November 12, 2008, - 2:38 pm

When Will Gay Terrorism Against Churches End? When Will Elected Officials Start Denouncing it Instead of Civilized Voters’ Decision?

By Debbie Schlussel
I blame inept California Governor and faux-Republican Arnold Schwarzenegger, in part, for the violence of gay terrorists who are attacking California’s Black and Mormon churches over the decision of California voters to end gay marriage vis-a-vis Proposition 8.
Instead of focusing on urging California’s gay activists to accept the decision of voters–the same ones who unfortunately elected him–Schwarzenegger exacerbated things by denouncing voters’ decision at the ballot box.
Where is he now on the thuggish attacks on LDS and Black churches? Not as vocal or as harsh as he’s been on voters. Where are his calls for tolerance? Restricted, apparently, for the toleration of marriage between the Terminator and Kindergarten Cop.
I also blame gay leaders and spokespeople for not restraining their activist minions. Why, for example, won’t Ellen Degeneres–who supports gay marriage and was quite vocal on Prop 8–tell her audience that it’s wrong to physically attack churches when you don’t agree with their politics?


Flabby Definition of Tolerance

Although the reports below are not from California, plenty of vandalism against churches there is taking place. It began after California voters rejected gay marriage, a move that was heavily funded by the LDS church and which had the support of many Black churchgoers who came out to vote for Obama.
Seven churches in Utah attacked:

Another church building belonging to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has been vandalized. This incident in Sandy is the seventh in a string of vandalisms targeting the Church’s chapels. Churches in Weber and Davis counties were also hit by vandals over the weekend, raising concerns about a possible hate crime. In those incidents, vandals shattered doors and windows.
“It appears a projectile, a smaller projectile, has hit the window, obviously with enough force to break the window,” said Sandy police Sgt. Justin Chapman.
A custodian called police when he saw the damage to the door of the LDS chapel at 11500 S. Wasatch Blvd. around 8:30 last night. Police say a BB gun or Airsoft pellet gun could be to blame.
“Of course it’s concerning, because it is a church,” Chapman said.
Vandals targeted several other LDS Churches over the weekend.

Gays in Michigan do to churches what we could never get away with doing to mosques. Oh, and why aren’t they protesting the mosques? We don’t put gays to death here in this mostly Christian country, but they do, in fact, do so in many Islamic countries.

A well-known Lansing-area evangelical church was the target of a raucous demonstration by gay anarchists during Sunday services.
The disruption came from a group that calls itself Bash Back, and involved demonstrations outside the church and inside the sanctuary while services were under way, said Mt. Hope Church communications director David Williams.
Members of the group inside the church shouted pro-gay slogans, threw leaflets, unfurled a banner and pulled a fire alarm, then hastily departed, Williams said. There were no injuries, he said.
Williams said the episode was over in minutes. Eaton County Sheriff’s Department deputies arrived quickly, Williams said, but no arrests were made. Police were not available for comment Tuesday.

No arrests. Hmmm . . . if I invaded a mosque and did these things, do you think I’d get away with it?
**** UPDATE: The “Tolerance” has spread to Colorado.

A fire outside a Littleton church is being investigated as a bias-motivated arson that may have stemmed from the church’s position on a gay marriage amendment in California.
Arapahoe County sheriff’s deputies responded to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints about 7:15 p.m. Tuesday, some three hours after a church member found a burning copy of The Book of Mormon on a door step.

17 Responses

Thank you very much for the support, Deb.
They’ve hit our churches in Davis and Salt Lake County with ferocity and we can’t legally protect the church buildings. We aren’t allowed by law to patrol our own churches at night or weekdays with our firearms, either. In fact it can be considered trespassing by police.
I knew this would happen! I knew if Osama/Obama and more leftist’s took office they’d punish Utah and us LDS folks!!! I know that law enforcement won’t step in like if mosques were hit. That’s the problem, the government has NO RESPECT for law-abiding citizens! They think we’re weak and useless until votes and money are needed.
Well, the second these sodomites and “boy-lovers” cross into my private land they’ll get a lot of buckshot and two very good guard dogs commin’ at ’em!!! Then I’ll drop what’s left of these @#$%&#’$ weapons to the sheriff and police chief and tell ’em to do their jobs for once, OR GET OUT OF OUR OFFICES!!!
I’m sick and tired of being considered a peasant by these usurpers, thieves, and whoremongers we called politicians! They want to allow this abomination to continue, then they can take the blame along with the gay community.
Lastly, if the gay community leaders don’t condemn and display action against these thugs immediately, then the entire gay community will be blamed with the usurper politicians and worthless policemen! Their lack of civilized action is a signal of support.
Welcome to the Obamanation!

bhparkman on November 12, 2008 at 3:27 pm

I almost felt sorry for the Mormons until I read about their continued baptism of Holocaust victims.
I hope the Gay community makes their lives miserable.

Gina Loukareas on November 12, 2008 at 3:49 pm

I hear this weekend the Gays are supposed to make it national with all their protests. They want to protest all states that have marriage as a man a woman on the books. The liberals coming after our money, guns and churches. It wont be long before someone sets this powderkeg off.
As I tell every HOMOSEXUAL when they bitch and whine, “Save it for a Muslim.”. Christians will turn the other cheek, for we believe it will be Christ’s judgement. However it is a Muslim’s duty to eradicate the infidel. Then they will truly understand intolerance and hate.
Homosexuals are cowards that is why they go after Christians because they know we are taught to restrain ourselves. However they will push and push and sooner or later people will not be able to restrain themselves.
Obama v Alan Keys 4 years ago on gay marriage. No one explains marriage and its role in society better than Alan Keyes. Keyes schools COBRAMA with superior debating skills, even as moderator tries to ridicule him.

californiascreaming on November 12, 2008 at 4:49 pm

Disgraceful as the homosexual behavior is, it is not terribly surprising. Even though political wisdom now says that homosexuality is not a psychiatric disease, this was not always the case. It used to be considered a mental and emotional disorder, and it still should be. We all know that a disproportionate number of gay people have very, very poor impulse control, inability to sustain a long-term relationship, and of course, a low tolerance for not having their own way. Made to order for a situation for this, where their emotional immaturity at losing an entitlement that they never deserved is on display.

c f on November 12, 2008 at 5:29 pm

bhparkman wrote:
“They’ve hit our churches in Davis and Salt Lake County with ferocity and we can’t legally protect the church buildings. We aren’t allowed by law to patrol our own churches at night or weekdays with our firearms, either. In fact it can be considered trespassing by police.”
B H Parkman, Et Alii:
Where in the Sam Hill did you ever get such notions?
I lived in Salt Lake City, Utah for years, and with my Bishop’s knowledge and permission, I regularly performed late night security checks at the local chapel.
Yes, at the time, I was a private citizen, not a sworn peace officer, and I always wore my revolver.
In Utah, any law abiding citizen has the right to wear a firearm openly, and if they obtain a concealed weapons license, they can legally wear the firearm concealed from view.
I did the same thing when I lived in Idaho, where firearms laws are even more lax.
A friend of mine in American Fork, Utah, a retired peace officer, does similar security checks at his local chapel, and he is also legally armed.
When the temples were under construction in Vernal, Utah and in American Fork, Utah, I had friends who voluntarily patrolled those sites, and they were armed.
If you are a member of The Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-day Saints, then you know that the Book of Mormon counsels us to be armed, and that there are times when it is appropriate to engage in mortal combat.
There is no reason for us to continue this suicidal “politically correct” nonsense of embracing “tolerance” and “celebrating diversity”.
Gina Loukareas wrote:
“I almost felt sorry for the Mormons until I read about their continued baptism of Holocaust victims.
I hope the Gay community makes their lives miserable.”
Gina, Et Alii:
Do you believe The Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-day Saints is the only way to salvation?
Do you believe those baptisms performed by proxy in behalf of dead ancestors has any effect?
If you don’t believe it, then why do you care what any Mormon does for anyone, whether they’re Jew or not?
According to our faith, the person for whom the baptism is being performed is NOT required to accept it.
If we’re a false church, or a frauulent religion, then anything we say or do has no impact anyway.
But, if what we say and do should turn out to be valid – – – ?
If the shoe were on the other foot, I doubt any Mormon would object to a Jewish ordinance performed in their behalf, if such a thing were possible.
I proudly display on my wall a souvenir certificate from my visit to King David’s tomb, which says in both Hebrew and English, that I’m “sealed unto Israel”.
I think it’s really neat!
By the way, during my trip to Israel, I was the ONLY Christian on Jewish guided bus tours.
The Jews were very nice to me, continually exhibiting magnanimous tolerance and compassion towards me, despite my abysmal ignorance of their language, heritage, culture, and beliefs.
I certainly wouldn’t wish anything bad to happen to you, even if we don’t agree.
Thank you.
John Robert Mallernee
Official Bard of Clan Henderson
Armed Forces Retirement Home
Washington, D.C. 20011-8400
NOTE: “My unpopular and controversial personal opinions are independent of my Scottish clan.”

writesong on November 12, 2008 at 5:43 pm

Can’t these California gays who want so badly to be married move to Connecticutt or Massachusetts and get “married”? Of course we all know that they’re not REALLY married but we’ll let them think they’re married. Wink, wink.
In my opinion the gays who are agitating for marriage don’t really want to get married because then they wouldn’t be able to go to the bathhouses and be promiscuous and have unsafe sex with multiple partners. They feel that marriage will magically make them “normal”.
Look at Jodie Foster–she couldn’t even stay faithful to her wife. I mean husband. I mean wife.

lexi on November 12, 2008 at 6:46 pm

That’s what I was told by our local officers. SLC and Utah County may be a different story.
And I know about and followed the counsel for arms.
Thanks for the info. At least some places here are still sane.

bhparkman on November 12, 2008 at 7:13 pm

this is NOT a good way to make a point-i do not mind gay marriage, but think burnig churches is the wrong way to do it

mindy1 on November 12, 2008 at 7:46 pm

The violence against churches stems from something bigger than “gay rights.”
Look at who’s organizing the violence – International Answer, the socialist kooks who will do anything to wreck America. It appears they are getting stronger.

PJ on November 12, 2008 at 10:22 pm

    skZion wrote:

    >I guess I’ve come late to this party. But as I am(apparently) >either the second or third conservative gay commentator, I >figured I should speak up.

    >First, damaging churches or any other private property >exceeds the limits for nonviolent protest. That this sort of >thing occurred at least in one area, coupled with the >anarchist connection, tells us who some of these people are. >They are not typical gay activists, even of the ACT UP variety.
    >Second, barging into a church during services is trespassing, >and the perpetrators can and should be arrested. However, >this is indeed nonviolent protest action, and this is not the >same thing as “terrorism.”

    It does not matter if they are “typical” or not. Matthew Shepard’s murder was more typical of a robbery than of a “hate crime,” yet it was trumpeted as a hate crime all over the country; at the same time, the story of two “gay” “lovers” who kidnapped a 14 year-old boy in Arkansas and raped him to death got almost no media time whatsoever.

    Terrorism is the method of using violence to cow opposition and to manipulate them into doing what you want. And terrorism works because the terrorists know how to exploit media coverage. Are you saying that these acts were not terrorism because you supposed that, rather than being calculated, they were simply the acts of leftists gone wild in the streets?

    >Third, tolerance cuts both ways. In light of the first >commentator here, and the defense of post-death “conversions” >of Jews, it is obvious enough that neither side is tolerant >in the least.

    At least these “forced conversions” of dead people don’t involve burning down synagogues and shouting hate slogans and threats. I wouldn’t mind a Muslim getting proxy circumcised for me to convert me to Islam posthumously. After I’m dead and buried, it makes no difference to me. To compare silly Mormon afterlife rituals with violent crimes makes me sick. For the Mormons “baptism for the dead” to be an analogy for the hatred and religious bigotry of these gay activists, the Mormons would have disinter the body of a holocaust victim, baptize the body, rather than a proxy Mormon, and then haul the body through the streets in a “Dead but not Damned Pride Parade.”

    >Forth, religion cannot be a shield that allows one to spout >anything and then to have it “protected” against counter->spouting because it has a religious basis. Sad but true, >one .has no right not to be offended or to avoid responses >because one’s religion sanctions the opinions expressed.

    The cause of the homosexualists is actually a religious cult, like Geocalorianism (global warming,) etc. With absolutely no scientific proof, the homosexualists claim that they (and all other homosexuals) were “born that way.” That’s a fine religious doctrine if it gets you through the night, but, as in the case of Geocalorianism, to force it on the majority of public by turning it into a political scam violates separation of church as state just as surely as teaching elementary school students that the historical Jesus was “raised from the dead.” The homosexualists believe that their pseudoscientific religious doctrines entitle them to a jihad against Christians. Muslims fight too hard, and fight physically, so Christians are the target.

    >Fifth and finally, just as Muslims cannot suppose that we >should all bend the knee to their “religious requirement” >that we be dhimmis, so, too, Mormons cannot suppose that gays >should be required to be dhimmis to particular religious >values.
    >Naturally, nothing I say here justifies illegal actions. >Those who protest must know that they do not escape legal >consequences just because they think their rights are violated.

    The idea that homosexuality is abnormal is not exclusive to the Mormon relgion. It exists in every single major historic religion, other than perhaps Buddhism. If you want to go up against religon, fine, but unless you have some indisputable proof like Galileo to contradict it, you are no different from some Scientologist decrying Freudians on TV.

    I react with disgust when someone compares a brick throwing brownshirt to a nonviolent religion that works within the system to make its beliefs known, and does so constitutionally and democratically. That’s why the left goes after Christians instead of Muslims. If one throws bricks at Muslims, especially in their mosques, they throw bricks back. After they kill their attackers to prevent them from harrassing them and violating their house of worship, they will pray for them. The Christian will pray for them before, during, and after the riots and arson. That makes them popular targets.

    Since the 1960’s, the Left in the U.S. has systematically sought to replace our democratic republic with a mobocracy — i.e., whoever can get the most screaming thugs in the street and can successfully chase everyone else out of town with threats of violence casts the deciding “vote.” For two thousand years, the tactic has worked quite well. Napoleon owed his dictatorship of France to the mob’s unopposed nihilistic destruction of that entire nation.


    Sutekh on June 29, 2011 at 10:35 pm

I’m not impressed with most people who preach diversity or tolerance. They’re usually neither.
As a Christian, and a TRUE man, I don’t turn the other cheek. Even these idiots KNOW when they can get away with something nasty. All anybody has to do is make meaningful eye contact these new a–holes and that’s usually enough 1 on 1. Groups take more effort. Again, often it only takes one or two leader type alpha males to band a group together to deal with a multiple threat situation. You have to have a will. Watch “High Plains Drifter” for example.

samurai on November 13, 2008 at 12:01 am

A Plea to Public Defenders:
Dear Public Defenders,
I am writing in shock that innocent Christians would be attacked in their Church, completely unprovoked. It is truly sickening that these ideological fascists could attempt to foist their disturbing views on people minding their own business. This attack is Un-American! As a member of countless organizations committed to helping the impoverished and powerless through “hands on” outreach, I resent this slam against hard working Christians. Our country would stand still and be worse off were it not for Christians. Prison Fellowship, Doctors Without Borders, Solid Ground, Habitat for Humanity, Save the Children, Women Build, Soup Kitchens, Pregnancy Outreach, Christian Children’s Services, Catholic Social Services, AA, and Millions of Churches are all examples of Christ’s Love in Action ! Need I Say Any More?? What are these sexual fascists doing to improve the “landscape”? Nothing good, as far as I can tell. Shame On Them!
Please use the laws put in place to protect the innocent to stop these outrageous attacks before they spread.
Jane Q. Public
Note: “What she said…”

Roads Skolar on November 13, 2008 at 7:06 am

Some of us gays [myself included] are damned conservative, and find the behaviour of the militant gay protestors abhorrent. Unfortunately, between college and work, there’s not much I can do about it. The other part is that I live in Texas [kind of far away].
Here is one of us voicing their opinions about this mess. GAY HYPOCRISY:

LongviewCyclist on November 13, 2008 at 4:42 pm

The radical gay agenda is an extension of 60’s hippie commies like bill ayers. Why emulate Dr King when you can emulate a domestic terrorist and get results/coverage ?
“Moderate” gay people much like “Moderate” muslims need to reign in their own people who are on a jihad to force their way on the main way. The gay agenda is a jihad on regular people. I have no problem with gay people but the majority of people in america are not gay, that’s fine. Why force the minority opinion/lifestyle on all ? It is not a civil rights issue. (of course some backward dopes who commit hate crimes need to be squashed but that is not most of america)
Civil unions can solve everything. The marriage issue is a canard especially when viewed with the intrusions into schools of the gay agenda. Do preschoolers need the 2 mommies speech ? as taught by the state ? That is where it all leads imo. Sexuality is an adult issue, not a transformational child issue. Sure, some kids are Transgendered but that is a rarity not understood by most.

Ego on November 14, 2008 at 1:03 am

Ego, your feelings are understandable. I won’t address everything you’ve said, as it is well past my bedtime. Civil Unions are fine by me. I don’t think anyone should be teaching anything in schools except the three R’s: reading, riting, and rithmetic. But I don’t have the power as one individual to do anything to ‘reel in’ radical liberal gays. I post my opinion on some gay message boards, send emails to Hannity/Lan Lamphere/etc., and share my opinion with some of the gay people I know. But honestly, most of them are unreasonable and beyond my reach. It’s not that they’re gay. It’s that they’re *brain-washed*. I don’t know how to deprogram *straight* nuts either. Wishing I did.
I choose to spend as little time as possible around liberal gays, due to the fact that I am intolerant [of bullsh*t]. Their politics make me so mad that I could stab someone, but I won’t be doing anyone any good in jail, so I stay away from them.
Believe me, most gay conservatives and many gay moderates are ashamed of and very angry with these radical liberal gays, and recognize the damage that they are doing to the perceptions society has of all gay people. Gay conservative groups do speak out against it, but we can’t control anyone. We can only try to reason with folks and hope it has a positive impact.
Plus, I have to look at these beastly baggs and wonder, do they have jobs? Do they have lives, outside of all the trouble-making they do? I do, and I couldn’t skip work or school to mount a counter-protest. Moot anyway, since I’m in Texas.
Anyways, many of us are civil and clear headed, and can appreciate your feelings on this matter. Not saying I agree with *everything* you said, but I do get where you’re coming from.
Peace to you.

LongviewCyclist on November 14, 2008 at 2:20 am

I guess I’ve come late to this party. But as I am(apparently) either the second or third conservative gay commentator, I figured I should speak up.
First, damaging churches or any other private property exceeds the limits for nonviolent protest. That this sort of thing occurred at least in one area, coupled with the anarchist connection, tells us who some of these people are. They are not typical gay activists, even of the ACT UP variety.
Second, barging into a church during services is trespassing, and the perpetrators can and should be arrested. However, this is indeed nonviolent protest action, and this is not the same thing as “terrorism.”
Third, tolerance cuts both ways. In light of the first commentator here, and the defense of post-death “conversions” of Jews, it is obvious enough that neither side is tolerant in the least.
Forth, religion cannot be a shield that allows one to spout anything and then to have it “protected” against counter-spouting because it has a religious basis. Sad but true, one has no right not to be offended or to avoid responses because one’s religion sanctions the opinions expressed.
Fifth and finally, just as Muslims cannot suppose that we should all bend the knee to their “religious requirement” that we be dhimmis, so, too, Mormons cannot suppose that gays should be required to be dhimmis to particular religious values.
Naturally, nothing I say here justifies illegal actions. Those who protest must know that they do not escape legal consequences just because they think their rights are violated.

skZion on November 16, 2008 at 3:58 pm

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