Happy New Year, But . . .

Archive for December, 2007

Pre-New Year’s Box Office: The Rest of The Rest of 2007 – Anti-Christian “Blood”, Sad But Funny “Bucket List,” Etc.

Archive for December, 2007

Too Little, Too Late: Michigan’s Phony Atty. Gen. Postures on Illegal Aliens; Allowed Them to Get Michigan Driver’s Licenses for FIVE Years!

Archive for December, 2007

Men–The New Women–Alert: Girdles For Men All the Rage

Archive for December, 2007

Marketing Dearbornistan: How Do You Take the Islam Out of Michigan’s Islamistan?

Archive for December, 2007

Scientist: Illegal Aliens @ Border Ruined My Work

Archive for December, 2007

Woman of the Year: Tom Brady

Archive for December, 2007

A Niece Tells Us the Truth About “Aunt Benazir”

Archive for December, 2007

Criminals & Taliban Supporters: Fake “Saint” Bhutto & Hubby In Picture & Deed

Archive for December, 2007

Bush 2nd Most Popular 2008 Calendar . . . And, PLEASE, No More Naked Old Lady Charity Calendars

Archive for December, 2007