December 14, 2005, - 10:20 am

Target Update: Retailer Retreats, Adds Merry Christmas to TV Ads

We’ve noted the continuing anti-Christian doings by Target (, , and ). Well, apparently, America’s Christians and the blogosphere have had an effect.
Apparently, a couple days ago, Target retreated and began featuring “Merry Christmas” at the end of TV ads. We watched, yesterday, and four of five Target ads we saw did, indeed, have the proper holiday greeting.
Glad to see it. Finally Target realizes that the bottom line is the green, something lost on the chain until now.
Still, we note that Target still:
* Bans Salvation Army bell-ringers;
* Sells clothing made in terrorist state Syria; and
* Runs national ads favoring .

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4 Responses

Target is on still my “s” list (which doesn’t stand for “shopping”), and will remain there for a period as long as it has banned The Salvation Army. It’s time to take a stand on this and other PC crapola.
Thanks for keeping it in the forefront.

Bachbone on December 14, 2005 at 7:03 pm

Too late – I scratched them from my favorites list and cancelled their ads.

Walter E. Wallis on December 14, 2005 at 7:25 pm

I honestly don’t care if they use “happy holidays” instead of Christmas, but I do care if they’re threatening to fire employees for offering the “merry christmas” greeting, and I do wonder why they don’t worry about showing favoritism to one religion but not another.
That said, they do work with the Salvation Army on other projects. Take a look at their corporate site.

Dean Esmay on December 15, 2005 at 12:53 am

Is there an update to this story? I could not find it if there is. Target did stop bell ringers but they still donate quite a bit to The Salvation Army & always have.

Beth Folland on October 20, 2010 at 2:24 pm

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