember, these Pakistanis Weinstein left his family (he was a husband, father, and grandfather) and his country to help, were the same people who shielded Osama Bin Laden in the world’s crappiest mansion for years. These are the same Pakistanis who hate America with all of their hearts and every millimeter of their minds. The same Pakistanis whose ISI was behind so many deadly attacks on American soldiers in Afghanistan. The same Pakis who proudly murder Christians they falsely accuse of defacing the koran. I feel more for those Christians than someone who went willingly into this mob of haters, to give them aid and comfort. He knew the risks.
Back in 2011, I wrote about Warren Weinstein and who he really was. He was no different than all of the ISIS-kidnapped-and-beheaded American “aid workers” and “humanitarians” who purposely and deliberately risk their lives to help America-haters. They are suddenly “AMERICAN!” when they are kidnapped and want to be saved, when it’s too late. My thoughts about Warren Weinstein from December 2, 2011 are the same today, so they bear repeating:
No tears from me over Warren Weinstein, the Jewish American hostage taken by Al-Qaeda in Pakistan. Weinstein not only worked for USAID, but, after retiring, decided to remain in Pakistan–for SEVEN years–working for a private contractor. That’s the lifestyle of a far-leftist who is Jewish and American in name only. We all know what happened to Daniel Pearl, who also went to Pakistan of his own accord, just as Weinstein did. Pearl was kidnapped, beheaded, and chopped up like a chicken for dinner because he went to interview individuals he knew were bent on America’s destruction . . . and the Jews’ destruction. But he went anyway. And Warren Weinstein chose to live in Pakistan for seven years as a private citizen.
What kind of “American”–what kind of “Jew”–does that? One who has zero emotional or moral ties to either of those words. Weinstein is supposed to be some sort of expert in “development,” but the only Jews and the only Americans interested in developing Pakistan are the ones who turn a blind eye to Pakistan’s attacks on American soldiers, tourists in Mumbai, and the attack on the Mumbai Chabad Lubavitch Jewish Center. Sleeping with the enemy gives you much more than herpes.
It’s not exactly rocket science to know that if you are Jewish (or Christian) and you go to Pakistan, you are a sitting duck. But these left-wing morons go there anyway, just like the Iranian hikers and the three American “frat boys” who dropped fire bombs on Egyptian police. And all of these groups of people deserve everything they get. We shouldn’t be expending political or monetary capital to secure their releases. But, predictably, that’s what we do. No tears from me for these idealistic-about-Muslims idiots. Al-Qaeda leader Ayman Al-Zawahiri said he’s using hostage Weinstein in a bid to get America to stop its military operations and Israel to stop “its siege” on Gaza, when, in fact, the only siege in Gaza is the one by HAMAS. Good luck with that. Still, it shows the cowardice of Al-Qaeda, kidnapping a 70-year-old man to get what it wants. While I pray for his safety, he put himself in this mess and will get “extra special treatment” from Al-Qaeda because he is Jewish, even though he probably has as much regard for Jews as Al-Qaeda does.
It’s been nearly three-and-a-half years since I wrote those words. And they are as applicable today as they were then. The only difference is that Weinstein is dead. And, frankly, I wouldn’t be surprised if we learn that like his fellow deceased, Adam Gadahn, he converted to Islam.
Weinstein willingly gave his life for Islam and Muslims who hate his fellow Americans, his fellow Jews. It’s no different than if a Jewish-American traveled to Nazi Germany during World War II to help the “poor, helpless German people” and then got killed in one of the bombings of Dresden.
I can’t feel sorry for Darwin Award winners who voluntarily offer themselves up as sacrifices to the enemy in Islam’s war against the West.
Committed leftists are committed leftists. They don’t get my sympathy just because their hearts stop beating and rigor mortis has set in.
Karma is a bitch, especially because it doesn’t discriminate based on “intentions” of stupid “humanitarians.” Warren Weinstein knew better. But he did it anyway.
And that’s why he’s dead.
You play with snakes. You get bitten.
Why is Warren Weinstein dead? Because he loved Muslims who hate us more than he loved his family and country.
Tags: Al-Qaeda Jews, Jews, pro-Muslim Jews, Warren Weinstein
The feel-good story of the day.
skzion on April 23, 2015 at 1:00 pm