Energy Exec: “Electric Car Could Black Out Your Neighborhood”; No Plans for Total Electric “Volt”

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Sleazy Lawyers: Hurricane Katrina was Manmade; Let’s Sue Oil Companies

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“Justice” for Bernie Kerik, But NOT for Shi’ite Muslim Majida Mourad

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Crank Up the Neil Diamond: TSA Finally Gets Its Priorities “Straight”

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More Rube TV Destined for Failure: Welcome to the Enviro-Celeb Channel; Tommy Lee Tells You How to Live

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Latest Global Warming Scare Tactic: “America Will Become Colonized by Giant Snakes”

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Thanks, Serpenthead: Should an Islamic Sharia Bank Own an American Power Generation Facility?

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Extremist Imam/Bush Buddy: “Bush Told Me Christians Are Extremists Like Muslims, Appointed Spence Abraham For Us”

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Men–The New Women–Alert: Girdles For Men All the Rage

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EEUUW! – Laurie David Award Finalists: Julia Roberts’ & Other Dumb Environmentalists’ Antics of the Week

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