February 19, 2016, - 2:39 pm
John Kasich on CNN: “Single Women With Children Are The Real Heroes in America”

John Kasich says the babymamas–single women with children–“are the real heroes in America.” Are you bleeping kidding me?!
Late last night, I was driving home and heard part of the CNN Town Hall with Anderson Cooper blaring on the radio. I heard John Kasich blathering on about something. And all of the sudden he says this:
Single women with children are the real heroes in America.
Yes, he actually said that.
In the World According to Kasich, the real heroes are not American soldiers who risk their lives and jump on bombs to save their fellow soldiers’ lives. Not American men who foil robbers and attackers and save others. Not police officers who risk their lives every day to keep us safe. But women who know how to open their legs at least twice . . . once for the incoming and next for the outgoing welfare recipient for the next 18 years. Yup, the “real heroes in America” are the Shaniquas and Bristols and LaKeishas and Emmas who have seven kids with nine different fathers. (Yeah, I know that isn’t possible–it’s a joke.)
And it’s just as bad if you read the full paragraph of what he said:
We have to be sensitive to these – to the folks that are really in a tough spot, you know, working two jobs. Think about that mother; gets up early in the morning; gets the kids off to school; goes to work; comes home; makes dinner. They’re the heroes. They’re really – these single women with children are the real heroes in America, in my opinion.
(You can read it all at the link above.)
HUH?! How are they heroes? How is it heroic to have kids without a father? And why is it now heroism to DO. WHAT. YOU. ARE. SUPPOSED. TO. DO? I mean, it’s now extra and above and beyond the call of duty to actually raise your own kids that you chose to conceive and give birth to? REALLY?! Really?! Come on.
But this is where Kasich is coming from. He’s a liberal. This is the liberal point of view–to promote single motherhood. I don’t care how many Palin chicks have multiple kids out of wedlock with multiple babydaddies and call their slutitude “pro-life.” It’s neither heroic nor pro-life nor to be promoted. And it’s simply absurd to hold these women up as “heroic.”
Yes, there are some women whose husbands die, cheat on and leave them, or are abusive or addicts. But most women who are single mothers in America made a choice–to have kids out of wedlock or to leave their husbands. And they are NOT heroes. They are examples of women who made bad choices and big mistakes. They are women who were incredibly selfish and put their need to have sex and have a living human “pet” or to leave a devoted husband above all else.
Hell no, they are not heroes! Just disgusting what Kasich said. But this is the view of the left. And that this isn’t big news just goes to show you that the GOP is now at home with left-wing politics. Gone is any GOP devotion to social issues which affect the fabric of America. We now have so many kids born out of wedlock (more than 40% as I’ve noted on this site), that it’s become the norm. That’s bad enough. Now, John Kasich wants to elevate single motherhood to hero status. Ridiculous. And sick. Well, I guess that’s why that word is the second syllable of his surname.
I guess Kasich thinks that all of the kids from single mothers–more likely to do drugs, commit crimes, do poorly in school, be incarcerated, be financial drags on society–are a good thing. That fathers aren’t a good thing. When you describe single mothers as heroes, you can mean no other thing.
First, Kasich bragged about hanging out with self-appointed “global warming” hypocrite Leonardo DiCrapio. Now, this RINO imbecile is embracing single motherhood.
Since Kasich has two 16-year-old daughters, I’m sure he can’t wait for them–twins Emma and Reese Kasich–to be pregnant and unmarried, right?
Every dad wants his daughters to be “the real heroes in America.” Doesn’t he?

By the way, in case you were wondering, Kasich gave that answer in response to this Cooper question:
Republicans receive a bad rap for being uninterested in the working poor. I’m a Republican and I certainly have a heart for them. What would you as president do to help these people out that are working two or three jobs that can barely feed their children at home? They certainly adhere to the Republican principles of pulling themselves up by their bootstraps, but they’re barely getting by.
Kasich began his answer with this:
Well, the one thing we want to make sure is they have healthcare, right? And that’s a critical part for the working poor.
Um, doesn’t this sound like the left pimping us on ObamaCare? Clearly he doesn’t want to end that, either.
Tags: baby mamas, babymamas, CNN Town Hall, GOP Town Hall, Heroes, John Kasich, John Kasich Single Mothers, John Kasich Single Mothers Are Heroes, Republican town hall, single mothers
Sorry, Debbie, but you have to give Kaisch’s complete thought regarding “Single women with children are the real heroes in America.”
What Kasich was really thinking was this:
“Single women with children are the real heroes in America [to RINOs and Democrats].”
When you add the critical thought behind Kasich’s statement, it all makes perfect sense. Single mothers are a critical and vital component of the RINO and Democrat markets and their common agenda.
Ralph Adamo on February 19, 2016 at 3:18 pm