December 31, 2015, - 3:58 am
Andrea Constand: Bill Cosby Accuser Looks Exactly Like Howard Stern

I have a lot more to say about the whole Bill Cosby thing, but for now, I can’t let the day go by without pointing to a very eerie similarity between the Cosby accuser involved in today’s criminal charges and Howard Stern. Look at the photos, below.

My friend, radio talk show host Brett Winterble, and I were talking on the phone today and he asked me if I’d seen pictures of the Cosby accuser and apparent rape victim, Andrea Constand. I hadn’t seen them, and he pointed out that Constand looks like a cross between Howard Stern and Lou Reed.
But I gotta say I slightly disagree. Constand looks exactly like Stern. When I saw this pic of her, I thought it was Howard Stern walking his dogs in Central Park. But it’s Stern lookalike Constand walking her dogs in Toronto.
Constand is openly lesbian (yeah, I know, a women’s basketball player a lesbian?–I don’t believe it!), so it’s kinda doubtful that she ever wanted sex with the voice of Fat Albert. Remember, we’ve never seen her and Howard Stern in the same place at the same time. Maybe Howard Stern is actually a lesbian in a man’s body.
Exit question: when 78-year-old Bill Cosby goes to prison for rape, who gets his world’s largest Coogi sweater collection?
Tags: Andrea Constand, Bill Cosby, Howard Stern
Debbie, that’s tacky. If she looked like Hitler, may his name be erased, it would make no difference in the truth or falsity of her accusations.
MRS: Who said it made a difference? You really need to get a sense-of-humor transplant fast. Please lighten up. DS
Miranda Rose Smith on December 31, 2015 at 4:02 am