Interesting: Your Encryption Password Now a Fifth Amendment Right

Posts Tagged ‘Senate’

Mitt Happens: Prominent Hezbollah Supporter/Funder in Romney Camp, Ditto for Bad News Political Hack

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The “Ethical” Barry Hussein Obama & His Arab Skid-Greasers

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Bush Assists the Greens: Lights Out for Light Bulbs

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Credibility is Important: On the Myers ICE Confirmation

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Extremely Bad News: Julie “Blackface” Myers Confirmed in Unanimous Consent Vote

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In Case You Were Wondering, ICE Princess Nomination One Day From Official Toast

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ACLU Lawsuits & the Lynndie England Treatment: Why the CIA Erased the Tapes

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Story on Myers’ ICE Nomination, Not News; News: Unrepresentative DHS Black Org Has No Self-Respect; News: Joe Lieberman Worse Panderer Than Earlier Diagnosed; News: Sen. McCaskill – No Backbone, Sen. Bond – Myers’ Hubby’s Cousin Has Backbone

Posts Tagged ‘Senate’

Shhhh!: Dem Sen. Blanche Lincoln’s Secret Farm Cash

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