January 19, 2012, - 12:32 pm
Forget the Gingrich Cheating Vid; What About the Obama Cheating Vid?
So, we have a GOP Presidential candidate who will probably NOT be the nominee, and an interview with his Wife #2 about his sex life is all over the mainstream media. And yet, we’ve yet to see an interview or video on ABC News or in the Washington Post with sitting President Barack Obama’s “down low” ex-girlfriend, Larry Sinclair. Why? After all, if it’s okay to continue to broadcast what we already know–that Newt cheated, why won’t they give equal time to the Obama cheated story? Equal time for equally unsubstantiated “he cheated” videos.

I’ve never ever mentioned or posted the Larry Sinclair video before because I think it’s sleazy and uncorroborated. But the same goes for this Marianne Gingrich stuff and yet it’s all over network news, etc. Fair is fair. And if they won’t broadcast it, I will. What’s good for the goose is good for the Obama. The Sinclair incident allegedly happened when Obama was already married to Michelle LaVaughn Robinson Hussein Obama Idi Amin Dada. That’s cheatin’.
For the record, I’ve met Marianne Gingrich over the years, when she was still married to Newt. She seemed like a nice lady, and I understand the “hell hath no fury like a woman scorned” phenomenon. Still, it’s time to move on. We already know he cheated. He’s admitted to it and apologized, which Bill Clinton never did. Ever. Nor did Obama. And I’m not so sure the Larry Sinclair story isn’t true.
Remember that when Bill Clinton first ran, we were treated to a “60 Minutes” Hillary stand by your man BS (all while she claimed she wasn’t standing by him), and all was forgotten. Not so, if you have an “R” after your name . . . especially if there is also a “C” after your name.
For the record, the whole “Newt cheated” story–aside from being old news–is just a reminder that he and Bill Clinton had the same taste in women. And that ain’t a compliment. No offense, but this Callista chick looks like the bleach blonde 2012 version of Lady Bird Johnson. Just sayin’.
My problems with Newt Gingrich are his positions on the issues. And that he’s as faithful to those as he is to wives.
Tags: Barack Obama, Callista Gingrich, cheating, Larry Sinclair, Marianne Gingrich, Michelle Hussein Obama, Michelle Obama, Newt Gingrich, President
Dissappointed that this is unsubstantiated and wonder why you wasted a post with it. You are ususally so dead on subjects. By the way I have just started to call Mideast oil,”Muslim” Oil. It sounds better and more convincingly evil.
GRP1953: That’s exactly the point. It’s as “substantiated” as Marianne Gingrich’s claims. Equal time for equal unsubstantiated charges as cheating. DS
GRP1953 on January 19, 2012 at 12:50 pm