Megahed UPDATE–FBI: “Just Fireworks” Terrorists Who Are “Not Linked to Terrorism” Are Actually Terrorists

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War on Terror or War on Terror-Fighters?: Malicious Prosecution of Brave Terror Prosecutor Must End

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The Las Vegas Explosion: Mayor Goodman vs. Stopping Terrorism

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Conceited Enabler & Big Phony: Sean Vannity Performs in Al Sharpton’s Minstrel Show

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Attention, Lawyers: Help Islamic Terrorists, Pay the Price . . . Sort of

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Is ICE Princess Julie Myers Leaking Anti-Giuliani, Anti-Bush Info to the WashPost?

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Religion of Peace: Muslim Rips His Wife’s Eyes Out

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Good News for Arizona, Bad News for MI/OH: Immigration Trouble Spot Gets Great ICE Leader

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Me in the Washington Examiner on TracFonistan; Also TracFones & Football

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Indian Cellphone Dry-Runners Get Away With It

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